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yí fù
  • see also姨夫;uncle;chacha
姨父 [yí fù]
  • [uncle; husband of ones maternal aunt] 姨母的丈夫

  1. 希尔达姨妈和杰克姨父对他们宠爱有加。

    Auntie Hilda and Uncle Jack couldn 't fuss over them enough .

  2. 我未来的父母亲1905年去了他们那儿,费姨父(UncleFay)为他们主持了婚礼。

    My future parents went there in1905 and Uncle Fay married them .

  3. 艾伯特姨父想要她的钱给他妻子安妮。

    Uncle Albert wanted her money for his wife , Annie .

  4. 请你在这张表上签个字,弗农姨父。

    Uncle vernon , I need you to sign this form .

  5. 弗农姨父一边开车,一边对佩妮姨妈抱怨。

    While he drove , Uncle Vernon complained to Aunt Petunia .

  6. 费姨父和塔蒂姨妈已经离开宾夕法尼亚,到了伊利诺伊。

    Uncle Fay and Aunt Tattie had left Pennsylvania for Illinois .

  7. 当然,也记得你姨父是那天晚上回来的!

    To be sure , your uncle 's returning that very evening !

  8. 谁会给弗农姨父写一封有关他的信呢?

    Who would be writing to Uncle Vernon about him ?

  9. 弗农姨父差点撞到前面的车上。

    Uncle Vernon nearly crashed into the car in front .

  10. 我们该感谢我们的姨父-他本来就该帮忙

    We should thank our uncle . - So he should help .

  11. 姨父看了她一眼,目光显得和蔼而犀利。

    Her uncle looked at her awhile with genial acuteness .

  12. 咱们给玛姬挂个电话吧。弗农姨父建议说。

    " We could phone Marge ," Uncle Vernon suggested .

  13. “海格送的,姨妈姨父送的……那么这些是谁送的呢?”

    Hagrid and my aunt and uncle - so who sent these ?

  14. 她像你姨父或我一样希望这门亲事能成。

    She desires the connexion as warmly as your uncle or myself .

  15. 弗农姨父来到厨房时,哈利正在翻熏咸肉。

    Uncle Vernon entered the kitchen as Harry was turning over the bacon .

  16. 是艾伯特姨父,杰基说。他总是迟到。

    ' Here 's Uncle Albert , 'Jackie said . 'Always late . '

  17. 弗农姨父膀大粳圆,没有脖子,蓄着异常浓密的大胡子;

    Uncle Vernon was large and neckless , with an enormous black mustache ;

  18. 帕斯科的阿姨和姨父马上跑过来相救。

    His aunt and uncle raced to his rescue .

  19. 哈利:你在血口喷人,姨父!拜托你停下来!

    Harry : that 's a dirty lie , uncle ! Please stop !

  20. 咱们上楼去告诉艾伯特姨父和杰基。

    Go upstairs and tell Uncle Albert and Jackie .

  21. 他正要上楼回房,弗农姨父真说话了。

    He was about to go back upstairs when Uncle Vernon actually spoke .

  22. “住口!我警告你!”弗农姨父惊慌地大叫。

    " STOP ! I FORBID YOU !" yelled Uncle Vernon in panic .

  23. 正在这时,弗农姨父煞有介事地清了清嗓子,说道:

    At that moment , Uncle Vernon cleared his throat importantly and said ,

  24. 弗农姨父胖得没脖子,黑色的八字胡很粗;

    Uncle Vernon was large and neckless , with an enormous black moustache ;

  25. 佩妮姨妈和弗农姨父则面色阴沉地看着对方

    Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia kept looking at each other darkly ....... �

  26. 一时间,弗农姨父在门口呆住了,

    For a split second , Uncle Vernon stood framed in the doorway ;

  27. 弗农姨父回来了,脸上笑眯眯的。

    Uncle Vernon was back and he was smiling .

  28. 弗农姨父:我认为你该多些感恩。

    Uncle Vernon : I should think you 'd be a little more grateful .

  29. 弗农姨父发出一声像是老鼠被人踩到似的怪叫。

    Uncle Vernon made another funny noise , like a mouse being trodden on .

  30. 你姨父一定非常慷慨

    Your uncle must 've been very generous .