
  • 网络sendai city;Sendai, Japan;Sendai-shi
  1. 但受地震影响最大的,还是仙台市和附近的沿海地区。

    But it was in Sendai and adjacent coastal areas that the impact was strongest .

  2. 除了仙台市和周边被淹没的农田之外,附近的地区也被大火吞噬,包括气仙沼市。

    As well as Sendai and the surrounding farmland which were swamped , areas nearby were engulfed by fire , including the town of Kesennuma .

  3. 气仙沼市市长菅原就是这群人中的一个(仙台市惨遭天灾侵袭)。

    Shigeru Sugawara , mayor of semi-destroyed Kesennuma , is one of them .

  4. 在仙台市,警方仅在一条街道就发现了300具尸体。

    In the city of Sendai , the police found up to300 bodies in a single ward .

  5. 在日本东北最靠近震中位置的仙台市,周五深夜时,电力仍然没有恢复供应。

    In Sendai , a north-east city of1m closest to the undersea quake 's epicentre , power remained cut off late on Friday .

  6. 动物园牛仔裤隶属于日本东北部的一项振兴运动,最初是由仙台市的东北学院大学提出。

    Zoo Jeans are part of a revitalization campaign for Japn 's Tohoku region , and were originally thought up at Sendai City 's Tohoku Gakuin University .

  7. 在距离海边不过两公里的仙台市郊区冈田,一名当地的居民高桥雅夫,正在自己房屋外边的庭院挖掘。他的房子幸免于倒塌。

    In the Sendai suburb of Okada , just a couple of kilometers from the shore , Takahashi Masao is digging the garden outside his home - which somehow stayed standing .

  8. 2001年伊东丰雄设计出了日本仙台市精美先进的图书馆,也是仙台市的媒体中心,自那以后他就成为了普利兹克建筑奖的有力争夺者。

    Toyo Ito has been a contender for the Pritzker Architecture Prize ever since he designed a beautiful cutting-edge library or a mediatheque in the Japanese city of Sendai , in 2001 .

  9. 地震发生在距东京东北部231英里(373千米)、仙台市以东80英里(130千米)的近海处,引发的巨大海啸摧毁了日本东北部的沿海地区。

    It struck offshore about 231 miles ( 373 kilometers ) northeast of Tokyo and 80 miles ( 130 km ) east of the city of Sendai , and created a massive tsunami that has devastated Japan 's northeastern coastal areas .

  10. 目的:检测仙台病毒在天津市儿童急性呼吸道感染中的情况。

    Objective : To inspect the status of Sendai virus in children 's acute respiratory infection in Tian ˉ jin .