
  • 网络Fairchild Semiconductor;Fairchild Semiconductor Corp;Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
  1. 一家中国集团已投入仙童半导体公司(FairchildSemiconductor)的竞购战。

    A Chinese group has jumped into the bidding war for Fairchild Semiconductor .

  2. 本周二,仙童半导体公司(FairchildSemiconductorInternational)拒绝了一家有中国政府背景的买主提出的25亿美元收购要约,因为他们担心监管机构美国外国投资委员会(CommitteeonForeignInvestmentintheUnitedStates,也称Cfius)不会批准这宗交易。

    On Tuesday , Fairchild Semiconductor International rejected a $ 2.5 billion bid from Chinese state-backed buyers because of fears that the deal would not get regulatory approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States , also known as Cfius .

  3. 但随后肖克利变得越来越乖僻,他放弃了硅晶体管项目,这也导致了他麾下的8名工程师---最著名的有罗伯特·诺伊斯(RobertNoyce)和戈登·摩尔(GordonMoore)---离他而去并创办了仙童半导体公司(FairchildSemiconductor)。

    But Shockley became increasingly erratic and abandoned his silicon transistor project , which led eight of his engineers - most notably Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore - to break away to form Fairchild Semiconductor .

  4. 最早将硅引入硅谷的公司之一仙童半导体国际公司(FairchildSemiconductorInternational)拒绝了由国家支持的中国买家领衔的收购要约,表示自己仍将是一家美国企业。中国买家的要约价值约为25亿美元。

    One of the companies that first brought silicon to Silicon Valley - Fairchild Semiconductor International - said it would remain in American hands after rejecting a takeover offer worth about $ 2.5 billion led by Chinese state-backed buyers .

  5. 大学缀学的他曾先后供职于仙童公司和国家半导体公司,后来创办了自己的公关和广告公司。

    A college dropout , he had worked for Fairchild and National Semiconductor before starting his own PR and advertising firm .