
  • 网络central laboratory;Central Lab
  1. 大型中央实验室的时期已经一去不复返了贝尔实验室(belllaboratories)是一个经典的例子,现在企业把科研人员分为小单元,同时使用更多外部供应方。

    The days of big central laboratories are over Bell Laboratories is the classic example as companies break up their scientific staff into smaller units and make more use of external providers .

  2. 石化企业中央实验室通风控制方式的优选

    The optimal control type in laboratory system in petrochemical industry

  3. 机械工厂中央实验室设计规范

    Design code for central laboratories of machinery plants

  4. 戈弗雷豪森菲尔德爵士在EMI的中央研究实验室,英国在1972年发明了第一个商业上可行的CT扫描仪。

    The first commercially viable CT scanner was invented by Sir Godfrey Hounsfield at EMI Central Research Labs , Great Britain in1972 .

  5. 他也曾在TI的中央研究实验室参与多用途太阳能电池和红外线探测器的研发工作。

    He also worked in the TI 's Central Research Laboratories ( CRL ) and developed a solar cell system and some infrared detectors for various applications .

  6. 两次暴发的病毒已送往韦布里奇中央兽医实验室(联合王国)做进一步分析,这一实验室是世界动物卫生组织/粮农组织的参考实验室。

    Viruses from both outbreaks have been sent for further analysis to the Central Veterinary Laboratory Agency-Weybridge ( UK ), which is an OIE / FAO reference laboratory .

  7. 埃及中央公共卫生实验室对这三例临床标本检测禽流感A(H5N1)型病毒呈阳性。

    Clinical specimens from the three cases were tested positive for avian influenza A ( H5N1 ) virus by Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratory .

  8. 正是埃及在开罗的中央公共卫生实验室开展的监测和快速病毒学分析,起初使能对H5N1作出诊断。

    It was Egypt 's monitoring and rapid virological analysis conducted at the Central Public Health Laboratory in Cairo that initially allowed the diagnoses of H5N1 to be made .

  9. 这些病例已得到埃及中央公共卫生实验室的确认,该实验室是世卫组织全球流感监测网络(GISN)的一个国家流感中心。

    The cases were confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories , a National Influenza Center of the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance Network ( GISN ) .

  10. 病例已得到埃及中央公共卫生实验室的确认。

    The cases were confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratories .

  11. 中央空间研究实验室

    Central Laboratory for Space Research

  12. 浅论十五期间中央民族大学实验室的建设及管理

    Discussion for Construction and Management of Laboratory in the Central University for Nationalities during the 10 ~ ( th ) Five-year Plan

  13. 动物样本现已送交喀土穆中央兽医研究实验室分析,但结果尚未公布。

    Samples from animals have been sent to the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory , Khartoum for analysis , but results are not yet available .

  14. 这些病例得到了埃及中央公共卫生实验室和美国海军第三医学研究处的确认。

    The cases have been confirmed by the Egyptian Central Public Health Laboratory and by the US Naval Medical Research Unit No.3 ( NAMRU-3 ) .

  15. 华为中央研究院瓦特实验室是在日本举行的第57届电池讨论会上宣布的这一消息。

    The announcement was made by Watt Laboratory , an organization under Huawei 's Central Research Institute , at the 57th Battery Symposium held in Japan .