
  • 网络neutron emission
  1. HL-1聚变装置中子发射实验研究

    Search on neutron emission for the HL 1 fusion device

  2. 重核裂变过程中阻尼对中子发射的效应

    Effect of Friction on Neutron Emission in Fission of Heavy Nuclei

  3. 激光等离子体中子发射研究

    Investigation on neutron emission from laser - plasmas

  4. 等离子体焦点装置中子发射的研究

    Study on the neutron emission in plasma focus

  5. 现在只剩最后一步:制造一个便携式中子发射仪,拿到佛罗伦萨对墙壁进行实体扫描。

    The final step is to build a portable machine to take to Florence to scan the real thing .

  6. 对辐照过的低富集氧化铀燃料的燃耗与中子发射强度间的关系进行分析和研究。

    The relationship between burnup and neutron emission intensity of the irradiated low-enrichment uranium oxide fuel was analyzed and studied .

  7. 研究了DPF-40Mather型等离子体焦点装置不同电极结构对于中子发射的影响。

    Studies on the influence of electrode structure on neutron emission in the DPF & 40 Mather type plasma focus device have been carried out .

  8. 张双南称,这使得它在观察黑洞和中子星发射出的x射线方面更有优势,而且它能更有效地扫描星系。

    These give it advantages in observing black holes and neutron stars emitting bright X-rays , and it can more efficiently scan the galaxy , Zhang says .

  9. 用数理统计方法推导了同位素中子源发射的中子经介质作用后相邻中子时间间隔的表示式。

    A time interval formula for neutrons emitted by an isotope neutron source and reacted by a medium is derived .

  10. 实验模拟装置是针对细管道设计的,主要由热中子束发射装置和热中子束探测装置组成。

    The designed simulated experimental device was aimed at small pipelines . It mainly consists of a thermal neutron beam emissive device and a thermal neutron beam detecting device .

  11. 采用脉冲中子发生器发射脉冲中子,利用与中子脉冲同步技术,可获得不同时刻的不同射线,经分析可获得煤质元素的含量。

    The pulse neutron is emitting from pulse neutron generator , by means of the pulse synchronism method , the rays emitting in different time can be obtained , and then the content of the coal can be detected out .

  12. 中能重离子碰撞中的中子(质子)发射的同位旋效应

    Isospin Effect of Neutron ( Proton ) Emission Number in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

  13. 建立了一套循环式的硫酸锰浴装置,可以用来定度各种放射性同位素中子源的中子发射率。

    A circulating manganese sulphate bath equipment was developed for calibrating the emission rates of various radioisotopic neutron sources .

  14. 50MeV/u~(18)O离子轰击Be、Cu和Au厚靶的中子产额和中子发射率

    Neutron Yields and Neutron Emission Rate in the ForwardDirection for 50 MeV / u 18O-ion on Thick Be , Cu , Au Targets

  15. 中子源的多中子发射对诱发裂变场的影响

    The affection of multiple neutron emission of neutron source in the induced fission stochastic neutron field

  16. 将1个高计数率符合中子计数器改装为有源井型符合中子计数器装置,测量由Am-Li中子源发射的中子诱发物料中的235U裂变时产生的裂变中子,以确定物料中235U含量。

    The high level neutron coincidence counter is modified into an active well neutron coincidence counter using two Am Li neutron sources .

  17. 讨论了用界面流方法计算二维六角形组件中子通量分布。从积分输运方程出发,导出了一种简便的数学模型,在子区内采用平源通量近似,并假设中子发射和散射为各向同性。

    The mathematical model of two-dimensional calculation of neutron flux distribution in the hexagonal fuel assembly by using the interface current method is described in this paper , based on neutron integral transport equation .