
  • The Wright Brothers;Orville and Wilbur Wright
  1. 莱特兄弟是早期飞机制造业的探索者。

    The Wright brothers pioneered in early aviation .

  2. 莱特兄弟也用风筝做实验。

    The Wright brothers also experimented with kites .

  3. 我们是一个将车开到车道上、把计算机放在办公室的国家,是一个拥有爱迪生、莱特兄弟的国家,是一个拥有谷歌和Facebook的国家。

    We 're the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices ; the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers ; of Google and Facebook .

  4. 怪就怪互联网,怪就怪发明飞机的莱特兄弟(wrightbrothers),可是,现代生活已经哄骗得我们一心以为:越快的东西越好,而越好的东西越贵。

    Blame it on the Internet , blame it on the Wright brothers , but modern life has lulled us into assuming that the faster something is , the better and that if it is better , it should cost more .

  5. 飞机的发明归功於莱特兄弟。

    Brother Wright are accredited with the invention of the airplane .

  6. 整个研究工作都是莱特兄弟共同进行的。

    During their research , the Wright brothers always worked together .

  7. 莱特兄弟因1903年的首次动力飞行而获得了不朽的声望。

    The Wright brothers achieved immortality with the first powered flight in1903 .

  8. 莱特兄弟构想出第一架成功的动力驱动飞机的设计。

    The Wright brothers conceived the design of the first successful motor-powered plane .

  9. 莱特兄弟设计制造了飞机,在两次世界大战中飞机投入大量生产

    Invented by the Wright Brothers accelerated into production by two world wars .

  10. 莱特兄弟揭开了飞机时代的序幕。

    The Wright brothers raised the curtain on the age of mechanical flight .

  11. 现在,如果这是真正的现实,我想知道莱特兄弟怎么办?

    Now if that was really the reality , what did the Wright brothers do ?

  12. 问题16为什么演讲者认为莱特兄弟的工作是惊人的?

    Question 16 . Why does the speaker say Wright brothers ' invention is astonishing ?

  13. 莱特兄弟所创造的延续了下来。

    What the Wright brothers started continued .

  14. 莱特兄弟是梦想家。

    The wright brothers were dreamers .

  15. 莱特兄弟因为进行了世界上第一次飞行而受到了高度赞扬。

    The Wright brothers were highly praised for having made the first flight in the world .

  16. 巴特·简森说,他的猫名为奥威尔,是为了纪念传奇航空家奥威尔·莱特(莱特兄弟之一)。

    Bart Jasen said his cat , Orville , was named after legendary aviator Orville Wright .

  17. 自莱特兄弟发明飞机以来,就一直发生鸟与飞机相撞事故。

    Birds and planes have been colliding since the Wright brothers first took to the air .

  18. 人们多是歌颂莱特兄弟,是他们实现了飞机的第一次载人飞行。

    People generally credit the Wright brothers for having accomplished the first manned flight of an airplane .

  19. 1903年莱特兄弟的发明被忽视了,而不是获得了赏识。

    The invention of 1903 brother Nian Laites ' has been ignored , rather than having gained .

  20. 当莱特兄弟说他们能造飞行器时,人们都认为他俩异想天开。

    When the Wright brothers said they could build a flying machine , people thought they were all wet .

  21. 莱特兄弟已能驾驶他们的飞机一次飞行两个半小时了。

    The Wright brothers were able to fly their airplane for two and a half hours at a time .

  22. 1903年,莱特兄弟在代顿制造了一架带一个发动机和两个螺旋桨的飞机。

    Then in Dayton , in 1903 , the Wright brothers built an airplane with a motor and two propellers .

  23. 到1966年迪士尼去世时,他已经成为了像托马斯·爱迪生和莱特兄弟那样的偶像级人物了。

    By the time he died in 1966 , Walt Disney was an icon like Thomas Edison and the Wright Brothers .

  24. 格伦·柯蒂斯是莱特兄弟的竞争对手。1918年,他在研制柯蒂斯自动控制飞机时就发现了设计飞行汽车的困难之处。

    Glenn Curtiss , a rival of the Wright Brothers , discovered this in 1918 when he developed the Curtiss Autoplane .

  25. 1908年在纽约与莱特兄弟见面并亲眼观看过一次飞行表演之后,他迷上了飞机。

    After meeting the Wright brothers in New York and witnessing a flight demonstration in 1908 , he was hooked on airplanes .

  26. 可变体飞行器的概念由来已久,最早可追溯到莱特兄弟通过机翼翘曲来保持飞机平衡。

    The concepts of morphing aircraft are long standing , tracing back earlier from Wright brothers to maintain airplane balance through wing warping .

  27. 这架飞机计划在明年莱特兄弟所做的人类首飞100周年之际在芝加哥科学与工业博物馆旁升空。

    This replica is scheduled to fly at Chicago 's Museum of Science and Industry next year on the100th anniversary of the Wrights'first flight .

  28. 当我的曾祖母拒绝让我祖母在马里兰大学帕克分校登上莱特兄弟新发明的飞行机器时

    When my great-grandmother refused to let my grandmother go for a ride on the Wright Brothers ' new flying machine in College Park Maryland

  29. 人们常说,虽然莱特兄弟让世人看到了人类的飞翔,然而却是奥克塔夫·沙尼特教会了他俩如何飞翔。

    It is said that while the Wright brothers taught the world to fly , Octave Chanute taught the Wright brothers how to fly .

  30. 莱特兄弟在1903年首先试飞成功的原始飞机,是现代飞机的原型。

    The crude craft in which the Wright brothers made the first successful flight in 1903 was the prototype of the modern airplane . protozoan