
  • 网络lae
  1. 莱城电厂FAM财务管理子系统FMIS与EAM的应用设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of FMIS and EAM Subsystem of FAM Financial Management System

  2. 这就是魔索布莱城的规则:永远保持警戒,永远保持怀疑。

    That was the way in Menzoberranzan : always alert , always distrustful .

  3. 马尼拉海湾和莱城港湾的辐射状况

    The radiation conditions in the bay of Manila and port Gulf of LAE

  4. 山东省莱城电厂2号冷却塔地基处理试验研究

    The Research of Foundation Treatment Test for No.2 Cooling Tower of Power Plant in Laiwu City , Shandong Province

  5. 提尔·市里契是这个两里高的洞穴中的最高点,可以鸟瞰整座魔索布莱城。

    Tier Breche was the highest point on the floor of the two-mile cavern , affording a panoramic view to the rest of Menzoberranzan .

  6. 他已经在充满背叛的魔索布莱城生存了七个世纪,主要是因为他的魔法才能以及与之相配的狡诈和精明的诡计。

    He had survived seven centuries in treacherous Menzoberranzan , mostly because his talent for magic was matched by a subtle , calculating cunning .

  7. 狄宁往侧边一闪,首先确定附近是否有可疑的人物,再来就是为了俯瞰魔索布莱城的景色。

    He moved to the side and paused , first to be certain that no one lurked nearby , and then to admire the sweeping view of Menzoberranzan .

  8. 他的家乡,地下城市魔索布莱城,是一个粗暴的地方,而且他的家族通过坚守城市的金箴规则:“不留活口”而取得了它的权力位置。

    His hometown , the underground city of Menzoberranzan , is a rough place , and his family achieved its position of power by adhering to the city 's Golden Rule : Don 't get caught .

  9. 此研究以莱芜市莱城区M街道的三个社区为背景,从中选取了失能老人及其主要照顾者、社区内的工作人员作为调查访谈对象,从中来获取第一手访谈资料。

    The background of the study is three communities in M city . In order to obtain first-hand interview material , the study selected the disabled elderly and their primary caregivers , community workers as the investigation object .