
  • 网络Leslie;Lesly;lesley
  1. 我母亲是从莱斯利那里知道这所学校的。

    My mother heard of this school through Leslie

  2. 确实,尽管莱斯利喜欢谷歌,谷歌也是他经常用的替罪羊。

    Indeed , Google , for which Leslie expresses admiration , is also his frequent whipping body .

  3. 莱斯利解释了各种可行的疗法,不过,你可以看出来,她并没有领会。

    Lesley explains possible treatments but you can tell she 's not taking it in

  4. 莱斯利并没有被这项浩大的工程所吓倒,开始着手规划每个房间的格局。

    Undaunted by the scale of the job , Lesley set about planning how each room should look .

  5. 对文学小说的兴趣下降也是莱斯利发现的原因之一。

    The decline in interest in literary fiction is also one of the causes identified by Leslie .

  6. 莱斯利写道,拉姆斯菲尔德的观点“并非荒谬——而是聪明的”。

    Rumsfeld 's idea , Leslie writes , " wasn 't absurd - it was smart . "

  7. 莱斯利警告说,学校教育通常是孩子们变得没有好奇心。

    School education , he warns , is often conducted in a way that makes children incurious .

  8. 莱斯利认为,社会整体上变得越来越不好奇,他也提出了相当多的证据。

    Leslie presents considerable evidence for the proposition that the society as a whole is growing less curious .

  9. 虽然莱斯利的书与政治无关,但是他也没有完全回避这个问题。

    Although Leslie 's book isn 't about politics , he doesn 't entirely shy away from the problem .

  10. 莱斯利在书中某处写道:“谷歌的目的是完全免除你好奇的欲望。”

    Elsewhere in the book , Leslie writes : " Google aims to save you from the thirst of curiosity altogether . "

  11. 莱斯利认为,前国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德在2002年说,我们要警惕那些“未知的未知”,那些因此而嘲笑他的人是错误的。

    According to Leslie , those who ridiculed former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for his 2002 remark that we have to be wary of the " unknown unknowns " were mistaken .

  12. 通过引用心理学家和认知科学家的成果,莱斯利批评了公认的观点,即学业成功是智力和努力相结合的结果。

    Citing the work of psychologists and cognitive ( ) scientists , Leslie criticizes the received wisdom that academic success is the result of a combination of intellectual talent and hard work .

  13. 带着点儿怀旧情绪,莱斯利引用了约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯对书店著名的褒扬之词:“人们应该迷迷糊糊的走进书店,仿佛置身于梦境之中,让书店里的东西自由的吸引、影响眼球。”

    Somewhat nostalgically , he quotes John Maynard Keynes 's justly famous words of praise to the bookstore : " One should enter it vaguely , almost in a dream , and allow what is there freely to attract and influence the eye . "

  14. 去年上海的秀场由乐队OneDirectioner前成员哈里·斯泰尔斯、格莱美奖获得者马吉尔、小莱斯利?奥多姆和中国流行音乐巨星张靓颖联袂出演。

    Last year 's acts to hit the catwalk in Shanghai were former One Directioner Harry Styles , Grammy winner Miguel , Hamilton alum Leslie Odom Jr. and Chinese pop sensation Jane Zhang .

  15. 然而市场调研公司IDCRetailInsights的主任莱斯利•韩德表示,实际上,在食品速递行业实现盈利和物流管理非常困难。

    Yet actually turning a profit and managing the logistics of food delivery is tricky , says Leslie hand , a director at IDC retail insights , a market research firm .

  16. 帕托维兄弟推出的视频由莱斯利?奇尔科特导演,奇尔科特也是《等待超人》(WaitingforSuperman)和《难以忽视的真相》(AnInconvenientTruth)两部电影的制片人。在微软公司的赞助下,这段视频将在学校和电影院播放。

    Their new video -- directed by Lesley Chilcott , a producer of Waiting for Superman and An Inconvenient Truth -- will be shown in schools and in movie theaters , thanks to Microsoft 's sponsorship .

  17. 5月份,莱斯利•海德曼以1300美元卖出了一件候司顿长裙,不久前,制片人哈维•温斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)宣布他将收购该品牌。

    In May , Leslie Hindman sold a Halston dress for $ 1,300 shortly after film producer Harvey Weinstein announced his purchase of the brand .

  18. 他仍然健在的家人有妻子及他们的两个儿子莱斯利(Leslie)和奥森·马泽尔(OrsonMaazel),女儿塔拉·马泽尔(TaraMaazel)。

    His wife survives him , as do their two sons , Leslie and Orson Maazel , and daughter , Tara Maazel ;

  19. 莱斯利曾希望说服10多家较小型咨询公司,招聘伦敦商学院的55名至60名对实习计划感兴趣的MBA,但迄今为止,只有两家公司确认将前去招聘。

    Mr Leslie hoped to persuade more than a dozen to recruit one of the 55 or 60 MBAs at LBS that have shown an interest in the project , but only two have so far confirmed .

  20. 排在甲骨文后面的是LimitedBrandsInc.,它在2007年2月2日结束的财年为保护首席执行长莱斯利•威斯纳(LeslieWexner)共花了125万美元。威斯纳在1963年创建了这家公司。

    Next up was Limited Brands Inc. , which spent $ 1.25 million in the year ended Feb.2 to protect CEO Leslie Wexner , who founded the Columbus , Ohio , retailer in1963 .

  21. 结果在1950年代,一名英国科学家莱斯利•科利尔(LeslieCollier)发明了一种方法,生产了一个强力的热稳定疫苗,可适用于全世界。

    Finally , in the1950s , an English scientist , Leslie Collier , discovered a method to produce a potent , heat-stable vaccine that could be used throughout the world .

  22. 我最近与马萨诸塞州坎布里奇莱斯利大学(LesleyUniversity)的教育学荣休教授南茜·卡尔松-佩奇(NancyCarlsson-Paige)有过一番交谈。卡尔松-佩奇称,这种趋势反映了对“孩子的学习过程深深的误解”。

    One expert I talked to recently , Nancy Carlsson-Paige , a professor emerita of education at Lesley University in Cambridge , Mass . , describes this trend as a " profound misunderstanding of how children learn . " She regularly tours schools , and sees younger students floundering to comprehend instruction :

  23. 来自奥勒冈州波特兰刘易斯克拉克学院的莱斯利?巴克斯特(LeslieBaxter)与密苏里市蒙大拿大学教授威廉?威尔莫特(WilliamWilmot)联合进行了一项研究,他们访问了90名大学生,旨在了解他们与异性的关系。

    In a classic study led by Leslie Baxter at Lewis and Clark College in Portland , Oregon , and William Wilmot at the University of Montana , Missoula , a team of researchers interviewed 90 undergraduate students about their relationships with people of the opposite sex .

  24. 许多新开发楼盘针对高端市场,而昔日的高端楼盘供给一直屈指可数。“楼盘存量低一直是在布鲁克林高地等区域置业的最大障碍。”房产经纪公司科科伦(Corcoran)纽约分部经纪莱斯利氠歇尔(LeslieMarshall)说。

    Many of the new projects target the upper end of the market , where availability has traditionally been tight . " Low inventory has always been the biggest obstacle to buying real estate in places like Brooklyn Heights , " says Leslie Marshall , an estate agent at Corcoran 's local office .

  25. 例:约翰全身心地爱着莱斯利。

    E.g. John loves Leslie with all his heart and soul .

  26. 莱斯利:我们统治了仙境,没有东西压垮我们!

    Leslie : We rule Terabithia , and nothing crushes us !

  27. 谁说要去了莱斯利没有说谎

    No one 's going anywhere . Lesli isn 't lying .

  28. 莱斯利肯定以为那晚我们帮艾莉杀了宝芬妮

    Lesli must think that we helped Ali kill Bethany that night

  29. 她的朋友莱斯利的病例里哪里写了

    Her friend ? Where did it say in Lesli 's file

  30. 莱斯利工作的实验室是什么样的

    What kind of lab did you say Lesli worked at ?