
háo yóu
  • oyster sauce
蚝油 [háo yóu]
  • [oyster sauce] 提炼牡蛎脂肪所制成的油

蚝油[háo yóu]
  1. 研究了多种基体改进剂消除蚝油基体对测铅的干扰,方法的相对标准偏差为4.9%,回收率为94%-96%,检出限为1.5ng/mL。

    The method studied varied kinds of modifiers for elimination of the disturbance of oyster sauce matrix in detecting Pb . The detection limit is 1.5ng / mL , recoveries are between 94 % - 96 % , RSD is 4.9 % .

  2. 高效液相色谱法测定酱油、蚝油中三氯蔗糖的含量

    Determination of Sucralose Contents in Soy Sauce and Oyster Sauce by HPLC

  3. 变性淀粉改善蚝油稳定性的研究

    Research on improving the stability of oyster sauce with denaturation starch

  4. 重金属吸附剂的研究及其在蚝油中的应用

    Study of Heavy Metal Adsorbent and Its Application in Oyster Sauce

  5. 蚝油鲍鱼生是我们厨房的最拿手的好菜。

    Abalone slice with oyster sauce is the best of our kitchen .

  6. 蚝粉在蚝油生产上的应用

    Application of oyster powder in the production of oyster sauce

  7. 还有麻婆豆腐,鱼香肉丝和蚝油生菜。

    And also Mapo beancurd , fish-flavored pork and lettuce with oyster sauce .

  8. 酵母味素在蚝油生产中的应用

    Application of yeast extract in oyster sauce 's process

  9. 陕北石油秩序高级复合蚝油制作的工艺技术

    The Technology of the Senior Compound oyster - oil

  10. 高级复合蚝油制作的工艺技术

    The Technology of the Senior Compound oyster-oil

  11. 精制蚝油的研制开发

    Development of refined oyster sauce

  12. 假如我既不想吃面包,也不想吃燕麦片,我会吃蚝油捞面。

    If I feel like taking neither bread nor oats , I have noodles with oyster sauce .

  13. 介绍了蚝油的生产工艺及原辅料对蚝油品质的影响;

    Process technology of oyster sauce and its quality influenced by the material are introduced in detail .

  14. 调料:蚝油、鸡精、糖、胡椒粉、葱丝、姜丝、熟黑芝麻。

    Seasoning : Oyster sauce , chicken , sugar , pepper , green onion , ginger , cooked black sesame .

  15. 本文就蚝油中添加蚝粉和蚝油香精进行了实验和比较。

    This text experimented and compared in terms of adding the oyster powder and the oyster flavor into the oyster oil .

  16. 第五步:加入调味料加入蚝油、酱油等调味料,并适量加入盐和白胡椒粉。

    Step 5 : add the sauces and seasonadd the oyster and soy sauces and season with salt and white pepper .

  17. 蚝,除鲜食外,还可制成蚝油等,是大众喜欢食品。

    Oysters , in addition to fresh outside , still can make the oyster sauce , etc , is public like food .

  18. 我们的蔬菜有蚝油菜心、杯芥菜和干煽四季豆,汤有鱼翅汤和蘑菇汤。

    A : Season Vegetables in Oyster Sauce , Mustard Greens with Scallop , Fried String beans , Shark 's Fin Soup and Mushroom Soup .

  19. 好的,宫爆肉丁,麻婆豆腐,鱼香肉丝,蚝油生菜和两碗酸辣汤。

    OK , diced pork with peanuts , Mapo beancurd , fish-flavored pork , lettuce with oyster sauce , and two hot and sour soups .

  20. 洒入一些水(可以用浸泡香菇的水)和蚝油,然后把煎好的豆腐回锅,煮一会让豆腐充分吸收水份。

    Add some water ( you can use water of soaking mushrooms ) and oyster sauce then return the tofu to the wok , stir and mix well .

  21. 用2汤匙油将肉丝炒至9成熟,加入甜青椒及李锦记旧庄特级蚝油,炒匀至肉丝熟透。

    Stir-fry pork in 2 tbsp oil until almost done . Add green bell pepper and Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce . Stir well until pork is done .

  22. 这种预测尤其是如此精确的预测得就着一大份辣椒面(或是蚝油,如果你是中国读者的话)享用。

    Predictions , especially such precise ones , should be taken with a generous helping of chilli powder ( or oyster sauce if you are reading this in China ) .

  23. 李锦记公司在高端蚝油和高端酱油领域已经取得市场份额第一的地位,继续在这些领域发展将无法扩大销售量。

    It is hard for Lee Kum Kee to increase sales continuously in high-level oyster sauce and high-level soy sauce field because the company has occupied a market share in the first place in this field .

  24. 牡蛎是我国重要的经济贝类品种之一,其产品蚝油等传统牡蛎调味品的风味优良,倍受消费者喜爱,并推测其中呈味肽是重要的风味成分。

    Oyster is one of the most important economic shellfish species . The flavor of oyster sauce and other traditional condiments is very good , and speculated that the taste peptide is an important flavor component .

  25. 本方法的相对标准偏差为2.8%,回收率为94%~104%,检出限为7.8ng/mL,本方法可用于酱油、蚝油等含盐量高的调味品中铅含量的测定。

    The recovery is 94 % ~ 104 % . RSD is 2.8 % . This method was applied to the determination of micro Pb in condiment , such as soy sauce , oyster sauce samples with satisfactory results .

  26. 是一种药食两用的贝类海产品。目前,国内牡蛎以鲜食和制成干肉制品为主,少量加工成蚝油或其它调味品。

    It is a kind of shellfish seafood of edible and medicinal , At present , in the domestic oyster is used with fresh and made of dried meat products , a small amount of processing into oyster sauce or other condiments .

  27. 如果去掉其中任何一部分,便当就会减色不少(这里的素食便当就是证据,只是柿子椒和蘑菇加蚝油的大杂烩)。米饭浸在菜汁中,一点味道也不会损失;

    Subtract any one part , and the meal is diminished . ( Evidence : the vegetarian option , an uninspired muddle of bell peppers and mushrooms flung into a wok with oyster sauce . ) Rice soaks up the juices so nothing is lost ;

  28. 在北方,超市需要提供多种多样的酱油和豆瓣酱;在四川,需提供更辣的辣椒酱;而在南方,超市必须突出蚝油的位置。

    Take sauces . In the north , a supermarket needs an extensive range of soy sauces and soy bean pastes . In Sichuan , central China , there are more chilli pepper sauces . And in the south , oyster sauces have to be prominent .