
jiā jū zhuānɡ shì
  • home decoration
  1. 你要是按照我们的家居装饰诀窍行事,可以用很少的钱就产生奇妙的效果。

    You can work miracles with very little money if you follow our home decoration tips .

  2. 广泛应用于星级酒店、会议中心、家居装饰等。

    Widely used in star hotels , conference centers , home decoration .

  3. 各种各样的家居装饰物及配件

    a range of furnishings and accessories for the home

  4. 此外,当年收视率最高的电视剧——由蒂姆o艾伦主演的时长半小时的家庭情景喜剧《家居装饰》(HomeImprovement)——也属于迪士尼。

    Oh , and the No. 1 TV show - a half-hour family sitcom called " Home Improvement , " with Tim Allen - belonged to Disney , too .

  5. 今年初举办的巴黎MaisonetObjet家居装饰博览会为全年的室内设计风格确定了风向标。

    The January edition of the Parisian design and interiors trade fair Maison et Objet sets the tone for the year ahead .

  6. 在巴黎家居装饰博览会上展出的还有古巴设计师雷内巴尔巴(RenéBarba)为LigneRoset设计的网球拍外形的纸灯。

    Also displayed at Maison & Objet was Cuban designer Ren é Barba 's tennis racket-shaped paper lamp for Ligne Roset .

  7. 不仅丹麦设计师的作品酷似精细的钢笔线条,在今年金秋的巴黎家居装饰博览会(Maison&Objet)上,波裔法籍设计师马尔塔巴科夫斯基(MartaBakowski)也推出了类似风格的Rays系列灯具。

    It is not only Danish designers whose work resembles precise pen strokes . French-Polish designer Marta Bakowski launched her collection of Rays lights at Paris 's Maison & Objet fair this autumn .

  8. 例如,任何人只要浏览过与DIY项目有关的网站,都将被注明为家居装饰爱好者,并且各种各样的网站上都会出现油漆和电动工具广告。

    Anyone who , for example , surfs a number of sites related to do-it - yourself projects will be noted as a home improvement fan and will begin to see advertising for paint and power tools turn up on all manner of sites .

  9. OpenSky是一个成立刚一年的网站,明星可以在该网站帮助宣传健康、美容、家居装饰和厨具商品。

    OpenSky is a year-old site where personalities like Molly Sims , Veronica Webb and others can help market health , beauty , decor and kitchen merchandise .

  10. 不用说那扯碎的家居装饰布了,还都是好料子。

    Not to mention shredded upholstery , only the best stuff .

  11. 承接酒店、娱乐场所、家居装饰等配套工程;

    Undertake hotels , entertainment , home furnishing decoration supporting engineering ;

  12. 当代家居装饰设计之审美文化研究

    The Research on the Aesthetic Culture in the Contemporary Home Interior Design

  13. 家居装饰,家具与墙壁需颜色调和。

    Room decoration requires furniture and walls to Be harmonious in color .

  14. 家居装饰的眼睛&室内设计的色彩表述

    The Eyes of Household Decorated , the Expression of Color in Interior Design

  15. 天然木纹外观,是家居装饰的精品。

    Natural wood appearance , quality of home decoration .

  16. 但是,家居装饰也可能成为昂贵而耗时的项目。

    But home decorating can also be an expensive and time consuming project .

  17. 他现在真的很迷家居装饰。

    He 's really into home decorating right now .

  18. 崇尚自由演绎浪漫&2006法兰西家居装饰艺术展综述

    Symphony of freedom and romance & a review of 2006 French Home Furnishing Fair

  19. 家居装饰的环保问题是现代家居安全的核心内容。

    Environmental problems of home decoration is the core of the modern home safety .

  20. 我和丈夫带着两岁的女儿海伦去逛家居装饰商店。

    My husband and I took our two-year-old daughter Helen to the home-improvement store .

  21. 说明了铁艺已成为家居装饰的艺术特色之一。

    It shows that iron art has become one of the characteristics of habitation decoration .

  22. 就像园艺,家居装饰,书友会之类的爱好。

    You know : gardening , macram é, book clubs , that kind of stuff .

  23. 家居装饰的色彩运用

    Using of the Color of Decorating House

  24. 它同样是一款具有吸引力的现代化配件,能够很好地跟大多数家居装饰进行搭配。

    It is also an attractive and modern accessory that fits well with most decor .

  25. 装修:广州首届家居装饰节引来众多咨询者新家装修如何显品位?

    Decoration : Guangzhou first home decoration section about how many advisory home decoration Hin grade ?

  26. 对现代家居装饰设计若干问题的反思

    Reflections on Modern Interior Design

  27. 采用绿化装饰是当前家居装饰设计的一个重要方向。

    It represents an important orientation in modern house decoration design to decorate houses with green plants .

  28. 本论文针对目前国内研究的现状,着重研究配饰和家居装饰设计之间的关系及其设计原则。

    It focuses on the relationship between accessories and home decoration , and its principles of design .

  29. 家居装饰六要

    Six Musts for House Decoration

  30. 家具五金按照其用途可以分为家具功能五金和家居装饰五金。

    Furniture hardware can divide into furniture functional hardware and furniture decorative hardware with respect to purpose .