
zhù cún qī
  • Storage period;storage time
  1. 本文应用加温加速实验法估算两种剂型(冻干和溶液)的人血超氧化物歧化酶(人血SOD)在温室下的贮存期。

    Estimation of the storage time of human blood superoxide dismutase ( hSOD ) in two preparation forms ( freeze-dried and soluble states ) at room temperature by the heating and accelerating experiment was reported .

  2. 4℃下青霉素皮试液贮存期为5d,链霉素皮试液贮存期为179d。

    In addition , at 4 ℃, the storage time of the liquid skin test preparations of penicillin and streptomycin was 5 days and 179 days respectively .

  3. 10%维生素C溶液贮存期的理论研究

    Theoretical Studies on Shelf-life of 10 % Ascorbic Acid Solution

  4. A、B组分在室温下的贮存期均为6个月。

    Both Part A and B could be preserved for 6 months at room temperature .

  5. X程序在硫化胶贮存期预测工作中的应用

    Application of the procedure x to predicting the shelf - life of vulcanizates

  6. 不同贮存期和熟化时间对标准天然橡胶P0、PRI值的影响

    The Effect of Storage and Aging Time on Plasticity Original and Plasticity Retention Index of Standard Natural Rubber

  7. HTPB推进剂贮存期预估模型研究

    Investigation on prediction model for storage life of HTPB propellants

  8. 环境温度为25℃,pH值为8-9时,产物稳定性好、贮存期长、游离甲醛含量低。

    The product could be stored for long time with good stability and had low free formaldehyde under the conditions of 25 ℃ ambient temperature and pH value of 8 ~ 9 .

  9. UF胶粘剂贮存期大于30d(20℃)。

    Storage life of UF resin adhesive we made is longer than 30 days ( 20 ) .

  10. 根据化学动力学预测其贮存期,并与美国FAD低温观察法和室温留样观察法对照。

    According to chemical dynamics its shelf life is forecasted and it is collated with America FAD low temperature and room-temperature observative method .

  11. 考虑到大部分HTPB推进剂的老化机理相似,所以该模型具有一定普遍性,适用于HTPB推进剂贮存期的预估。

    Since most of the HTPB propellants possess similar aging mechanism , this model can be used to predict storage life of all HTPB propellants .

  12. 拮抗菌P1、P5发酵原液处理后,和对照相比能够延缓还原糖、可滴定酸的降解和损失,有效维持果实品质,延长了贮存期。

    Use antagonistic bacteria P1 and P5 fermentation liquid treatment , could lower the loss of reducing sugar 、 titratable acid and VC compared with the CK .

  13. 合成出了在达到浸渍树脂贮存期、游离甲醛含量、适用期等要求下,满足预油漆纸的耐潮湿性的MUF浸渍树脂。

    Composed MUF meets storing life , content of free formaldehyde , pot life and the moisture-resistance performance of the finish foil .

  14. 研究表明,PVPP可吸附茶饮料中的部分茶多酚,进而延缓沉淀或浑浊的发生,提出茶饮料的稳定性,延长茶饮料的贮存期。

    It was proved that the tea polyphenol could be absorbed to improve the stability of tea beverage and extend the storage period .

  15. 研究表明:PVPP可吸附芦荟凝胶液中的多酚,进而延缓沉淀或浑浊的发生,提高芦荟凝胶的稳定性和贮存期。

    It was proved that the poly-phenol could be adsorbed by PVPP to improve the stability of Aloe Vera gel and extend the storage period .

  16. s,贮存期为半年以上,消泡时间为3~5s,抑泡时间可达2.5~3.5h。

    S , the time for storing is over half a year , the time of anti-foam is 3 ~ 5 s , the restraining time is over 2.5h .

  17. 本文通过相转移工艺研制了含微细分散石墨,83&21分散稳定剂等的节能油添加剂(GRT节能油添加剂)。实验室试验结果表明,这种添加剂具有良好的胶体稳定性,在贮存期内不会产生沉降。

    An energy-saving oil additive ( GRT additive ) containing finely dispersed graphite , 83-21 dispersant-stabilizer and other additives has been developed by means of phase-transfer process .

  18. 硅烷可交联聚乙烯(SCPE)具有一定的贮存期,在干燥状态可延长贮存期;

    The cross-linkable polyethylene by silane ( SCPE ) can lay up a period and can prolong the storage period in the dry environment .

  19. 该固化剂与环氧树脂最佳配比为25/100,在140℃可快速固化,室温下贮存期在100d以上。

    The optimal ratio of curing agent to epoxy resin is 25 / 100 . It can be cured quickly at 110 ℃ and the reserve time can be above 100 days at room temperature .

  20. 提高了干燥速度,有效地解决了该胶稳定性差、贮存期短的问题。

    The poor stability and short storage time are effectively solved .

  21. 橡胶加速老化试验及贮存期推算方法

    Accelerated Aging Test of Rubber and Calculation of its Storage Life

  22. 不同贮存期固体火箭发动机装药或药柱断裂韧性试验研究

    Research on the Breaking Tenacity of Solid Rocket of Different Storage

  23. 复合涂膜对草莓贮存期品质的影响

    Effect of Complex Coating on the Quality of Strawberry during Storage

  24. 恒温培养箱加温对不同贮存期红细胞的影响

    Effect of heating on stored erythrocytes while stationary in an incubator

  25. 真空干燥球孢白僵菌纯孢粉的活孢率、毒力与贮存期

    Viability , virulence and storage of vacuum-dried Beauveria bassiana conidia powder

  26. 榛子饮料浓缩液脂肪氧化动力学与贮存期预测

    Study on the storage life of condensed hazelnut protein beverage liquid

  27. 快速预测高分子绝缘材料贮存期的研究

    A Study on Fast-prognosticating Storage Life for Macromolecular Insulation Materials

  28. 目的:预测硫酸庆大霉素合剂的贮存期。

    Objective : To estimate the expiration date of Gentamycin Sulfate mixture .

  29. 经典恒温法预测阿司匹林镁的贮存期

    The prediction of storage life of magnesium aspirin with the isothermal method

  30. 氧化玉米淀粉粘合剂贮存期的研究

    Study on the reserved period for oxidated corn starch binder