
zhù cánɡ ɡēn
  • Storage root;roots in storage
  1. 贮藏根对红球姜开花的影响

    Effect of Storage Roots on the Flowering of Zingiber zerumbet

  2. 商陆营养器官及不同生长龄贮藏根的解剖结构研究

    Anatomical Studies on the Vegetative Organs and the Stored Root of Different Years of Phytolacca Acinosa

  3. 此外,球茎的大小、贮藏根数目的多寡,都会影响萌芽的速度。

    In addition , the size of the bulb , the size of the number of storage roots will affect the germination rate .

  4. 一般而言,球茎直径愈大,贮藏根愈多,萌芽愈快,开花也较早,切花及子球产量亦较高。

    In general , the larger the bulb diameter of storage roots more , faster germination , flowering too early , cut flowers and sub-global production is also higher .

  5. 新球茎的基部直根状的营养根的根尖,则在入秋后逐渐肥大形成球状的贮藏根,从而形成新的种球。

    Bulb-like base of the new nutrition taproot apical root , then gradually after the autumn of mast storage root formation of spherical and thus the formation of new bulbs .

  6. 甘薯地下部块根的干物率和薯肉色也是贮藏根固有的遗传生理特性,嫁接组合块根的干物率和薯肉色趋于同砧术品种一致,与光合源的遗传生理特性无关。

    The dry matter content in root and the root flesh color of the grafted seedling were similar to those of the stock varieties , and not influenced by the photosynthesis source .

  7. 低浓度钙离子有利于贮藏根的诱导及淀粉的积累,随着钙离子浓度的升高,贮藏根直径增大,但是诱导率和淀粉含量降低。

    With the addition of calcium concentration , the diameter of the induced storage roots was increased , but the induction rate and starch content in the induced cassava storage roots was decreased .

  8. 结果表明:旱生型空心莲子草植株矮小,但有发达的地下根状茎和贮藏根;水生型空心莲子草茎粗、长,无或少有根状茎和贮藏根。

    The results showed that the plant of xerophytes of alligator weed is dwarf , and with well developed rhizome and storage root . The stem of hydrophytes of alligator weed is thick , long and without or with few rhizome and storage root .

  9. 根据独活属植物根的次生韧皮部远比次生木质部发达的特点,确定独活属植物的根是典型的贮藏型根。

    The secondary phloem is larger than the secondary xylem in the Heracleum , which is the typical storing root .

  10. 3种温度下(0℃,-1℃,-3℃)贮藏的菊苣根其电阻抗值的变化均与钾离子渗漏速率呈显著的负相关关系。

    The change in electrical impedance in chicory roots stored at 0 ℃, - 1 ℃, - 3 ℃ was remarkable negatively correlated with the potassium ion leakage rate .

  11. 幼茎所含总皂甙高于发育成熟的茎和老茎,含量最高的则是具有贮藏功能的根状茎。

    The younger stem had a higher content of total gypenosides than that of mature and older stem , while rhizome , the storage organ , had the highest content .

  12. 对3个红皮萝卜品种贮藏过程中肉质根不同部位木质素平均含量及糠心指数变化进行了研究。

    In this experiment , changes of average content of lignin in different parts of root and hollowing index in three varieties of red skin radish during storage were studied .