
  • 网络sand culture method
  1. 通过在自然条件下对加拿大一枝黄花生物学特性观察,并采用盆栽法、纸碟砂培法,对土层深度与水分含量对出苗的影响进行研究。

    The observations on the biological characteristics of Solidago canadensis was conducted under natural conditions and the effect of soil depth and moisture content on the seedling emergence was carried out by pot experiments , paper plate method and sand culture method .

  2. 采用砂培法,研究了不同浓度海水对油葵幼苗光合作用和叶绿素荧光特性的影响。

    Sand culture was adopted to study the effects of seawater at different concentrations on the photosynthesis and chlorophyll-fluorescence properties of oil sunflower seedling .

  3. 以砂培法研究了不同浓度(5、10、30、50μmol·L-1)Cd胁迫对萌发大豆种子中活性氧代谢的影响。

    Effect of active oxygen metabolism in germinated soybean seeds under cadmium stress were studied with pot culture experiment .

  4. 研究选用生产上已广泛应用的5个水稻品种,采用不同磷水平砂培法,分不同时期调查水稻根部性状。

    Five Japonica rice varieties were used in the pot test in which different levels of applied P were designed .

  5. 用砂培法,以盆栽穿龙薯蓣的根状茎为试材,对氮、磷、钾缺素症状进行了研究。

    Using rooty stem as reproduce material , the N , P and K deficiency of Dioscorea nipponica was studied with sandy culture .

  6. 在温室生物测定中,采用营养砂培法培养病原和拮抗真菌以及设计合适的拮抗真菌和拮抗细菌施用方法,保证了试验的均一和稳定。

    By using the nutrition sand method to culture the pathogen and fungi antagonists and by designing application methods suitable for fungi and bacterial antagonists , equality and stability of the glasshouse test was guaranteed .

  7. 采用砂培法研究了早熟禾对不同浓度Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+和Pb2+胁迫的生长响应特征。

    The growth responses of Poa pratensis to the stresses of Cu ~ ( 2 + )、 Zn ~ ( 2 + )、 Cd ~ ( 2 + ) and Pb ~ ( 2 + ) at different concentrations were studied by sand culture .

  8. 采用砂培和盆栽试验法研究了辣椒不同品种对钙吸收累积的基因型差异以及生产富钙型辣椒的调控技术原理和方式。

    The differences of calcium uptake and accumulation of 6 pepper genotypes were studied through experiments of cultivation in sand and soil .