- 名apoplast

Further studies showed that exogenous ABA treatment and water stress could enhance the activities of plasma membrane ( PM ) NADPH oxidase , cell wall POD , apoplast PAO significantly .
From the relations between apoplast proteins and each component of P. expansum cellulose , the main synergistic exhibition is apoplast proteins-EG-BG , and without any effect on CBH activity which is the core factor in the cellulase hydrolysis .
The Mechanism of ABA-induced Apoplastic H_2O_2 Accumulation in Maize Leaves
Meanwhile , our previous experiments suggested that calmodulin exists in the apoplast of plant cells and has many physiological functions .
Changes in Na and Ca Concentrations in the Apoplast And Symplast of the Etiolated Corn Seedlings under NaCl Stress
ABA-induced nitric oxide accumulation enhanced the activities of chloroplastic and apoplastic antioxidant enzymes in maize leaves
Effect of VAM on formation of root apoplastic iron pool in peanut plant
All these data indicate that there may be CaM binding sites in the arabidopsis protoplast and CaM binding has characteristic of receptor kinetics .
Effect of NaCl stress on na ~ +, ca ~ ( 2 +) concentrations in apoplast and symplast of the expanded leaves of Sorghum bicolor
Three wheat varieties with different aluminum tolerances were used to study ascorbic acid contents , and ascorbic oxidase and APX activities in root apoplast and symplasm of wheat seedling under aluminum stress .
There is not endogenous cellulase activity in preserved maize straw , while apoplast proteins extracted from fresh maize straw possess endogenous EG activities , which is unstable and completely vanished after 6 months preservation .
Those results suggested that endogenous ABA accumulation induced by water stress can lead to the increases in apoplast H_2O_2 through up-regulating the activities of the PM NADPH oxidases , cell wall POD , apoplast PAO .
In the meantime , the reductive ascorbic acid content in root symplasm of ' Atlas 66 ' significantly increased in the treatments with a high Al concentration and those of the two Al-sensitive varieties slightly increased in the treatments with a low Al concentration .
After eliminating the effect of endogenous EG , the apoplast proteins from fresh maize straw have enhanced synergistic or inhibiting effects on FPA , Cotton lyase , β G and CMCase than those extracted from the preserved straw .
These results suggested that exogenous ABA treatment and water stress can lead to significant increases in H_2O_2 accumulation in apoplast through up-regulating the activities of the PM NADPH oxidases , cell wall POD and apoplast PAO , and the PM NADPH oxidase play a major role .
There is an obvious synergistic effects relationship between apoplast proteins and P. expansum , and this synergistic effect decreases along with preservation .
The transport of photoassimilates in chalazal cells was by coexistence of symplastic and apoplastic pathways . The symplastic pathway was the main transporting way after 24 d of flowering .
Fe Accumulation and Mobilization in Root Apoplast of Fe-deficient Soybean Seedlings
Apoplast & The Important Signal Source for Fate Decision of Cell Development
Accumulation and depletion of apoplastic iron in roots of two pea genotypes
Effect of Wheat / Soybean Intercropping on Fe Accumulation and Mobilization in Root Apoplast
Effect of Straw Apoplast Protein on Cellulase Activity
Research on the Function of Apoplast Calmodulin in the Growth and Development of Plant by Using Transgenic Arabidopsis
Effect of VAM and Intercropping of Wheat with Peanut on Formation of Root Apoplastic Iron Pool in Peanut
The results show that : the extractable apoplast proteins are gradually decreased during the preservation of maize straw .
Our previous studies showed existence of apoplast CaM in the plant cell and CaM had many extracellular functions .
It is an important pathway for movement of these substances outside the xylem , for example across the root cortex .
Generally , glucose is deficient in plant aplasma and bacteria can produce glucose from non-sugar compounds through gluconeogenesis for their growth .
With pressure increasing , the water content in intercellular spaces increases , and consequently reduces non structural resistance in apoplastic pathway .
In endosperm cells the disintegrated material was transferred through apoplast whereas embryo absorbed the disintegrated material from endosperm cavity through cotyledon epidermis cell .