
  • 网络Liens
  1. 足以保障业主完全不诉及针对承包商质押权的相关金额。

    Such amount sufficient to indemnify the company completely against any liens against the contractor .

  2. 按揭是与抵押权、质押权等相对应的一种新兴的担保物权。

    Just like hypothec and hypothecate , mortgage is corresponding newly emerging real right of pledge .

  3. 有所有权说,抵押权说,留置权说,质押权说。

    There are theory of ownership right , theory of pledge right , theory of lien right , theory of impawn right .

  4. 从本质上来质押权的功能预示着应收账款合同债权有其被转让的法律可能。

    In essence of the right to pledge the accounts receivable function indicates that the contract claims are likely to be the legal transfer .

  5. 同时阐明了进口押汇中的押是与信用证法律关系中银行在单据上的质押权不同的。试述进口押汇有关法律问题与风险防范

    Legal relations differs from the secured interest from Inward documentary bills . The Legal Issues and the Risk Prevention of the Import Documentary Bill

  6. 动产抵押制度的产生适应了经济发展的需求,但同时也带来了法学理论和实践中抵押权与质押权竞合的问题。

    The production of chattel mortgage meets the demand of the competition and shut of hypothec and hypothecate in theory and practice at the same time .

  7. 笔者认为应以股权质押权的需要为标准来划分出质股权的范围。

    I believe that the right should be based on the needs of equity pledged as a standard to distinguish between the quality of ownership of shares .

  8. 公司破产对股权质押权的影响问题分析,笔者主要介绍了股权质权的优先受偿权与别除权的关系。

    Regarding the impact of corporate bankruptcy on share pledge , the author mainly explains the relationship between the priority of compensation and exemption rights under the share pledge .

  9. 通过将信托收据与质押权书、动产设备信托及让与担保等相关信托收据法律制度研究中文提要法律制度进行比较,阐明信托收据在市场经济中的价值。

    By the comparison of the trust receipt with some other legal systems such as the letter of hypothecation , the trust of movable equipments and the transfer of property 's ownership for guarantee etc. , the part explains the value of the trust receipt in the market economy .

  10. 著作权质押是著作权利用制度的一个重要方面。

    Copyright pledge is an important aspect of using system .

  11. 专利权质押是专利权运用的一种重要途径。

    Patent pledge is a kind of important way to patent application .

  12. 著作权质押作为著作权利用的重要形式,正日益成为版权产业融资的有效途径。

    As an important way to use copyright , copyright pledge is becoming an effective approach for financing in copyright industry .

  13. 然而,在《著作权法实施细则》中并无著作权质押或者著作权许可使用权质押的规定。

    However , in the " Rules for the Implementation of the Copyright Law ," there is no copyright pledge , or pledge the right to use copyright licensing regulations .

  14. 并从股权质权与所有权的区别及公益权的本质等方面分析质押期间表决权的问题。

    The voting rights during the period of pledge is also analysed from the aspect of distinction between share pledge and ownership and from the aspect of essence of co-benefits rights .

  15. 如就被收购公司股份的转让、质押、表决权行使的委托或者撤消等方面与他人存在其他安排,应当予以披露。

    Other arrangements with other persons in respect of transfer , pledge , proxy voting and the cancellation thereof , etc. , relating to the shares of the acquired company , if any , shall be disclosed .

  16. 建立追索权或代位权制度以保障质押期间商标权的安全、有效,同时应当充分发挥中介机构的职能,实现对质押商标的全程、动态、有效监管。

    Establish recourse or subrogation right system in order to ensure the safe and effective during pledge trademark rights , and should give full play to the functions of the intermediary agencies to realize the pledge trademark dynamic and effective management .

  17. 在价值范围内,公路收费权可以多次质押。公路收费权质押合同由省级交通主管部门进行登记,自登记之日起生效。

    Among the range of price , it can be pledged many times , and the moment the contract is enrolled by the provincial traffic department it comes into effect .

  18. 限制出质专利权转让、许可实施,质权人对专利权利用情况缺乏知情权和对由此产生的收益缺乏控制权,对专利权质押担保乃至专利权价值的充分利用存在着风险。

    Pledgeors are deprived of the rights to know the use of patents and to control the corresponding revenue . Risks exist in the patent pledge system and limit full utilization of patent value .

  19. 专利权质押的实现是专利权质押的重要环节,它关系着质押权人利益以及专利权价值的实现。

    The realization of patent pledge is a critical link in the transfer as it is of vital importance to the realization of both the interests of the pledgee and the values of patent rights .

  20. 第三章有选择性和针对性地探讨了三种主要的非典型权利质押类型的实践操作问题:普通债权质押、不动产收益权质押、经营权质押如何设定和实行。

    The following chapter explores operation of three type of major pledge of atypical rights selectively and pointedly . The problems are to how to create and fulfill the pledge of rights of general creditors ' rights , rights of immovable property gains and management rights .