
  • 网络Certificate;quality certification;ISO;CQC
  1. 浅析ISO质量认证过程中存在的问题及原因

    Analyze the Problem and Reason Existing in the Quality Certification of ISO

  2. 高校图书馆参与ISO质量认证的实践与思考

    University libraries participating in the development of the ISO quality certification practice and thinking

  3. ISO9000质量认证标准在急诊留观室病房化管理中的应用

    Application of ISO9000 in ward-mode management of observation room of emergency department

  4. 对高等职业教育引入ISO9000质量认证的若干思考

    Some reflections on ISO9000 quality authentication in higher vocational education

  5. 如何做好ISO9000质量认证咨询工作

    How to Do Well the Work of ISO9000 Quality Certification & Consultation

  6. 试论在高职院校推行ISO9000质量认证

    On the implementation of ISO 9000 Quality Certification System in Vocational Colleges

  7. 监理单位进行ISO9000质量认证的几点体会

    Realization of supervision unit carried on ISO9000 quality attestation

  8. 企业通过ISO9000质量认证后如何开展QC小组活动

    How to Develop QC Group Activities after the Enterprise Has Received ISO 9000 Attestation

  9. 比较欧洲产品质量认证与3C质量认证的工厂审查

    To Compare European Certification and CCC Certification with Regard to Factory Inspection

  10. 上海强翠实业有限公司也是我国业内最早通过ISO9000国际质量认证的企业。

    Shanghai Qiangcui Industry Co. , Ltd is also one of the companies that firstly got the ISO9000 .

  11. 随着国际贸易交往的增多,ISO9000质量认证证书成为企业产品通向国际市场的通行证。

    With increase of international business , ISO 9000 Quality Certification has become a password to international market for the enterprise .

  12. 在高校引入ISO9000族标准进行质量认证有利于促进高校尽快与国际接轨,有利于高校提高教育教学水平,有利于高校规范教学管理,有利于学生的培养,有利于提高我国教育的竞争力。

    Introducing the ISO9000 standard can help the colleges to improve the teaching management , students training and competition of education .

  13. 监理单位作为社会中介机构进行ISO9000质量认证不同于工业生产企业。

    Supervision Unit , as a social intermediary organ , is different from industrial enterprise to be carried on ISO9000 Quality Attestation .

  14. 旋塞阀、烤炉阀、调压器已获得CSA等欧美多个国家在质量认证证明。

    Our stopcock , oven valve and booster have been certified to CSA and have gained quality certificates in America and countries in Europe .

  15. 例如,您可以将发布从开发进行到QA(质量认证),并最终进行生产。

    For example , you can move the release from development to staging to QA ( quality assurance ) and , finally , to production .

  16. 勘探施工企业与ISO9002质量认证

    Exploration Construction Enterprise and ISO 9002 Quality Certification

  17. 高等学校引入ISO9000质量认证是提高高等学校教育质量的一种有效方法,提供了一条我国高等学校与国际接轨的途径。

    Colleges ' quality attestation by introducing ISO9000 is an effective approach to improve colleges ' education quality and provides a way to coordinate with the world .

  18. 本文从分析海洋石油钻井行业既具有服务业的共性,又带有产品制造业某些重要特征出发,探讨如何结合钻井行业的特征,搞好ISO9000质量认证。

    The paper studies how to conduct quality verification of ISO 9000 standard according to the drilling characteristics starting from the analysis of drilling service and operation .

  19. 所有美国尼伯科阀门都在我们位于美国阿肯色州的、符合ISO9002质量认证的制造厂内按照MSS要求进行测试。

    All NIBCO Ductile Iron Valves are tested to MSS requirements in our ISO9002 quality certified manufacturing plant in Blytheville , Arkansas .

  20. 公司通过了ISO9001(2000版的国际质量认证体系)认证和中国国家强制性产品(3C)认证。

    Our company has passed certifications , i.e.ISO9001 ( 2000 version of international quality certification system ) and the China Compulsory Certification of products ( 3C ) .

  21. ISO和CMM是两种不同的质量认证标准体系,而且又是一种改善软件质量的管理方法。

    The ISO and CMM are two different quality assurance systems , and they also provide a managment methodology to improve the software quality . They share a common concern for quality and process management .

  22. 以追求卓越,创造完美,诚信双赢作为经营理念,以ISO9001国际质量认证体系为管理手段;

    " Seek remarkable and creat perfect " is the manage theory of Huaguang ," Take ISO9001 as-manage means " is magic develop weapon of the company .

  23. 阐述企业推行ISO9000质量认证的意义及存在的误区,特别对造纸行业在推行ISO9000过程中应注意的问题,提出了个人的见解。

    The significance of implementing ISO9000 in enterprises is expounded and the wrong concepts , in particular , the problems attention should be paid to during the process of implementing ISO9000 are discussed .

  24. 北京世标质量认证中心(WSQC)

    Beijing World Standards Quality Certification Center ( WSQC )

  25. 深圳质量认证中心(SQCC)

    Shenzhen Quality Certification Centre ( SQCC )

  26. 高职院校引进ISO9000-2000质量认证体系初探

    An Exploration on the Introduction of ISO9000-2000 Quality Assessment System into Higher Technical Colleges

  27. 北京兴国环球质量认证中心(XGQC)

    Beijing Xingguo Global Quality Certification Center ( XGQC )

  28. 中国船级社质量认证公司(CSQA)

    China Classification Society Quality Assurance Ltd ( CSQA )

  29. 在ISO质量认证后,保持、改进、控制成为总护士长持之以恒地检查、指导各级护理人员落实ISO标准的重要工作。

    In conclusion , after passing the ISO standards , the chief head nurses should attach importance to the work of maintaining , improving and controlling the implementation of the standards and inspect and supervise nursing staff in various levels to implement ISO standards .

  30. 我们公司已率先取得了ISO9001质量认证,所销售产品符合DIN2353德国标准,并先后与多家知名企业合作,成为他们的优秀供应商之一。

    Our company has already achieved ISO9001 quality certification product conforms to the standard DIN2353 sales in Germany and successively and many famous enterprises as the best suppliers .