
zhēnɡ ténɡ liú
  • transpiration current;transpiration stream
  1. 将ABA、ZRs和二者的混合液引入3个发育阶段植株的蒸腾流,测定激素对不同发育阶段叶片光合速率的影响。

    The ABA , ZRs and their mixture were led to the transpiration current of plant to measure the changes of photosynthesis rate at these three phases .

  2. 通过对盆栽桃树果实贮存水运转动态的数学模拟发现,果实的贮存水汇入蒸腾流的最大量只占全天茎流总量的14%左右。

    Through the simulation of the dynamic variety of storage water in peach fruit , we found that the storage water , which flow in transpiration stream was only 1.4 % in total sap flow of a day .

  3. 以蒸发蒸腾和重力流作为土壤渗透恢复机制,建立了生物滞留槽土壤渗透与恢复过程模拟模型。

    In this paper a soil infiltration and recovery simulation model of bioretention trough was constructed by using evaporation , transpiration and gravity flow as the soil recovery mechanisms .

  4. 植物的茎流是由植物蒸腾作用带动的体内水分上升的过程,因此对单株植物来说,蒸腾可用茎流来代替。

    The sap flow of plants stem is driven by the plants water uptake , so it can represent plants transpiration .