
  • 网络Steam curing;steam-cured
  1. 对构件制作过程的监测分析表明,本批次PC钢棒的材性较脆,镦头性能和蒸汽养护适应不高,延性和质量稳定性有待提高。

    The monitoring and analysis of the production process indicates that this batch of the PC bar is brittle , bad behavior of upsetting and steam curing .

  2. 东海大桥70m预制箱梁蒸汽养护技术

    Steam Curing Techniques for 70-m Span Precast Concrete Box Girders of Donghai Bridge

  3. PC钢筋在高压蒸汽养护过程中的失效分析

    Failure analysis of PC reinforced steel bar in high pressure steam keeping

  4. 基于VB的蒸汽养护监控系统的研究

    The Study of the Monitor and Control System on Steam Preservation Based on VB

  5. 探讨和研究了二自由度PID控制算法在蒸汽养护窑温度控制中的应用和混合语言编程方法。

    In this paper , the application of two free degrees PID control algorithm for temperature control of vapor kilns , and method of mixed language programming studied .

  6. 32m混凝土箱形梁蒸汽养护的温度场分析

    Temperature field analysis of 32 m box beam during steam curing

  7. 通常认为PC(PrestresedConcrete)钢筋在高压蒸汽养护过程的断裂原因是应力腐蚀断裂,而且腐蚀环境起着十分重要的作用。

    The breaking reason of PC ( Prestressed Concrete ) reinforced steel bar in high pressure steam keeping usually was considered as stress corrosion cracking , and the corrosive environment has very important role .

  8. 100℃蒸汽养护可使高铝水泥CBC材料的强度大幅度增加。

    The strength of aluminous cement CBC materials can be greatly increased when steam cured at 100 ℃ .

  9. 本文应用X射线分析和扫描电子显微镜技术研究了在常温和蒸汽养护条件下自燃煤矸石水泥水化和强度发展。

    In this paper , by means of X-ray analysis and scanning electron microscope technology , the hydration and strength development of spontaneous gangue cement under the condition of normal atmospheric temperature and steam curing are analysed .

  10. 本论文以京沪高速铁路32m混凝土箱梁蒸汽养护项目为研究对象。

    The research focuses on the 32m concrete box girder for express railway from Beijing to Shanghai .

  11. 利用有限元软件ANSYS模拟了32m混凝土箱梁在进行蒸汽养护时的温度场分布情况,证实已设计的蒸汽养护方案是可行的,分析得到的温度分布规律可以为类似的工程借鉴。

    By means of FEA software & ANSYS , the paper simulates the temperature field of the 32 m box beam during steam curing , which shows the steam curing means designed is workable , and it is suitable for similar engineering .

  12. 采用太阳能养护改造蒸汽养护混凝土砌块

    Use of solar conservation transformation of steam conservation of concrete block

  13. 大跨度现浇箱梁蒸汽养护技术

    Technology of Steam Curing for Cast-In-Site Box Girders with Large Spans

  14. 高速铁路客运专线预制箱梁蒸汽养护施工技术

    Steam Curing Construction Technology of Precast Box Beam of Passenger Dedicated Railway

  15. 基于虚拟仪器的箱梁蒸汽养护系统设计

    Design of Steam Curing System Based on Virtual Instrument

  16. 混凝土制品蒸汽养护过程的模糊控制探索

    The Concrete Ware Steam Protects the Misty Control of the Process to Investigate

  17. 蒸汽养护粉煤灰混凝土抗渗性试验研究

    Test Study of Impermeability of Steam Cured Fly-ash Concrete

  18. 浅谈蒸汽养护条件下水泥-粉煤灰复合胶凝材料的水化性能

    Elementarily Talking about Hydration Performance of Cement-Fly Ash Compound Cementitious Materials under Steam Curing Condition

  19. 蒸汽养护钢纤维混凝土的弯曲性能随着养护龄期的增长有所提高。

    Steam curing flexural properties of steel fiber reinforced concrete with the increase of curing period increased . 5 .

  20. 进行了远红外养护与蒸汽养护的对比试验;

    The comparison between compressive strength of concrete cured by far infrared radiation and that cured by steam is studied ;

  21. 采用快速氯离子渗透试验方法研究了粉煤灰掺量对蒸汽养护混凝土抗氯离子渗透性能的影响。

    Authors adopted the rapid chloride permeability test method to research influences of fly-ash amount on anti-chloride-permeability performances of steam cured concrete .

  22. 蒸汽养护和蒸压养护的结果表明湿热养护对燃煤固硫渣活性激发程度较高,特别是蒸压养护,激发效果更为明显。

    It shows that steam curing and high-pressure steam curing is best to activate CFB ashes , especially for high-pressure steam curing .

  23. 试验结果表明,粉煤灰等量取代部分水泥,可以有效解决蒸汽养护混凝土抗氯离子侵蚀能力不够的问题。

    Results indicated that fly-ash substituting same amount of cement can effectively solve the problem of insufficient anti-chloride-corrosion ability of steam cured concrete .

  24. 养护工艺通常分为自然养护、太阳能养护、蒸汽养护及加速硬化等。

    The curing technologies are usually classified as natural curing , solar energy curing , steam vapor curing , accelerated hardening curing , etc.

  25. 工厂化施工为加速模具周转多采用蒸汽养护。

    In order to speed up the circulation of pattern , the steam vapor curing is usually used for construction in the factory .

  26. 增加骨料含量及出厂前先行干燥或采用高压蒸汽养护均可降低收缩值。

    The decreased shrinkage of masonry blocks can be get by drying the brock before used or curing these in high & pressure steam .

  27. 采用蒸汽养护技术预制混凝土箱梁可以提高梁的品质,缩短施工周期,该技术的难点在于严格、准确、实时地控制温度变化。

    In order to shorten construction durations , people often apply the steam curing technology to the prefabrication of concrete box beams in many projects .

  28. 试验结果表明:蒸汽养护条件提高了水泥-粉煤灰复合胶凝材料的早期水化速度,并且提高了硬化浆体抗压强度。

    The experimental results indicate that steam curing condition increases early hydration velocity of cement-fly ash composite binders and improves compressive strength of hardened pastes .

  29. 蒸汽养护条件下,复合胶凝材料的水化产物种类不变,但水化产物含量增多。

    The steam curing condition has no effect on the variety of the hydration products but on their amount and improves pozzolanic activity of mineral admixtures .

  30. 通过测定不同龄期净浆的化学结合水量和抗压强度,研究了在蒸汽养护条件下粉煤灰掺量、细度对水泥-粉煤灰复合胶凝材料水化性能的影响。

    The degree of hydraulicity of hardened cement pastes added with assistant cementitious materials such as coal gangue were obtained by determining the chemical combined water content .