
  • 网络Bun
  1. 我看见没有颜色的编织袋蒸包子决不会购买,那怕是干净的!

    I see a bag with out colour to steam buns that I don 't want to buy , even clean .

  2. 面条、饺子、蒸包子、肉锅贴以及馒头都是最常见的面食。

    noodles , ravioli-like dumplings , steamed stuffed buns , fried meat dumplings , and steamed buns are the most common flour-based foods .

  3. 如果温度足够高,发酵会很快的,郭说,然后,在我们蒸包子前,我们会把馅手工包到面团里。。。,这些配方是郭在他叔叔的店里当学徒时学到的。

    Then we manually put fillings into the dough * before we steam the buns said Kwok , who learned the recipe as an apprentice in his uncle 's bakery .

  4. 面食在北方的烹饪中也发挥了重要的作用;面条、饺子、蒸包子、肉锅贴以及馒头都是最常见的面食。

    Food made from wheat also plays an important role in Northern cooking ; noodles , ravioli-like dumplings , steamed stuffed buns , fried meat dumplings , and steamed buns are the most common flour-based foods .

  5. 实际上,为应对食品安全危机,家庭主妇中此前已开始流行购买酸奶机、面包机,现在看来,她们还得再练练蒸包子的功夫。

    In fact , as a response to the food security crisis , housewives have already popular buy yogurt machine , bread machine , now looks like , they also need some practice Kung Fu steamed buns .