
  • 网络class atmosphere
  1. 创设环境、树立班风是高职生思想政治工作的重要环节;

    Creating environment and establishing class atmosphere is the significant sector .

  2. 高校大一年级班风建设问题与策略

    Problems and Tactics of Class Atmosphere Construction for College Freshmen

  3. 加强思想教育树立优良班风

    Strengthening Ideological Education to Build up Good Class Atmosphere

  4. 一个健康、乐观、和谐和积极向上的班风;

    A healthy , positive harmonious and upward class ;

  5. 树立良好的班风是努力的目标;

    To set a good style of class is the objective to reach .

  6. 建立优良班风狠抓五个环节

    Enforcing Five Elements Create a Good Class Atmosphere

  7. 如建立道德联动,培养校园文化,加强班风建设。

    For instance , establish moral linkages , develop campus culture and harmonize class atmospheres .

  8. 中小学良好班风建设之我见

    On Construction of Good Class Style

  9. 班长:你说班风有问题,你能说出来是什么问题吗?

    Monitor : you said the class studying atomosphere had problems , what are those problems ?

  10. 良好班集体的建立,是学校教育教学管理中极其重要的一项工作,要做好这一项工作,最重要的就是要从建立良好的班风抓起。

    It is an important job for a teacher to set up a good class style in school management .

  11. 合作学习实验班班风建设的个案分析

    An Individual Analysis on the Construction of the Class Atmosphere in the Experimental Class of " Cooperative Learning "

  12. 班主任可以通过营造良好班风、开展主题班会等形式来提高学生的素质。

    The teacher in charge of a class can improve student 's qualities by building good class style and so on .

  13. 良好的班级文化可以通过班旗、班风等对班级成员产生潜移默化的影响。

    Class culture can be a good class flags , wind and other class members of the class have a subtle influence .

  14. 班风是校风的基础,班级建设是学校建设的重要内容。

    Class spirit is the foundation of the school spirit , and the class construction is the important content of the school construction .

  15. 加强学风建设的具体研究对策:依托班级管理建好班风树立学风,注重师德教育;

    The concret study of construction of academic atmosphere bases on the management of class to found the style of stud , attaches importance to teachers ' professional education ;

  16. 在示范班管理中实施目标管理对促进良好班风的形成、增强班集体凝聚力、规范班级管理、形成学生的集体观念以及调动学生积极性、主动性和创造性等都具有极其重要的作用。

    Good class atmosphere is a guarantee of good teaching effect . Practising the aim management in model class will improve the class atmosphere and strengthen the class unity .

  17. 学生的学习行为多是在课堂这一集体环境中发生的,其学习效果势必受到班风、教师和其他同学与之相互作用的影响。

    The students ' learning behavior mainly come about in classes , so classes , teachers and students ' acting on each other can have effect on students ' learning efficiency .

  18. 在班级中培养学生的合作能力,可以发展学生健康的个性,提高学生自我教育的能力,并带动良好班风的建立。

    It can bring up students ' healthy individuality , enhance abilities of education by themselves , and develop the class atmosphere all right to train the students in cooperation ability .

  19. 针对大学生班级群体存在的问题,论文提出了从宏观环境、微观环境、目标、规范、班风、凝聚力等方面建设大学生班级群体的对策。

    Finally , some countermeasures are put forward for the construction of undergraduate class group in terms of constructing its macro-environment , micro-environment , objects , criterions , class ethos , cohesions .

  20. 学生干部是广大学生的带头人,是高校学生管理工作的重要参与者,对校风和班风的建设起着有力的推动作用,因此,学生干部素质的高低关系到学院的稳定与发展。

    Student cadre is the leader of normal students , the important participator of college student management , and has an important effect on the construction of the college and class atmosphere .

  21. 第四章主要从学生的学业成绩、学习兴趣、人际交往技能及其课堂管理与班风等方面入手,对在我校实施合作学习的成效进行了检测和评估;

    Chapter four is a test and assessment of the effect by Cooperative Learning in terms of students ' academic performance , study interest , interpersonal communicative skills , classroom management and class orientation .

  22. 大学生的个性发展与班风建设谈班风建设&兼谈高校班主任工作

    Development of Student 's Personality versus Class Atmosphere Creation Maintenance On the Construction of the General Mood of a Class Also on the Work of a Teacher in Charge of a Class in a College

  23. 杭州电子工业学院不断探索这一课题,制定《班风、年级学生工作评估条例》,并认真组织实施,收效明显。

    With the constant pursuit , Hangzhou Institute of Electronics Engineering has laid down Regulations of Evaluation of Class Mode and Work for students of Each class which has been carried out seriously and effectively .

  24. 本文就高校学生情感管理、寝室教育管理、班风、校风建设、学生的奖惩工作管理、开展第二课堂、开展集体心理教育、性心理教育和性教育等方面进行了探讨。

    We discussed in this paper about regulations of feelings , dorm education , rewards and penalties of students , extra-curriculum activities , development of class and school spirit , psychological , psychosexual and sexual education .

  25. 实行教育与社会实践及班风建设相结合是促使书本知识向学生个人素质转化、提高两课教育效果的基本途径。

    The combination between education and social practice and the building of class atmosphere is the basic way to transform theory into students ' inner qualities and enhance the educational effects of " Two Courses " .

  26. 良好班风对学生社会化发展提供多方面的有利条件,而良好班风的形成直接取决于一个坚定有力的班级领导班子。班级领导班子的组建需要每个学生的积极参与。

    A strong , firm group of Class Cadres plays a critical role in the construction of a good classroom which can provide all kinds of benefits for students ' socialization that needs students ' active anticipation .

  27. 笔者作了九年的中学班主任,在工作过程中,深感诚信品质对学生本人、良好班风、校风及社会发展的重要性。

    Having been in charge of a middle school class for nearly 9 years , the author deeply feels that the cordiality character is very essential to the students , the class ethos and the society development .

  28. 阐述了什么是个性、良好个性的养成,班风建设和发展大学生良好个性之间的关系,以及班主任和辅导员在班风建设中所起的作用。

    In this paper the author has elaborated the definition of personality , the formation of good personalities , the relation of class atmosphere to students ' personalities , and the functions that a class supervisor and counselor perform in creating class atmosphere .

  29. 第四章主要从学生的全面发展,教师的教育观,课堂管理与班风等方面入手,对薄弱中学语文课堂实施合作学习的成效进行了检测和评估。

    In Chapter IV the author evaluates the effect of cooperative-study in Chinese classroom-teaching of the weak middle school from students knowledge , ability , process , methods , emotion , values , teachers ' teaching value , classroom management , general mood of class , etc.

  30. 目标管理适用于高校班级管理,对调动学生积极性,培养和锻炼学生创新能力,养成良好班风,促进班级管理模式的转变等都具有很好的作用。

    Being applicable to class management in college , MBO is of good value to bringing out students ' initiative , developing and exercising students ' creativity , as well as to the establishment of fine class discipline and the promotion of the transformation of class management pattern .