
  • 网络class collective;class group;class as a collective
  1. 现代管理学原理在班集体建设中的运用

    Application of Modern Management Principles in the Construction of Class Collective

  2. 精心培育充满活力的班集体

    The careful cultivation is full of the energy the class collective

  3. 现代班集体建设的思考和实践

    Reflections on and Practice of the Construction of the Class Collective

  4. 班主任组织和培养班集体的六种技能

    The Six Kinds of Skills for Class-teachers to Organize and Manage Class

  5. 高等学校学习型班集体建设探讨

    Exploring the Building of the Learning Class Collective in HEIs

  6. 久而久之,我们的班集体就会整体落下。

    As time passes , our class will overall drop .

  7. 班集体建设对大学生德育教育的促进作用及其前景展望

    Influence and Future Development of Class Construction in University Student Moral Education

  8. 中学生班集体意识的发展研究

    Development of Middle-School Students ' Collective Consciousness : A Research

  9. 大学生社交焦虑与班集体人际关系的调查研究

    Investigation on College Students ' Social Anxiety and Class Collective Interpersonal Relationships

  10. 所以,组建班集体是班级管理的一个重要目标。二、对非正式群体作用的分析。

    Secondly , analysis to the functions of informal group .

  11. 浅谈高校体育专业学生班集体内非正式群体及其管理措施

    A Talk about Informal Groups and Management in Classes for Sports Majors

  12. 从拉绳实验谈班集体建设

    Commenting on class Community Construction , From " Rope Pulling Expenment "

  13. 谈大学班集体与学生品德的形成

    Remarks on the Development of Class Collective & Moral Characters

  14. 高校班集体建设面临的挑战与对策

    The Challenge and Countermeasure of Classes Construction in College

  15. 班集体及伙伴关系对于学生学习及生活有着密切的影响。

    Class environment and friendship always connect with their study and daily life .

  16. 他们的班集体非常团结友爱。

    Their class was a close - knit one .

  17. 大学班集体人际关系的心理学研究

    A psychological study of interpersonal relations in college classes

  18. 暗示对大学班集体建设的影响作用探讨

    Effect of Suggestion on Collective Construction in University Classes

  19. 基于系统学理论的大学生班集体建设规律探析

    Research on systematics-based college students ' class construction rules

  20. 班集体是实现学校育人目标的基本单位。

    A class is a basic unit in a school of educating people .

  21. 浅谈高校班集体建设

    Discussion on the Construction of Class Collective in College

  22. 论学分制下的班集体建设

    On the Construction of Class Collectivity under Credit System

  23. 高职班集体建设的理念和策略

    The Visions and Strategies on How to Construct Class Collectivity in Higher Vocational College

  24. 培养集体荣誉感增强班集体凝聚力

    Students ' Sense of Collective Honour Must Be Fostered to Strengthen Class Cohesive Forces

  25. 浅谈高校宿舍管理社会化对学生班集体建设的影响及对策

    Impact of Management Socialization of Collegiate Dormitories on Collegiate Class Construction and Countermeasures Proposed

  26. 班集体是学生成长的重要园地。

    Class is the important garden for students'growth .

  27. 浅谈培养班集体的凝聚力精神病人的集体心理护理探讨

    A Discussion on Cultivation of Class Cohesion Summary GROUP PSYCHOLOGICAL NURSING IN PSYCHOTIC PATIENT

  28. 辅导员可以利用班集体特殊的功能来发挥思想政治教育。

    Coach class can use a special function to become political and ideological education .

  29. 论班集体的功能和建设

    On the Function and Construction of Class

  30. 良好班集体建设之浅见

    On the Construction of an Excellent Class