
zhōnɡ děnɡ jì shù xué xiào
  • middle school of technology
  • secondary technical school;polytechnic school
中等技术学校 [zhōng děng jì shù xué xiào]
  • [secondary technical school;polytechnic school] 着重学习技术的中等学校

  1. 中学毕业后,田文华在一家中等技术学校学习兽医。

    After graduating from middle school , Tian studied veterinary science at a technical secondary school .

  2. 纳米比亚中等技术学校

    Namibia Technical Secondary School

  3. 有些大学只是中等技术学校水平,何必办成大学?

    Some universities have only an academic level of secondary technical schools , so why should we run them as if they were universities ?

  4. 大专院校、中学(包括中等技术学校)、小学都应当开设法制教育课。

    Universities , colleges , secondary schools ( including the secondary technical schools ) and primary schools should all offer education in the legal system .

  5. 笔者走访了多所中等职业技术学校,听取学校领导和教师的意见,并按照当前流行的KPI方法,建立了绩效考核指标;其次,合理分配指标权重。

    In order to develop more scientific assessment of performance indicators , the author interviewed more than in school , listen to the views of school leaders and teachers , and KPI according to the current popular method of establishing a performance index ; reasonable distribution of weights .

  6. 中等职业技术学校是为社会培养中等技术人才的摇篮。

    Secondary vocational school is the cradle of medium technical personnel .

  7. 建设与中等职业技术学校特点相适应的图书馆

    How to construct library according with characteristic of occupation technique school

  8. 它对中等职业技术学校的英语教师是有帮助的。

    It will be helpful for English teachers in SVTS .

  9. 中等职业技术学校多媒体课件设计制作及教学应用研究

    Research on multimedia courseware designing and instructional application in middle vocational technical schools

  10. 中等职业技术学校测绘专业教学改革前景浅谈

    Teaching Reform Future of surveying and mapping Major in Secondary Professional and Technical School

  11. 中等职业技术学校心理教育的问题与策略

    The Problems Existing in Mental Education and Tactics in Secondary Vocational and Technical Schools

  12. 德国的中等职业技术学校

    Secondary Vocational and Technical Schools in Germany

  13. 然而,很少有人关注中等职业技术学校学生的学习策略。

    However , very few people pay attention to vocational school students ' learning strategies .

  14. 中等职业技术学校教学现状与改变策略

    On the Current Teaching Conditions and Change Strategies in the Secondary Vocational and Technical Schools

  15. 中等职业技术学校学生的英语水平趋于下降。

    English level of the students in a secondary vocational school is inclined to decrease .

  16. 多元智能理论在中等职业技术学校的应用研究

    A Study on the Application of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences to Secondary Vocational Schools

  17. 这无疑将引发中等职业技术学校如何发挥网络优势开展语文教学的改革。

    That will bring the secondary vocational technology school to reform Chinese teaching using the internet .

  18. 中等职业技术学校开展新生情报教育的探讨

    Probe into the New Students ' Informative Education Developed in the Vocational and Technical Secondary School

  19. 中等职业技术学校的学生学习较多的是与将来从事职业有关的专业知识。

    What the vocational school students learn is mostly related to the vocation which they will engage in .

  20. 例如,社会对于中等职业技术学校毕业生的要求比以前要高;

    For example , the requirements on students who graduate from secondary vocational schools are higher than before ;

  21. 希望本次研究能对中等职业技术学校英语教学提供一点有益的帮助。

    It is hopeful that this study will make some progress in English teaching of Secondary Vocational Schools .

  22. 新出版并已投入使用的中等职业技术学校英语教材(基础版)突出体现了当前教育形势发展的特点。

    The newly-published English textbooks for SVTS have come into use with projecting characteristics of the present educational situations .

  23. 尤其,对于中等专业技术学校,通过网络进行人机交互式个性化学习研究更少。

    Especially in the vocational schools , the research about the computer-human interactive individualized teaching though internet is indeed little .

  24. 本文将探讨无线网络技术在中等职业技术学校的具体应用,完善校园网络,丰富教育教学手段,提升教育服务水平。

    The paper discusses some wireless network technology applications in vocational school to enrich education method , promote education level .

  25. 因此作者试图探索一种有效的英语教学方法来改变中等职业技术学校的这种教学现状。

    Therefore , the author tries to explore an effective English teaching and learning method to change the current situation of SVTS .

  26. 然而近几年来,中等职业技术学校招生难的状况日益严重。

    But in recent years , because of the difficulties of recruit students , secondary vocational school is facing more and more serious condition .

  27. 在中等职业技术学校扩大其办学规模的过程中,办学规模与学校管理的矛盾日益凸显。

    During their size extension , secondary vocational and technical schools are meeting more and more conflicts between school size and management of school .

  28. 然而,培养技术工人的摇篮&中等职业技术学校,很多不但没有随着技术工人的短缺红火起来,反而连生存都困难。

    However , a lot of middle vocational education schools , which are the resource for technical workers , are withering instead of thriving .

  29. 当前在有些中等职业技术学校的英语教学中,仍然存在着很多问题。

    At present , a number of major problems exist in English teaching and learning of some secondary vocational technical schools ( SVTS ) .

  30. 为实现中等职业技术学校对于“应用型”人才的培养目标,必须抓好实践性教学。

    In order to realize the goal of training " application-type " talents in secondary vocational school , the education of practicality must be strengthened .