
  • 网络Shajiang Black Soil
  1. 总N含量表现为:潮土>砂姜黑土>褐土。

    The content of total N was Alluvial soil > Shajiang black soil > Cinnamon soil .

  2. 塑料大棚盘育稻秧适宜土类及pH值效应的试验结果表明,盐化潮土和砂姜黑土的碳酸钙含量、缓冲容量、全盐增量和pH值均高于淋溶褐土。

    The test results showed that calcium carbonate content , buffer capacity , total salt increment and pH value of salinized Chao soil and Shajiang black soil were higher than those of drab luvisol .

  3. 采用小麦农田取样,对土壤中的重金属运用连续提取方法,研究了皖北砂姜黑土中Cu、Cd、Zn的化学形态、含量及分布特征。

    Successive extraction method was adoped to study the forms , contents and distribution of Copper , Cadmium and Zinc in shajiang black soil of the north of Anhui Province by field sampling .

  4. 砂姜黑土10年定位试验结果表明:施肥是砂姜黑土小麦增产的关键,N肥增产贡献率为69.4%,P肥增产贡献率为23.3%,K肥为7.3%。

    The results of a 10-years located experiment showed that fertilization was the key measure to increase wheat yield . The contribution rates of N , P and K fertilizers to yield increase were 69.4,23.3 and 7.3 % , respectively .

  5. 粒饱丰处理(T2)促进褐土和砂姜黑土烟叶中总N含量的降低,降低潮土烟叶中可溶性糖的含量,提高砂姜黑土与潮土烟叶中K的含量。

    T2 promoted the reducing of total N content in Cinnamon soil and Shajiang black soil , and reduced the soluble sugar content in the tobacco leaf in Alluvial soil . T2 improved the K content in the tobacco leaf in Shajiang black soil and Alluvial soil .

  6. 在黄褐土和砂姜黑土上进行了KCl施用量(0、75、150、225、300kg/hm2)与土壤速效钾增量和缓效钾增量关系的土培试验。

    The relationship between KCl application amount ( 0,75,150,225,300 KClkg / hm 2 ) and the increasing amount of available and slowly available K researched in Shajiang black soil and yellow cinnamon soil was studied for soil culture .

  7. 综合小麦产量和施肥的经济效益,在当前生产水平下,淮北平原砂姜黑土地区小麦钾肥(K2O)的适宜施用量为90kg/hm2左右。

    At present production level , the suitable rate of potassium fertilizer application for winter wheat was about 90 ? kg K 2O / hm2 in Shajiang black Huaibei plain .

  8. DMP-D对土壤微生物的数目有一定的影响,它能抑制硝化细菌的活性,降低土壤氮的硝化。可见,不同的土壤中砂姜黑土的硝化作用活性较弱,而反硝化活性较强;

    The influence of DMP-D on soil potential nitrification and microorganism were also studied . DMP-D had some effect on the number of the soil microorganisms , can significantly reduce the activity of soil microorganisms and slow down the nitrification potential .

  9. 旱改水对砂姜黑土中锌含量的影响研究

    Effect of cropping system on zinc content in Shajiang Black Soils

  10. 淮北砂姜黑土小麦平衡施肥技术研究

    Study on Balanced Fertilizer in Wheat Growth in Shajiang Black Soil

  11. 不同灌溉模式下砂姜黑土的水分状况

    Water Conditions of Sandy Black Earth Under Different Irrigation Patterns

  12. 砂姜黑土中镍的赋存形态及其有效性

    Morphology and availability of nickel in calcic concretion black soils

  13. 砂姜黑土长期施肥对小麦生长的影响研究

    Effects of long-term located fertilization on wheat growth in shajiang black soil

  14. 作物专用掺混肥在砂姜黑土地区施用的增产效果及效益分析

    Effect of some Special Compound Fertilizer on Shajiang Meadow Soil

  15. 砂姜黑土的固钾能力和钾肥的增产效应

    Potassium Fixation capacity of Shajiang black soil yield-increasing effect of Potassium fertilizer

  16. 砂姜黑土玉米根系生长发育动态研究

    Study on Growing Dynamic of Maize Root System in Shajiang Black Soil

  17. 退化砂姜黑土的无机磷特性及其活化研究

    Studies on inorganic phosphorus characteristics and its activation of degraded Shajiang Black Soils

  18. 砂姜黑土连续施肥对作物生长及土壤肥力的影响

    Effect of Continuous Applying Fertilizer on crop growth and soil fertility in Vertisol

  19. 长期施肥对砂姜黑土无机磷形态的影响

    Effects of long-term fertilization on inorganic phosphorus fractions in lime concretion black soil

  20. 有机物料对砂姜黑土的改良效应及其机制

    Ameliorative effect and mechanism of organic materials on Vertisol

  21. 安徽省砂姜黑土地区的农业持续发展

    The agricultural sustainable development of the mortar black soil region of Anhui Province

  22. 向日葵的水肥效应与合理施肥研究砂姜黑土区夏玉米水肥效应试验

    Research on Effects of Soil Moisture and Fertilizer on Summer Corn in Shajiang Meadow

  23. 长期施肥对砂姜黑土有机磷组分及其有效性的影响

    Effects of Long-Term Fertilization on Organic Phosphorus Fractions and Availability in Shajiang Black Soil

  24. 砂姜黑土区旱作物土壤墒情指标研究

    Research on soil moisture index of dry crops in caked calcium carbonate black earth

  25. 淮北砂姜黑土钾肥对生姜增产效应的研究

    Effect of potassium application on Ginger Yield response in Shajiang Black Soil in Huaibei Plain

  26. 砂姜黑土广泛分布于河南省的中南部地区,是影响农业低产的主要旱作土壤之一。

    There is much sajang meadow soil in central and southern area of Henan province .

  27. 砂姜黑土区开发地下水发展补充灌溉的方式特点及效果研究

    Modes and Characters and Effects of Exploiting Groundwater and Developing Supplement Irrigation in Vertisols Area

  28. 淮北砂姜黑土地区小麦施钾效应研究

    Research on response of applying potassium fertilizer for wheat in Huaibei shajiang black soil area

  29. 施用有机肥和溶磷细菌肥料对砂姜黑土磷素形态转化的影响

    Effects of Applying Organic Manure and Phosphobacteria Fertilizer on Transformation of Haplaquents ' Phosphorous Form

  30. 氮钾配施对生姜产量和砂姜黑土肥力的效应

    Effect of Nitrogen Application Combined with Potassium on Ginger Yield and Lime Concretion Black Soil Fertility