
  1. 云南古代滇池地区青铜文化中的贮贝器综述

    A comprehensive description of bronze treasure receptacles in the Dianchi area in ancient Yunnan

  2. 贮贝器按其型制可以分成两类:桶状贮贝器和铜鼓形贮贝器。

    The shell-containers can be classified into two kinds : pail-like shell-container and drum-like shell-container .

  3. 贮贝器盖上装饰有较多的立体牛,背上有一块驼峰状肉瘤,史书上称“封牛”。

    On the covers there decorated quite a few stereo oxen on which there were hump-like sarcomas on their backs and these oxen were called " feng niu " or " conferred oxen " .

  4. 海贝是古代滇人使用的钱币,把多余的钱币积攒在贮贝器里,这说明古滇人已经有了剩余价值。

    The seashells were the money currency used by the ancient Dian people and it was meant that they already created the surplus value that they could put their money , or the seashells , in the containers .