
  • 网络urban sculpture;city sculpture;public sculpture
  1. 2002中国北京·国际城市雕塑艺术展作品选

    Selected Works of 2002 China Beijing International Urban Sculpture Invitational Exhibition

  2. 并确证城市雕塑以及中国城市雕塑的文化阐释能力和文化身份的自我定位,及其在城市文化营建过程中发挥的作用。

    And explaining the Urban sculpture and the Chinese city culture .

  3. 中国郑州国际城市雕塑艺术年开局回眸

    A Review of International City Sculpture Art Year in Zhengzhou China

  4. 外国城市雕塑大观&澳大利亚城市雕塑

    A Grand View of Foreign Urban Sculptures Urban Sculptures in Australia

  5. 关于环境艺术与城市雕塑的座谈纪要

    Minutes of the Symposium on " Environmental Art and Urban Sculpture "

  6. 论城市雕塑艺术与环境空间的对应关系

    On Corresponding Relationship between Urban Sculptural Art and Environmental Space

  7. 城市雕塑是公众环境艺术的一种。

    City sculpture is a kind of public environment art .

  8. 新疆的城市雕塑尚处于初步发展阶段。

    City sculpture of Xinjiang is of the initial stage .

  9. 中国当代城市雕塑文化属性的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking on the Cultural Nature of Modern Urban Sculpture

  10. 城市雕塑在景观设计中的应用与发展趋势探讨

    Application and Development Trend of Urban Sculpture in Landscape Design

  11. 城市雕塑与建筑艺术的互动与互补

    Interaction and Complementation between Urban sculpture and Architectural Art

  12. 城市雕塑规划的地域文化及特色营造&以《南宁市城市雕塑发展规划研究》为例

    Local Cultural Character Creation in City Sculpture Planning : Nanning Sculpture Development Plan

  13. 中国城市雕塑发展与实践的契机

    Opportunities for Development and Practice of Chinese City Sculptures

  14. 中国城市雕塑蓬勃发展的50年

    50 Years of Development of China 's Urban Sculpture

  15. 美国现代城市雕塑在环境中的作用

    The Role of Modern Sculpture in American City Environment

  16. 关于城市雕塑审美价值观取向的调查研究

    A Study on the Aesthetic Criteria of Urban Sculpture

  17. 新疆城市雕塑的状况与管理规范刍议

    My Humble Opinion about the State and Management of City Sculpture in Xinjiang

  18. 城市雕塑是公共艺术的门面

    Public Sculpture is the Shop Front of Public Art

  19. 城市雕塑的价值与价值的实现

    The Value and Its Realization of the City Sculpture

  20. 提出了环境艺术与城市雕塑是密切相关的组成部分。

    This paper brings up the correlation between environmental art and city sculptures .

  21. 再谈城市雕塑与环境的营造

    On urban sculpture & creation of the environment

  22. 城市雕塑与城市空间环境设计

    Sculptures and the design of city space environment

  23. 城市雕塑的个性化艺术取向

    The Individuality of Artistic Orientation of Urban Sculptures

  24. 宁波城市雕塑调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on urban sculpture in Ningbo

  25. 当代城市雕塑发展的景观意识

    The Landscape Consciousness in Developing Contemporary Urban Sculpture

  26. 现代城市雕塑的几个问题

    A number of problems on the contemporary sculptures

  27. 环境空间中的城市雕塑

    Art Sculpture In Cities and Its Environmental Context

  28. 树立城市雕塑建设的可持续发展观&兼谈发展中的兰州市城市雕塑建设

    Setting Sustainable Development Ideas for Urban Sculpture Construction

  29. 当代城市雕塑视觉创作特征研究

    Approach to Visual Design of Contemporary City Sculpture

  30. 漫步在德国城市雕塑的丛林中

    Stroll in g Among Urban Sculptures in Germany