
  • 网络Delft;Delft University of Technology;TUD
  1. 科学日报(08年5月25日)&代尔夫特工业大学的研究者首次对DNA分子损伤的自主修复进行实时观测。

    ScienceDaily ( May25,2008 ) & For the first time , researchers at Delft University of Technology have witnessed the spontaneous repair of damage to DNA molecules in real time .

  2. 代尔夫特理工大学(DelftUniversityofTechnology)的纳米颗粒物专家鲍勃·乌尔塞姆(BobUrsem)为罗斯格德工作室担任了早期顾问。他设计出了一种让颗粒物带上正电荷从而从空气中提取出来的办法。

    An early adviser to Studio Roosegaarde was Bob Ursem , a nanoparticles expert at the Delft University of Technology , who devised a method for positively charging particles to extract them from the air .

  3. 荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(DelftUniversityofTechnology)的电子表格实验室主管、教授费列利安娜•埃尔曼(FelienneHermans)指出,电子表格的“活跃感”和“直接性”使它们对用户具有吸引力。

    Professor Felienne Hermans , head of the Spreadsheet Lab at Delft University of Technology , notes that the " liveness " and " directness " of spreadsheets makes them attractive to use .

  4. 谷歌(Google)自动驾驶汽车发明者、荷兰代尔夫特理工大学(DelftUniversityofTechnology)名誉教授塞巴斯蒂安史朗(SebastianThrun)表示,在推动企业适应这种变化方面,“几乎每一个老牌行业的动作都不够快”。

    Sebastian Thrun , the inventor of Google 's self-driving cars and an honorary professor at Delft University of Technology , in the Netherlands , said " almost every established industry is not moving fast enough " to adapt their businesses to this change .

  5. 这种设计新颖的汽车出现在了正在迪拜举行的国际公共交通联合会(UITP)第59届世界论坛暨城市交通展的展台上。其设计团队来自荷兰代尔夫特科技大学。

    A design team from TU Delft University has unveiled the Superbus at the World Exhibition of the International Association of Public Transport ( UITP ) in Dubai .

  6. 普鲁斯特能理解弗米尔对代尔夫特自豪的表现是很自然的。

    It is fitting that Proust understood Vermeer 's proud statement about Delft .

  7. 代尔夫特理工大学图书馆:荷兰

    TU Delft Library : The Netherlands

  8. 荷兰陶瓷之都代尔夫特崛起的历史动因与现实意义代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器。

    The Historical Motivations and Actual Significance of the Rise of Delft , Holland 's Capital of Pottery ;

  9. 代尔夫特工业大学科维理研究所的研究者即将在分子生物学杂志上发表这一文章。

    Researchers from the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft are to publish an article on this in the journal Molecular Cell .

  10. 它还后天领事风险管理公司,代尔夫特,荷兰,坚定而充满在履约能力,在其投资组合。

    It also acquired Consul Risk Management Inc. , a Delft , Netherlands , firm which filled in compliance capabilities in its portfolio .

  11. 我们的研究小组(软件工程研究小组,位于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学)专注于编程的转换与实现。

    Our research group ( the Software Engineering Research Group , of Delt University of Technology , the Netherlands ), focuses on programming transformation and implementation .

  12. 代尔夫特的风景颇为自豪地描绘了他的家乡,被普鲁斯特描写成世界上最漂亮的画。

    " View of Delft ", which proudly portrays his home town , was described by Proust as " the most beautiful picture in the world " .

  13. 代尔夫特理工大学的图书馆建于1997年,有86.2万本藏书,1万6千份杂志和自己的博物馆。

    he library at the Delft University of Technology was constructed in 1997 and has more than 862000 books , 16000 magazine subscriptions and its own museum .

  14. 截至目前,全球已有一批优秀城市在卓越发展中脱颖而出,成为知识型城市的发展标杆,例如澳大利亚的墨尔本、荷兰的代尔夫特和美国的波士顿等。

    Up to now , a number of cities of them have become excellent knowledge-based urban development examples as their outstanding development achievements , such as Melbourne of Australia , Delft of Netherlands , and Boston of America and so on .

  15. 这种机器人的独特之处是,没有任何预先来自它的发明者&美国波士顿的麻省理工学院,纽约康奈尔大学,荷兰的代尔夫特理工大学的编程信息,它们就学会在不同的表面上行走。

    What makes the robots unique is that they learned to walk on different surfaces without any prior programming information from their inventors at the Massachusetts Institute of technology in Boston , Cornell University in New York in the United States and Delft University of technology in the Netherland .

  16. 安德鲁斯发现,“附近种着庄稼,人们走路上学、上班的中等规模的城市,”其能源使用效率较高,例如加利福尼亚州的圣路易斯-奥比斯保、纽约州萨拉托加斯普林斯以及荷兰的小镇代尔夫特。

    Mr. Andrews tends to find greater energy efficiency among " modest-sized cities that still have crops growing nearby and where you can walk to school or work , " such as San Luis Obispo , Calif. , Saratoga Springs , N.Y. , and the Dutch town of Delft .