
dài lǐ hé tong
  • agency contract;agency agreement;contract of agency
  1. 兹附上我公司代理合同条款,请贵方考虑。

    We attach our proposed agency agreement terms for your consideration .

  2. 论文建立了业主方如何制定委托代理合同以便业主激励咨询方和实施方作出业主期望的努力的博弈模型;建立企业内部上级主管部门,信息部门和业务部门三者之间的博弈模型。

    The paper establishes a game model on how to make agency agreement , so that the client can inspire the consultation agency and the engineering agency to make efforts that the client expects . It also establishes a game model among superior departments , information departments and business units .

  3. 需要了解外贸独家代理合同怎么签吗?下面就为您提供一份合同样本。本协议于1992年9月20日在中国青岛由有关双方在平等互利基础上达成,按双方同意的下列条件发展业务关系:1.协议双方ThePartiesConcerned

    This agreement is made and entered into by and between the parties concerned on September 201992 in Qingdao , China on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follow :

  4. 浅谈规范招标代理合同

    My opinion on regulating contract of bid - inviting agency

  5. 经协商,双方同意签订一份代理合同。

    After some negotiation , the two side agree to sign an agency contract .

  6. 本委托代理合同自双方签字(或盖章)生效。

    The commission contract signed by both parties ( or seal ) entered into force .

  7. 供方已签订独家代理合同的国家和地区。

    In countries and regions where sole agent contracts have been concluded by the supplier .

  8. 保险人和保险代理人之间的关系是依靠保险代理合同来确认和维系的。

    The relationship between them is based on the insurance agency contract to identify and maintain .

  9. 负责国际、内货物承运商、公司、运公司的评价并参与有关运输、关通关代理合同的评审和签订。

    Be responsible for evaluation about forwarder , Vessel Company and Transportation Company , contract signing .

  10. 筹划、参与并成功签约了若干进出口贸易及代理合同。

    Planned , worked and sponsored successfully the contracts for import and export and also the representative business .

  11. 乙方使用甲方统一标准格式的产品销售代理合同(本代理制度);

    Party A Party B to use a unified standard format product sales agent contract ( this agency );

  12. 本文通过建立数学模型研究经纪人过度自信条件下的金融市场最优委托-代理合同。

    This paper researches the optimal principal-agent contract of financial market in the presence of overconfident money managers by setting up a mathematical model .

  13. 代理人凭自己的实力与委托人谈判,代理合同是双方博弈的均衡结果。

    Agent negotiates with the client by his power , and the agent contract is the result of the game equilibrium of the two sides .

  14. 保险代理人在保险代理合同的授权范围内,以保险人的名义在保险市场展业,从事保险业务活动,其在授权范围内所产生的一切法律后果,均由保险人承担。

    Within the range of authority from the contract , the agent develops businesses in the name of the underwriter , who bears the effects .

  15. 预防代理人欺骗保险人的不诚信行为的对策主要是对代理人进行严格的选育,制定严密的代理合同和严格的处罚标准;

    The methods to prevent cheating life insurance company conducts are selecting and teaching agents strictly , and designing strict contracts with agents and punishing standard .

  16. 委托代理合同的签订也要考虑防止双方机会主义行为引起的代理成本的增加。

    Agency by agreement signing of contract is it is it prevents of both sides opportunism agent increase of cost that behavior cause to consider wanting too .

  17. 为了避免专业代理人展业中的道德风险,设计了非寿险公司与专业代理人之间的最优委托代理合同。

    In the end , an optimal principal agent contract between non-life insurance companies and professional agent is designed to avoid professional agent 's moral hazard in marketing .

  18. 与台州新杰克控股集团签定了区域代理合同,主要销售该公司比较成熟的电脑平缝机、包缝机和绷缝机。

    Taizhou with the new Jack Holding Group signed a regional agent contract , the company sells more mature computer-sewing machine , sewing machine and package Beng sewing machine .

  19. 剖析证券经纪合同属性相关代理合同说、居间合同说、行纪合同说等观点的优缺点。

    I analyzed advantages and disadvantages of different theories on attributes of securities broking contracts , such as agency contract theory , intermediary contract theory , trustee-trader theory and so on .

  20. 代理合同中应明确代理权限、区域、期限、技术服务以及电子工业部规定的其他必备内容。

    Agency agreements shall specify the authority limit , geographical limit , time limit and technical services of the agency relationship , and other necessary contents stipulated by the Ministry of Electronic Industry .

  21. 如果金融机构认为经纪人过度自信的可能性比较小,那么金融机构提供的最优委托-代理合同能够同时被理性和过度自信经纪人所接受。

    If the financial institution thinks that the probability of money manager being overconfident is very small , the principal-agent contracts offered by the financial institution could be accepted by rational and overconfident money manager .

  22. 当经纪人的过度自信水平不可观测到时,如果金融机构认为经纪人过度自信的可能性很大,那么金融机构提供的最优委托-代理合同只能被过度自信经纪人接受;

    When overconfidence of money manager is not observable , if the financial institution think that the probability of money manager being overconfident is very large , the principal-agent contract offered by the financial institution could be only accepted by overconfident money manager ;

  23. 我国现行的保险代理人制度是保险代理人与保险公司签订业务代理合同,保险代理人按业绩抽取佣金,公司不为其提供底薪,不提供福利及保障。

    Our current insurance agency system means the signed business agreement between the insurance agents and the applicants . The insurance agents get some commission in terms of their performance ; the company does not provide them the basic salary or the welfare .

  24. 就仲裁员与当事人的关系而言,主要有特殊身份说、准合同说和合同说三种观点,而其中的合同说又分为代理合同、服务合同、仲裁员或授权合同和特殊合同四种。

    As far as the relationship between the former two is concerned , law scholars and practitioners have three theories : special status , quasi contract and contract which consists of agency contract , services contract , arbitrator 's contract or contract of institute and contract of sui generis .

  25. 信托财产的独立性使商事信托成为其他法律制度如代理或合同所不能替代的法律制度。

    The independence of the property of trust makes it impossible to substitute trust law with other legal regimes , such as , contract law and agency law .

  26. 它们因信用证的规定和银行惯例而与开证行和受益人产生各种性质不同的关系,包括代理、合同和票据关系。

    Generally speaking the parties of a letter of credit also include intermediary banks , their relations with the issuing bank and beneficiary are different between each other .

  27. 为有效地将低通货膨胀货币政策实施到位,我们目前最好的策略是实行更加独立的货币政策,设计合理的委托代理激励合同。

    In order to effectively bring the low inflation monetary policy into effect , the best measure for us to take at present is a more independent monetary policy , and a reasonable consign-agent incentive contract .

  28. 基于灵敏度信息,采用多代理的合同协商策略重新界定了应对紧急工况的控制区域,建立了虚拟多代理联盟,形成了用于紧急工况电压控制的组织架构。

    Based on sensitivity information , using multi-agent contract negotiation strategy to redefine the control area to respond to emergency conditions , a virtual multi-agency alliance is established , the organizational structure of voltage control for emergency condition is formed .

  29. 诉讼活动中公民代理行为具有合同性和劳务性。

    The civil proxy action is contractual .

  30. 本文讨论了不对称信息下委托代理关系中合同的线性化与线性化的合同。

    The paper discusses the linearization of contracts and linear contracts in principal-agent relationships under asymmetric information .