
dài lǐ quán xiàn
  • delegated authority;scope of the delegated authority
  1. 以上ACL显示根用户未被赋予代理权限位“G”。

    The above ACL shows the root user is not given the surrogate permission bit " G " .

  2. 基于属性证书的移动代理权限管理方案

    Attribute certificate based Privilege Management scheme for Mobile Agent System

  3. 第二种方案可限定代理权限的有效期限。

    The second scheme can limit the signature time of the proxy signer .

  4. 代理人委托书应当载明代理权限和委托人的国籍。

    The power of attorney shall specify the scope of powers of the agent and nationality of the applicant .

  5. 代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的名义实施民事法律行为。

    An agent shall perform civil juristic acts in the principal 's name within the scope of the power of agency .

  6. 该方案主要包括2个方面内容:一是利用Java2安全机制实现移动代理权限的特化;

    It composes two aspects : First , it uses the Java 2 security system to specialize the access control of mobile agents .

  7. 代理人代为提起、变更、撤回赔偿请求、递交证据材料、收受法律文书等代理权限;

    The agent 's authorities to file , alter and withdraw the claim , to submit evidence , and to accept legal documents etc ;

  8. 并且,表见代理权限并非真正的代理权限,它是以特定的方式创设的被代理人与第三人之间法律关系,是由被代理人向第三人做出的意思表示。

    Moreover , ostensible agency authority is not a real agency authority , but a special relationship between the client and the third person .

  9. 律师在代理权限内的诉讼行为和法律行为,与委托人自已的诉讼行为和法律行为有同等效力。

    Within the scope of the mandate , the lawyer 's procedural and legal acts shall have the same effect as those of the client .

  10. 编辑者权限级别的用户不需要具有运行LotusScript或Java代理的权限,因为他们不为代理签名。

    Editor level users do not need rights to run LotusScript or Java agents , because they do not sign the agent .

  11. 还需要用户具有在服务器上运行LotusScript代理的权限。

    Users also needed the rights to run LotusScript agents on the server .

  12. 如果设计者权限级别的用户没有创建LotusScript代理的权限,就授予他们该权限。

    If a Designer level user does not have the right to create LotusScript agents , grant them that right .

  13. 授予对输入文件中所列用户邮箱的完全邮箱访问和代理发送权限。

    Full mailbox access and send as rights to user mailboxes that are listed in the input file .

  14. 异构的系统可以通过企业服务总线代理访问权限管理服务。

    Heterogeneous and distributed systems can access the " User Right Management Module " through the ESB agent .

  15. 要成功运行批处理文件,所用帐户必须对要更新的邮箱具有完全邮箱访问和代理发送权限。

    To run the batch files successfully , you must use an account that has full mailbox access and send as rights for the mailboxes that you want to update .

  16. 管理员将需要具有代表服务器文档的Security区域中的其他用户为代理签名的权限。

    The administrator would need to have rights to sign agents on behalf of other users in the Security section of the Server document .

  17. 若要向用户kim授予对名为“市场部”且已启用邮件的公用文件夹的“代理访问”权限,请运行以下命令。

    To grant the send as permission to the user Kim for the mail-enabled public folder named marketing department , run the following command .

  18. 代理投票的权限应由国家元首或主管部长签署的文件授予。

    Such power to vote shall be granted in a document signed by the Head of State or the competent Minister .

  19. Domino代理由数据库ACL权限和编程限制控制。

    Domino agents are controlled by database ACL rights and programmability restrictions .

  20. 用户运行离开办公室代理需要具有什么权限?

    What rights does the user need to run the Out of Office agent ?

  21. 而且,离开办公室代理对具有作者权限的用户不起作用。

    Also , the Out of Office agent does not work for users with Author-level access .

  22. 为了实施这个变通方法,需要具有对代表其他用户运行的代理进行签名的权限。

    To perform this workaround , you need to have the right to sign agents that run on behalf of someone else .

  23. 专利代理机构的审批权限债权债务的处置协议应报送审批机关。

    Establishment procedure of the patent agencies The agreement on disposition of the claims and debts shall be submitted to the approval organ .

  24. 委托人提供代理价格作为取得代理权限所订购产品的结算基础。

    ESD offers the Distributor price as the payment basis of orders .

  25. 内容的特殊性(法律规定了书面合同的详细主要条款和三类保险代理人类各自的代理权限)。

    And the special features of the contents of IAA ( the main rules of the written contract and the extent of the right for each of the three kinds of insurance agent have been specified by law ) .

  26. 代理合同中应明确代理权限、区域、期限、技术服务以及电子工业部规定的其他必备内容。

    Agency agreements shall specify the authority limit , geographical limit , time limit and technical services of the agency relationship , and other necessary contents stipulated by the Ministry of Electronic Industry .

  27. 从权限代理粒度,代理深度,权限代理及撤销策略等重要方面,对现有的几种权限代理模型特征进行系统的比较研究,指出了各模型的不同之处,及其优缺点。

    It contains : ( 1 ) In respects of delegation granularity , delegation depth , delegation polices and revocation , several typical role-based delegation models are in analysis , and the difference between them are also presented .

  28. 代理委托书应当载明代理内容及权限;

    The power of attorney shall clearly specify the content of agency and the limit of power .

  29. 快照代理必须对指定的目录具有写权限,而分发代理或合并代理必须具有读权限。

    The snapshot agent must have write permissions for the directory you specify , and the distribution agent or merge agent must have read permissions .

  30. 二是采用资源代理模式实现移动代理基于角色的权限特化,对敏感资源进行双重保护。

    Second , it uses resource proxy pattern to realize role-based access control of mobile agents . Thus , it can give the sensitivity resource double protection .