
  • 网络Not-Held Order;delegation
  1. 基于PMI的授权委托方法研究与实现

    Method Research of Delegation and Implementation of PMI-Based

  2. 与其他方案相比,组播分布式访问控制系统具备分布式、支持非对称组播、授权委托和隐私保护、边缘路由器计算开销小等特性。

    Compared with other solutions , MDAC has not only excellent performance , but also characteristics of distribution , supporting asymmetrical multicast , delegation and privacy protection , less computing cost in border router .

  3. 基于SPKI技术提出了组播分布式访问控制系统MDAC,并提出了基于二叉授权委托树的委托证书路径(DCP)查找算法。

    Based on SPKI technology , proposing multicast distributed access control system : MDAC , as wall as , proposing a delegation certificate path ( DCP ) searching algorithm based on binary tree .

  4. 如果是,请填写有限的授权委托书。

    If yes , please complete Limited Power of Attorney Form .

  5. 诉讼代理人只有在有特别授权委托时才可以代替当事人行使回避申请权。

    The agent cannot substitute the his principal without special empowerment .

  6. (六)申请人的授权委托书;

    Letter of authorisation by the applicant ;

  7. 如文件签署者不是法定代表,须提交授权委托书。

    J.Power of attorney in case a related document is not signed by a legal representative .

  8. 授权委托书必须记明委托事项和权限。

    The letter of attorney must list the items of trust and the limit of powers .

  9. (六)申请人的授权委托书;恳请考虑敝人的申请。

    Letter of authorisation by the applicant ; I trust that you will give this application your favorable consideration .

  10. 本授权委托书在×××(公证人姓名和地址)面前签署,盖章并送交。

    Signed , sealed , and delivered in the presence of ___ ( name and address of notary public )

  11. 乙方在收到甲方书面通知前,仍执行原授权委托书。

    Before receiving any notification in written form from Party a , the original power of attorney shall be executed .

  12. 投诉人委托代理人投诉的,应当提交授权委托书。

    In case the complainant entrusts its agent to make such complaints , it shall submit the power of attorney accordingly ;

  13. 机构投资者开户时必须出具机构投资者的授权委托书、代理人的身份证和其他开户证件。

    As for an institution investor , the power of attorney , the agent 's identity certificate and other certificates required must be produced .

  14. 法人代表证明、联系人的法人代表授权委托书及身份证复印件。

    Legal Representative Certificate , Power of Attorney issued by Legal Representative for contact person and the photocopy of the latter 's ID Card .

  15. 在您确定代理人选之后,需要和代理人签订委托代理合同并向其出具授权委托书。

    After you decide agent is chosen , need and agent are signed entrust acting contract and issue accredit a power of attorney to its .

  16. 委托代理人须向复议机关提交授权委托书,载明委托事项和权限。

    The authorized agent shall submit the power of attorney to the authority for administrative reconsideration , which shall contain the relevant entrusted matters and powerscompetence .

  17. 申报人委托他人代理申报的,应出具授权委托书,并提供其联系方式及文件送达地址。

    A declarer that authorizes a proxy to handle the declaration formalities shall issue a power of attorney and provide the contact information and address for service .

  18. 此时,如果能选择熟悉美国海关行政程序的报关行和货代,就可以授权委托他们代理出口商提出行政申诉。

    To this moment , customs brokers and forwarders familiar with americanus customs customs administrative procedures can be authorized and entrusted to lodge administrative complaint as exporter agents .

  19. 代理人出席债权人会议,应当向人民法院或者债权人会议主席提交债权人的授权委托书。

    Where an agent participates in the conference , it shall present to the peoples court or the chairman of the creditors conference the creditors written form of authorization .

  20. 委托他人代为申请的,必须向人民法院提交由委托人签名或者盖章的授权委托书。

    If the application is made by proxy , a power of attorney affixed with the client 's signature or seal must be submitted to the people 's court .

  21. 如果某人委托他人代为诉讼,其必须向人民法院提交由其签名或盖章的《授权委托书》。

    When a person appoints another to act on his behalf in litigation , he must submit to the people 's court a power of attorney bearing his signature or seal .

  22. 本授权委托书以中文和英文书就,中英文版本如有冲突,应以中文版为准。

    This Power of Attorney is written in Chinese and English ; in case there is any conflict between the Chinese version and the English version , the Chinese version shall prevail .

  23. 侨居在国外的中华人民共和国公民从国外寄交或者托交的授权委托书,必须经中华人民共和国驻该国的使领馆证明;

    A power of attorney mailed or delivered through others by a citizen of the People 's Republic of China residing abroad must be certified by the Chinese embassy or consulate accredited to that country .

  24. 授权委托书应使用甲方规定格式,并由乙方法定代表人或其授权签字人签字、加盖公司印章。

    The power of attorney shall be made in the format specified by Party a , signed by the legal representative of Party B or its authorized person and stamped with the official seal of the company .

  25. 在本人为北京安耐可的股东期间,本授权委托书不可撤销并持续有效,自授权委托书签署之日起算。

    This Power of Attorney is coupled with an interest and shall be irrevocable and continuously valid from the date of execution of this Power of Attorney , so long as I am a shareholder of Annec Beijing .

  26. 单位犯罪自首的主体包括单位的法定代表人、直接负责的其他主管人员以及经单位授权委托投案的其他直接责任人员。

    Legal representative including unit of main body giving oneself up in unit 's crime , Directly responsible other persons in charge and authorizing by the unit to entrust other direct persons liable who gave oneself up to the police .

  27. 书面委托代理的授权委托书应当载明代理人的姓名或者名称、代理事项、权限和期间,并由委托人签名或者盖章。

    Where the entrustment of agency is in writing , the power of attorney shall clearly state the agent 's name , the entrusted tasks and the scope and duration of the power of agency , and it shall be signed or sealed by the principal .

  28. 这项艰巨的任务需要我们做出更大的努力。3.mandatevt.委任统治,授权,委托

    The arduous task requires of us still greater efforts .

  29. 在背景中,您应该可以看到改进的稳定迹象了:委托,授权,委托,授权。

    In the background , you should hear this steady drumbeat for improvement : delegate , authorize , delegate , authorize .

  30. 安吉县行政许可实施主体的取权方式包括法定、授权、委托三种方式。

    Anji county for the implementation of administrative licensing of the body , including statutory right , take three modes , entrust authorized .