
shòu kè
  • teaching;give lessons;teach a class;give instruction
授课 [shòu kè]
  • [give lessons;give instruction] 教课

  • 每周授课三次

授课[shòu kè]
  1. 在教学安排及授课形式上,结合师范教育的特点,还应突出其实用性。

    Arrange and give lessons formally in teaching , combine the characteristic of the teacher education , should stress its practicability .

  2. 研修班将邀请从事港口物流、交通运输管理、法律事务等方面专家、教授为学员授课。

    The class also will invite experts who are engaged in port logistics , transportation management and laws to give lessons to the government officers .

  3. 本课程为期两年,授课形式为讲座与研讨。

    This is a two year course taught by means of lectures and seminars

  4. 他的微观经济学授课单元有250名学生。

    He has 250 students in his microeconomics module .

  5. 在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。

    In Sierra Leone , English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education

  6. 我采用传统授课与实践和指导相结合的方式教授心理学。

    I teach psychology by way of a range of traditional lectures , practicals and tutorials .

  7. 声称教师若重新采用传统课堂讲授方法,授课效果会事半功倍的报告

    a report claiming that teachers could be twice as effective if they returned to traditional classroom methods .

  8. 美国历史的授课方式可能会为了照顾到更多的文化而作改变。

    The way that American history is taught may change in order to accommodate some more of those cultures .

  9. 然后,小孩子就好像是一年到头地由家庭教师授课。

    Then the child has private lessons all the year round .

  10. 他在函大授课。

    He teaches at a correspondence college .

  11. 学生们可以用论坛聊天、玩游戏、免费一起解决问题,也可以花几百美元购买训练有素的老师的授课。

    Students use forums to chat , play games , and solve problems together at no cost , or they can pay a few hundred dollars to take courses with trained teachers .

  12. 此外,他们应该可以自由授课,并会因为做得好而得到奖励。

    Additionally , they should be allowed to teach , and be rewarded for doing it well .

  13. 由TDSB中学教师授课

    are taught by TDSB secondary school teachers

  14. 学生为在线课程花费的时间至少需要与面对面授课时间一样多。

    Students need to spend at least as much time with their on-line course work as they would in a face-to-face classroom course .

  15. 数学、社会研究、科学和所有其他常规课程都用两种语言授课。

    Math , social studies , science and all other regular courses are taught in both languages .

  16. 我上学去了,我不得不参加特殊的课程来学习英语,因为所有的课程都是用英语授课的。

    I went to school and I had to attend special classes to learn English as all the lessons were taught in English .

  17. 在线教育网站Udacity表示,新的教授入门级软件技能的“纳米学位”将在网上授课,学期不到一年,每月费用约200美元。

    For example : Focusing on entry-level software skills , Udacity says its new “ NanoDegree ” will be offered online , involve less than a year of coursework , and cost about $ 200 per month .

  18. 每年寒暑假,他们都会回到那夺村免费教女孩们跳舞。他们还邀请当地教师和志愿者免费授课。

    They also invite local teachers and volunteers for free instruction .

  19. 在学生遇到困难时,老师会进行指导,而不是当场授课。

    The teacher tutors the students when they become stuck , rather than imparting the initial lesson in person .

  20. 《方案》明确,低风险地区校园内学生不需佩戴口罩。老师授课时不需戴口罩,同时,幼托机构幼童不建议戴口罩。

    Teachers of such schools are also allowed to go mask-free when giving class , while it is not recommended for infants and kids to wear masks in nurseries and kindergartens .

  21. 该文介绍了一个授课系统生成器的设计与实现方法,该系统集Web技术、视频点播技术、信息发布技术和网络数据库等技术于一体。

    Combined with video broadcasting tec hn ology , information publishing technology , network database technology , education based on network is a new teaching system .

  22. 布兰科曾创立过多家新创企业,目前已退休。他在斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(HaasSchoolofBusiness)和哥伦比亚大学授课。

    A retired serial entrepreneur , Steve teaches at Stanford University , U.C.Berkeley 's Haas School of Business and Columbia .

  23. 本文对电子CAD课程的教学做出一些探讨,采用授课与上机操作并重的教学方法。

    In this paper , it gives some advise to the teaching of Electronic CAD , and introduces a teaching method of teaching combined with practising .

  24. 正如科技乐观主义者不断指出的,如今我们能免费下载整个美国国会图书馆(LibraryofCongress)的藏书和常青藤盟校(IvyLeague)的课堂授课。

    As the techno-optimists keep pointing out , we can now download the Library of Congress and Ivy League lectures for free .

  25. EMMA第四届初级裁判培训班开坛授课

    The Forth EMMA Junior Judge Training Course Begins

  26. 提出了研制高质量的多媒体课件和使用CAI教学的原则、采用启发式教学方法授课,大幅度地提高了教学质量;

    Having made high-quality multi-medium coursewares , used the CAI teaching rule and the heuristic method for lecturing , our teaching quality has been improved greatly .

  27. 有一次在北京旅行时,我发现清华大学提供清华-麻省理工(MIT)国际MBA课程,英文授课。

    On a trip to Beijing , I discovered that Tsinghua University offered the Tsinghua-MIT International MBA , a programme taught in English .

  28. 方法对同时开课的两个班分别采用传统教学法以及传统与PBL相结合的新的教学法授课。

    Method : Traditional teaching method and a combination of traditional method and PBL were applied to 2 classes respectively in the same teaching phase .

  29. 针对视音频处理的实时授课系统在语音方面对QoS服务质量和大规模网上群体实时交互的高需求及现有系统存在的问题,设计了低比特率音频处理算法。

    The paper is dealing with the algorithm of low-bite rates aiming at ITLs high demand for audios QoS and large scaled realtime interactivity , as well as the problems existing in the present system .

  30. 简述了其在系统教学设CBE计、电子化教室授课和远程教育中的使用。

    And the usage of the system in systematic instructional design , teaching in electronic classrooms and distance education is briefly described .