- 名metabolic end product

By the result of HPLC-MS analysis , we find that the intermediate material of DMF degradation is formamide and metabolic end product is NH4 + .
The level changes of serum NO , plasma ET , NPY , ANP and CGRP and clinical symptom score were compared before and after treatment in the two groups .
Serum nitrate ( NO 3 - ), the end products of NO and plasma ET were measured by activated cadmium reducer combined with Griess reaction and radioimmunoassay respectively before and after infusion of hANP or placebo . Blood pressure changes were observed .
Proceeding of the Study on Depressing the Metabolin Inhibition During Alcohol Fermentation
Uric acid as the end-product of purine metabolism in human body is excreted through kidney .
In animals , the end products of purine degradation vary greatly from species to species .
Methane is one of the end-products in the rumen , which is energy loss for host animals , green house gas for the environment , and also important energy resource in the ages of energy crisis .
Urate oxidase has been found in the body of many species , while birds and some higher primates ( eg apes and humans ) lack functional urate oxidase in vivo and excrete uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism .
Human beings lack active uricase because of gene mutations , leading to uric acid as the end product of purine metabolism and resulting in the development of urate nephropathy and gouty arthritis when the concentration of uric acid reaches its solubility limit in blood ( hyperuricemia ) .
BaP is an indirect carcinogen , which has not strong carcinogenesis until it need to be metabolized into activate ultimate matters in vivo .
Learning from Tyr metabolism in vivo model , we treat plants with exogenous aromatic amino acids and their metabolic intermediates and end products to further study gene working site .