
jià zhí biāo zhǔn
  • value standard
  1. 可持续发展的伦理基础与价值标准

    The Ethical Foundation and Value Standard of the Sustainable Development

  2. 自由是一种价值标准。

    Thirdly , freedom is a kind of value standard .

  3. 教材结构体现一定的社会价值标准;

    The structure of teaching materials reflects a certain social value ;

  4. 美术批评的主客观因素及价值标准

    Subjective and Objective Factors and Standard of Value of Art Critique

  5. 科学进步中价值标准的有效性

    The Availability of Values Criterion of the Progress of Science

  6. 技术标准必须统一于价值标准。

    The technical standard must be unified with the values .

  7. 公正是司法活动的追求目标和价值标准。

    Justice is the goal and standard of judicial activities .

  8. 生产力是衡量社会进步的基本价值标准。

    Productivity is the basic value criteria to measure the social progress .

  9. 所有敏捷软件开发方法都具有以下几个共同价值标准,例如

    All agile software development approaches have several values in common , such as

  10. 现代诗歌审美价值标准论

    On the Standards of Aesthetic Values of Modern Poetry

  11. 选择婚姻对象的价值标准定位;

    Second , standard of value choosing spouse .

  12. 论理论评价的真理标准和价值标准

    On the TRUTH-CRITERION and VALUE-CRITERION of theory evaluation

  13. 儒家政治伦理讲求内圣外王,突显个体应负有的道德责任和历史使命。儒家政治伦理的价值标准是政治利益,西方宗教伦理的价值标准是宗教信仰。

    Ethic value and ethic aims between western religious ethics and Confucian political ethics .

  14. 和谐是儒家思想最高的价值标准。

    " Harmony " is " the superior value criterion of Confucian ideology " .

  15. 文化生态及其价值标准的相对性浅议

    The Relativity of Cultural Ecology and Value Standard

  16. 婚姻家庭质量的价值标准;

    Fourth , value orientation in marriage quality .

  17. 价值标准上对重义轻利传统的继承与创新;

    The tradition of preference of justice to benefits in terms of value criterion ;

  18. 在宋儒看来,圣人就是具有终极意义的价值标准,圣人境界也就是他们所普遍追求的自由境界。

    So the ideal realm which they pursued was the realm of the Sages .

  19. 采用什么标准评价?西方人格理论的价值标准

    A Valuable Standard on Evaluating Western Personality Theories

  20. 在价值标准取向上,有利于提高人的生命质量;

    In choice of standard of value , they should help improving human life quality ;

  21. 第二次世界大战以后这种指责使它看来变成了西方价值标准的化身。

    After World War II this condemnation made it seem an embodiment of Western values .

  22. 堕胎,国家防卫,中美洲,家庭价值标准,活跃的投资气候。

    Abortion , defense , central america , family values , a live investment climate .

  23. 这些价值标准是已知的,也是可知的。

    These values are known and knowable .

  24. 论生产力价值标准的具体化进程&生产力·三个有利于·三个代表

    On Reification Process of Productivity Value Criteria

  25. 数学价值标准的主观性;

    Subjectivity of mathematical standard of value ;

  26. 从这些价值标准可以看出,现在使用的各种敏捷方法都注重不同的实践。

    From these values , the various agile methods in use today emphasize different practices .

  27. 当代文学史写作面临的最大困难是价值标准的确立。

    The difficultest thing of writing of contemporary literature history is the establishment of value standard .

  28. 视为价值标准和财富量度的体系。

    Anything that is generally accepted as a standard of value and a measure of wealth .

  29. 人类的一切价值标准都是相对的。因此美不美是相对的,由观看者的眼光如何而定。

    All human values are relative , so beauty is relative to the beholder 's eyes .

  30. 为公众服务是英国警务工作奉行的价值标准;

    Serving the public is the value standard that Britain 's police service work is followed ;