
  1. 黄金的双重属性与其价格决定机制

    The Double Attribute of Gold and its Price Mechanism

  2. 对劳动力价格决定机制的理论思考

    Theoretical Meditation On Labor Pricing Mechanism

  3. 土地的供求机制和价格决定机制是土地市场经济驱动机制的核心。

    Land price-decision mechanism and supply and demand mechanism are the the core of land market driving mechanism .

  4. 主要包括能源初始价格决定机制和能源基础设施接入价格形成机制两个方面。

    The energy initialization price formation mechanism and the infrastructure connect price formation are the main part of the energy price formation mechanism .

  5. 如何理解和把握小麦国际贸易中的价格决定与影响机制一直以来都是学术界和政府决策部门关注的重要领域。

    It has always been an attracting area for both academia and government to understand and make use of the price determination mechanism of international wheat trade .

  6. 劳动力市场的基本运行机制包括劳动力价格的供求决定机制、劳动力资源的自由流动机制和劳动力可持续利用的社会保障机制。

    The basic operation mechanism of labor market contains the mechanism of supply-demand determined labor price ; the mechanism of free movement of labor resource and the mechanism of social security that can be constantly used by labor .

  7. 论文以再装股票期权为例研究了期权执行价格最低水平的决定机制,并研究了执行价格可变的再装股票期权的定价。

    The third part studies the determination about the minimum level of the reload option strike price , and the pricing of reload stock option with variable strike price .

  8. 鉴于中国粮食问题的复杂性,本文选取了粮食价格作为研究的切入点,着重分析中国粮食价格的决定机制。

    Considering the complexity of issue of grain in China , I take the grain price as my research starting-point . , and stress the studies of grain pricing mechanism in China .