
  • 网络price incentive
  1. 迫切需要通过纠正碳定价等措施来恢复合理的价格刺激,以降低气候变化引起的不可逆转或潜在的破坏性影响的风险。

    Actionto   restore   appropriate   price   incentives ,   notably   through   corrective   carbon   pricing ,   is   urgently needed   to   lower   the   risk   of   irreversible   and   potentially   devastating   effects   of   climate   change .

  2. 从最基本的层次来说,价格刺激生产。

    At the crudest level , prices provide an incentive for production .

  3. 美国的价格刺激措施和返还现金方案,迄今对支撑需求成效甚微。

    Price incentives and cash-back packages in the US have done little to support demand to date .

  4. 我们假设价格刺激公平感消极情绪购买意愿是呈链式传导的。

    We suppose " price stimulus perception of fairness negative emotion willingness to purchase " was a chain reaction .

  5. 降低信息服务价格,刺激居民信息消费。

    The information service rate will be reduced to stimulate private information consumption .

  6. 这项政策的本意是通过推高资产价格来刺激经济。

    This was meant to stimulate the economy by driving asset prices up .

  7. 他称犀牛角的贸易合法化将会降低价格并刺激到偷猎行业。

    He said legalizing the rhino horn trade would reduce the price and incentive for poaching .

  8. 升高的价格会刺激农民增加生产,而这会造成两年价格突降。

    High prices then prompted farmers to produce more , and prices fell sharply for two years .

  9. 但随着美国房地产业繁荣的结束,所担心的是,联邦储备委员会缺乏通过提高房地产价格来刺激消费的能力。

    Now that america 's housing boom is ending , the worry is that the Fed is less able to stimulate the spending that comes with rising housing wealth .

  10. 银行特别注意关于住宅供给的活跃性和房屋价格方面刺激计划的效果,也对于在危机中心期间的零售价格指数令人吃惊的增长关切。

    The bank paid particular attention to the stimulus effect on housing activity and house prices , as well as surprising growth in retail sales during the heart of the crisis .

  11. 受到价格上涨刺激但因为人员设备短缺而推迟的正在开发的新石油供给有多少?

    How large will be the flow of new oil supplies that have been stimulated by the rising prices and have been under development but were delayed by shortages of people and equipment ?

  12. 近几年,中国农产品产量一直徘徊不前,通过引入市场竞争提高农产品收购价格,刺激农民务农积极性一直被视为解决三农问题的有效途径之一。

    In recent years , the output of Chinese agricultural products has been fluctuating all the time . The increase of purchasing price for peasants ' farming initiative has been considered as an effective way to solve these in problems in agriculture .

  13. 国内成品油价格过低,刺激消费,造成浪费严重;(3)在国家统一定价下,炼油企业难以参与国内外市场竞争;

    Low product prices stimulate oil consumption , resulting in serious waste ;

  14. 并且房地产价格也会刺激升值性预期行为的提高。

    And to stimulate the appreciation of real estate prices will increase the expected behavior .

  15. 其次,美联储希望推高风险资产价格,从而刺激投资。

    Second , the Fed wanted to push up risky asset prices and thus stimulate investment .

  16. 提供价格折扣可以刺激市场需求,增加供应链的整体盈利。

    Adopting price discounts can stimulate market demand , and increase the whole profits of supply chain .

  17. 有一种观点认为农业价格支持可以刺激农业技术的发展并提高作物产量。

    One argument in favor of supporting agricultural prices is that it stimulates agricultural technology and boosts crop yields .

  18. 在中国,价格上限已刺激国家炼油商更多出口到价格更高的海外,导致国内短缺。

    In China price caps have encouraged state refiners to sell more overseas where the price is higher leading to shortages at home .

  19. 低廉的参禅价格和税收刺激政策是许多以色列犹太人居住在Yitzhar这样偏远又有诸多限制的地方的原因。

    Low property prices and tax incentives are some of the reasons Israeli Jews have come to live at remote , fenced-in communities like Yitzhar .

  20. 我们知道,降息将强烈刺激经济主体扩大负债;给寻求收益的投资者造成压力,促使其背负更高风险;导致资产价格上涨并刺激金融活动。

    We do know they strongly encourage economic actors to take on debt ; that they place pressure on return-seeking investors to take increased risk ; that they inflate asset values and reward financial activity .

  21. 第一,面对价格上涨的刺激,供给方面的反应可能会比前几次更为滞后,因为当前世界能源市场的变化,以及由此产生的相关生物燃料需求,可能会持续相当长一段时间。

    First , the lag in supply response to the stimulus provided by higher prices may prove to be of greater duration than its predecessors , to the extent that the current changes in world energy markets and hence the associated demand for biofuels are likely to be lasting ones .

  22. 苹果的迷你iPad,更小的屏幕和更薄的设计,有望填补苹果产品的小众市场,但由于缺乏创新以及比竞争对手更高的价格似乎并没有刺激到中国消费者。

    APPLE 'S iPad mini , with its smaller screen and thinner design , is expected to fill a niche of Apple products but doesn 't seem to excite Chinese consumers due to a lack of innovation and a higher price than its rivals .

  23. 或许这是暂时的:价格上涨可能会刺激节能创新。

    Perhaps this is a temporary thing : the rising prices could spur energy-saving innovations .

  24. 与此同时,从衣服到电子产品的各种物品价格打折几乎没有刺激销售或者增强消费者的信心。

    Meanwhile , discounted prices on everything from clothes to electronics are doing little to spark sales or boost consumer confidence .

  25. 在过去,股市流动性日益增长加上资产价格不断上涨,刺激了散户投资者对共同基金的需求。

    In the past , increasing stock market liquidity together with rising asset prices has stimulated demand for mutual funds among retail investors .

  26. 大宗商品价格高企将刺激开发额外的产能,并推动寻找替代产品,同时也将使需求放缓。

    High commodity prices will stimulate the development of additional production capacity and the search for alternatives , as well as slowing down demand .

  27. 美国11月零售销售上升0.7%,增幅是八个月来最大的,这个迹象表明,就业增长加快和汽油价格快速下跌正在刺激消费。

    US retail sales rose 0.7 per cent in November , the most in eight months , in a sign that faster jobs growth and the rapid drop in petrol prices were boosting consumption .

  28. 投资新手尤其热衷于这样的走势,大交易量和大幅价格波动都会刺激情绪,孤注一掷。

    This pattern is especially a favorite among newcomers to the markets , where a lot of volume and large price movement excite their emotions and their dreams of making a killing in that one trade .

  29. 此外,石油价格一路飙升,进一步刺激了受补贴的生物燃料生产的日益增长,提高了作为粮食作物替代品的玉米、菜籽油及其它谷物与食用油的需求。

    Furthermore , rising production of subsidised biofuels , further stimulated by soaring oil prices , boosts demand for maize , rapeseed oil and the other grains and edible oils that are an alternative to food crops .

  30. 价格促销是众多营销手段中最常用的手段,价格促销用于刺激需求、提高销售额、维护或者扩大市场份额等目的。

    Price promotion is one of the most common marketing methods . It is used to stimulate demand , increase sales , maintain or expand market share .