
  • 网络sticky price;Sticky;price sticky;price rigidity
  1. 商品市场上厂商之间博弈会形成折弯的需求曲线和价格粘性;

    In merchandise market , the game between competing enterprises leads to kinked demand curve and sticky price ;

  2. 其次,本文分别分析了价格粘性与理性预期产生货币政策非对称效应的原因,并采用CC-LM模型研究信贷配给与资本金约束导致货币政策非对称效应的原理。

    Secondly , this paper analy-zes respectively the theory of price stickiness and rational expectations cause the asymmetry of monetary policy . Then we use CC-LM model analyze the reason of credit rationing and capital fund lead to the asymmetry of monetary policy .

  3. 名义工资粘性有利于解释名义价格粘性。

    The nominal wage stickiness is good for explaining the nominal price stickiness .

  4. 中国商品市场存在较强的名义价格粘性。

    There is relatively strong nominal price stickiness in China 's commodity market .

  5. 不完全竞争市场是名义工资粘性和名义价格粘性存在的前提。

    The imperfectly competitive market is the premise of nominal wage and price stickiness .

  6. 名义价格粘性是货币产出效应产生的微观原因。

    The nominal price stickiness is the micro reasons for the money output effect .

  7. 首先,名义工资粘性的存在决定了名义价格粘性的存在。

    First , the nominal wage stickiness determined the existence of the nominal price stickiness ;

  8. 极强的价格粘性保证了货币政策在第二环节的效果。

    The strong stickiness ensures the effect of the monetary policy in the second segment .

  9. 当地价格粘性及人民币升值效果的国际比较&以中国和东盟+2为例

    International Comparison of the Local-currency-pricing-stability and the Effects of RMB Appreciation & A case of ASEAN + 2 and China

  10. 新凯恩斯经济学认为,在通货紧缩环境下,由于价格粘性和调整成本等原因,将导致经济政策乘数作用更为显著。

    New Keynesian economics holds that economic policy has higher multiplier under deflation due to price stickiness and cost adjustment .

  11. 理性预期、价格粘性和信贷传导渠道均会导致货币政策非对称效应。

    Rational expectations , price stickiness and credit transmission mechanism all lead to the asymmetry of monetary policy . 3 .

  12. 其次,生产资料市场、消费品批发市场和消费品零售市场存在价格粘性。

    Second , there is price stickiness in both the capital goods market and the whole-sale and retail consumption commodity market .

  13. 如果价格粘性较弱,反周期的货币需求冲击能够起到稳定经济增长的作用;

    If the stickiness of price is week , the impact of counter-cycle money demands will be able to stabilize economic growth ;

  14. 货币政策非对称效应产生于非对称价格粘性,而放大于金融加速器,主要原因在于金融加速器会放大和加速外生扰动对整个经济系统的冲击。

    The asymmetric effect roots in the asymmetric price stickiness , and is magnified by the financial accelerator . The main cause is that the financial mechanism can magnify and accelerate the shocks of external disturbance to the whole economy system .

  15. 总体来说,凯恩斯主义经济学家认为由于工资和价格粘性的存在,货币政策能够起到平抑经济波动的作用,而新古典经济学家则认为货币政策是无效的。

    In a word , doctrine economist Keynes thinks because of the salary and the price viscidity , the monetary policy can play a role in stabilizing economic fluctuation , but the new classical economist thinks the monetary policy is invalid .

  16. 在小型开放经济情形下,加入了粘性价格和粘性工资的情况,采取的方式是Calvo的交错价格方法。

    In the case of a small open economy , joined the sticky prices and wages was modeled , taken Calvo staggered price method .

  17. 工资可能无法调整,价格呈现粘性。

    Wages might fail to adjust , and prices might stick .

  18. 房地产市场大多数时候不能出清,总是存在着超额供给或超额需求,价格具有粘性,不能有效地调节市场需求量和供给量向均衡状态转变。

    The real estate market cannot clear out at most of the time , it always exists excess supplies or excess demand , and the price has coher-ency so as to it cannot adjust the market demand and supply capacity to the equi-librium state effectively .

  19. 现代汇率决定理论主要是指汇率决定理论的资产市场方法,包括:货币模型、货币替代模型和资产组合模型,其中货币模型可以分为弹性价格模型和粘性价格模型;

    As the main part of modern exchange rate determination theory , the capital market method of exchange rate determination theory includes the currency model which includes elastic price model and viscous price model , the currency substitution model and the portfolio model .

  20. 最后,不完全竞争市场和政府管制价格都促使价格粘性的增强。

    Last , the non-competitive market and the government administrative price further strengthen the price stickiness .