
  • 网络Price appraisal;price evaluation
  1. 本案涉案财物价格鉴定反映出目前价格鉴定存在着一些不足与缺陷,应该予以完善。

    This case involved the identification of property price reflects the current price appraisal exist some deficiencies and defects , should be improve .

  2. 涉案房地产评估作为司法鉴定中的一种价格鉴定,已逐渐体现出其重要的社会意义。定价表,价目单,价格单。

    As a price expertise in judicial expertise , real estate appraisal involving a lawsuit has given expression gradually to its important social significance .

  3. 涉案物品的价格鉴定的范围是非常广泛的,如在治安案件、民事案件、行政案件、刑事案件、各类仲裁案件等都有可能遇到涉案物品价格鉴定的情况。

    The range of prices identification of case-related objects is broad , for example , public security case , civil case , administrative case , criminal case and etc. They all have chances to meet the situation of prices identification of case-related objects .

  4. 作为纯黄金的世园特许商品,每幅产品均有西安特许商品防伪和价格标签,配有鉴定报告,弥足珍贵。

    As a pure gold world garden licensed merchandise that each of the product are xian licensed merchandise anti-counterfeiting and price tag , equipped with appraisal report , very precious .