
  • 网络Price Consciousness;price eonseiousness
  1. 基于品牌敏感行为,从消费者涉入程度,价格意识,消费者感知差异的角度把消费者细分为4类:自主型,理智型,体验型,感性型。

    Based on the behavior of brand-sensitivity and the relationship between three factors ( consumers ' perceptions of the differences , consumers involvement , price awareness ) with brand-sensitivity , consumers are divided into four categories : autonomous type , rational type , experience-based type , emotional type .

  2. 此外,我还密切关注公司的价格,意识到我们定价过低。

    I also took a close look at my prices and realized they were too low .

  3. 但是当我看到它的价格时,我意识到我会被这个假的皮革背包给洗劫一空的。

    But when I saw the price I realized I would have to pay out the ass for some fake leather handbag .

  4. 他们表示,采矿、石油和天然气行业的收购近期面临各种逆风,包括更低的原材料价格、股东维权意识增强、更为严格的监管审查以及金融市场动荡。

    They say acquisitions in mining , oil and gas have faced greater headwinds from lower raw materials prices , rising shareholder activism , higher regulatory scrutiny and financial market turmoil .