
  • 网络Price Distortion;distorted price
  1. 军用物资订购价格扭曲成因及对策浅探

    Price distortion of military material order : cause and countermeasure

  2. 医疗服务价格扭曲的测量及其分析

    Measurement and analysis of hospital price distortion

  3. 中国工业部门的能源价格扭曲与要素替代研究

    The Measurement of Energy Price Distortions and Factor Substitution in Chinese Industry

  4. 国际分工、要素价格扭曲与中国地区差距

    International Division of Labor , Factors Price Distortions and Chinese Regional Disparity

  5. 煤炭产品价格扭曲及合理化分析

    The Distorted and Rational Analysis in Price of Coal

  6. 要想扶正全球经济,必先解决中国经济的价格扭曲问题。这一问题是由许多原因造成的。

    This must be addressed if the global economy is to be righted .

  7. 另外一个造成全球贸易失衡,而经常被人忽略的因素是中国经济内部的价格扭曲。

    Another overlooked problem contributing to the global imbalance is factor price distortion in the Chinese economy .

  8. 进入壁垒具有双重效应,一方面引起价格扭曲,造成福利损失;另一方面又可抑制无效竞争。

    Entering the barriers can realize double effects : leading to price distortion and welfare loss while restricting ineffective competition .

  9. 中国不妨加大消除内外价格扭曲的力度,以减轻对外部市场的依赖。

    China could do more to eliminate both internal and external price distortions to reduce its dependency on external markets .

  10. 从民工潮到民工荒&农民工劳动力要素价格扭曲现象剖析

    From " Waves of Peasant-laborers " to " Shortage of Peasant-laborers "── An Analysis of Distorted Price of Factor Labor

  11. 但它也给地方带来了房价高涨、土地价格扭曲以及土地资源利用不可持续等问题。

    But it also brought the house price rise , the land price distortions and unsustainable land use and other problems .

  12. 与不完全自由市场竞争相联系的劳动力价格扭曲是在特定条件下形成的,既有负面的效应,也有正面的效应。

    The distorted labor force price , related to incomplete free market competition , has both positive effect and negative effect .

  13. 在这样一个国家的石油价格扭曲,石油价格可能发生在任何时间的巨大振荡。

    In such a distortion of the state of oil prices , oil prices may occur at any time the huge oscillations .

  14. 然后基于测度结果,进行要素价格扭曲程度对企业所有制结构影响的实证分析。

    Then empirical analysis of the influence on corporate ownership of factor price distortion degree is carried out based on the measuring results .

  15. 内容提要要素价格扭曲程度与要素收益成反比,要素价格扭曲程度越高,本国要素收益就越低,国民利益流失就越严重;

    The factor price distortion degree is higher in reverse the factor income is fewer , which means the national benefit loses more ;

  16. 而市场参与者之间的信息不对称造成了交易不公、价格扭曲和市场效率的下降。

    However , the asymmetry information of market dealers results in the unfairness of trade , the twisted price and the market efficiency decrease .

  17. 采用拍卖的方式分配排污权既是环境污染外部性的内部化,又是市场价格扭曲的纠正。

    Using auction to distribute pollution permits can not only internalizes the exterior problem of environmental pollution , but also adjust the contorted market price .

  18. 或纯粹为了配合二级市场走势而制定分红政策,使股票价格扭曲,更不利于培养具有股利偏好的长期投资者。

    Other companies developed their policy of dividend distribution purely for the purpose of meeting the developing tendency of the price of the secondary stock market .

  19. 医疗服务价格扭曲有两种基本表现形式,既价格政策引致的价格扭曲和供方行为导致的价格扭曲。

    There are two types of price distortion in medical services , price distortion caused by pricing policy and price distortion caused by health providers behavior .

  20. 路桥建设“套牢”的市场结构导致收费价格扭曲,现行监管体制、法规和监管政策目标难以实现。

    Fettered by highway and bridge construction , market charges for highways and bridges become unreasonable and the present supervising system , laws and policies fail to work .

  21. 但是,随着资本积累的逐步完成和劳动力供给的相对减少,劳动力要素价格扭曲的负面作用逐渐显现出来。

    However , with the gradual completion of capital accumulation and labor supply reduced , the negative effect of the labor factor price distortions began to appear gradually .

  22. 本文利用医疗服务收费标准、成本信息和医院实际收费调查资料对两种价格扭曲的程度进行了测量和分析。

    With the data from sampled hospitals , official fee schedule and costing information , the extents of those two types of price distortion are measured and analyzed .

  23. 对央行行长们而言,他们的目标应该是寻找一个可以衡量系统性价格扭曲程度的指标,并且判断这种扭曲是否是由某种货币政策造成的,以及寻找出可以解决这种扭曲的货币政策。

    For central bankers , the goal is to find a measure that identifies those systematic distortions in prices that monetary policy might be causing or can potentially address .

  24. 没有发达的短期国债市场,金融产品的定价就失去了衡量标准,而非理性的定价很容易产生价格扭曲。

    Without a developed short-term bond market , we can 't find a criteria for the pricing of financial products , price distortions will be caused by irrational pricing .

  25. 以产品价格扭曲、国内产品和国内要素市场分割为内容的市场扭曲对我国对外贸易利益的实现和贸易福利水平的提高产生了严重的负面影响。

    Market distortion with the products price distortion , domestic products market and factor market segmentation has produced the serious negative effect on our country foreign trade benefits and trade welfare .

  26. 证券市场失灵主要表现在由于外部性导致的金融风险和泡沫,由于信息不对称导致的道德风险和逆向选择,以及资金雄厚的投资者操纵股价所导致的价格扭曲等等。

    Securities market failures include financial crisis and foam caused by externality , moral hazard and adverse selection due to asymmetric information , and distortions in prices caused by price manipulation .

  27. 摘要对要素供求曲线分析表明,要使经济个体节约地使用要素,必须使要素的价格扭曲程度最小化。

    An analysis of supply and demand curve for factors indicates that in order to compel economic individuals to use factors thriftily , it is imperative to minimize distortion of factor prices .

  28. 而垄断的结果是,电力行业投资配置不当,价格扭曲,管理不善,效率低下(8000亿资产存量每年只有80多亿利润),忽视用户,忽视穷人,忽视环境。

    But the result of monopolization is , the price distortion , and the bad management , efficiency is low , neglect the customer , neglect the poor people , and neglect the environment .

  29. 它直接导致国家财政收入的减少,造成政府宏观调控功能弱化、收入分配不公、市场价格扭曲,进而导致不公平竞争,扰乱了市场经济的正常运行。

    It results in the decrease of government revenue , weakens the regulating function of government for the national economy and leads to income inequality , distortion of market price and furthermore the unfair competition .

  30. 根据传统比较优势理论,区域分工会给各区域带来利益增进,但是,若考虑到市场需求因素和国内价格扭曲现象的存在,分工对有的区域带来利益增进,而对有的区域带来利益损失。

    Regional division will bring benefit by traditional theory of comparative advantages division may bring benefit to some region , but to others it may make loss considering as factors of market requirements and price contort .