
  • 网络Price Adjustment;price adjust
  1. 基础设施BOT项目的产品价格调整机制研究

    Research on Price Adjustment Mechanism for Infrastructure BOT Projects ' Products

  2. BOT结合BT模式的污水/回水处理系统价格调整模型

    A model of treatment price adjustment of wastewater and backwater in BOT and BT mode

  3. 从FIDIC合同条件中的价格调整和调价公式看建材价格风险规避

    Avoiding Material Price Risk According to the Terms and Conditions on Adjusting of Price in the Contracts of FIDIC

  4. 本文基于双边市场理论设计了一个多维资源定价机制,提出了一个分布式的价格调整算法来实现资源的高效配置和QOS敏感的卸载调度。

    In this paper , we design a Multi-dimensional Pricing mechanism based on Two-sided Market Game , and we propose a distributed price-adjustment algorithm for efficient resource allocation and QoS-aware offloading scheduling in MCCS .

  5. 浅谈fidic合同多种货币报价时价格调整公式中的权重系数

    Discussing into the Weighted Coefficient in Price Adjustment Equation of FIDIC Contract When the Bid Price Is Quoted with Several Kinds of Currency

  6. 联合利华的一名发言人在伦敦表示:我可以证实,联合利华中国(UnileverChina)收到了中国国家发改委提出的要求,并已决定遵从这个要求,推迟原定于4月1日起实行的价格调整。

    A Unilever spokeswoman in London said , I can confirm that Unilever China received a request from the National Development and Reform Commission and has chosen to comply with it , and postpone price adjustments previously scheduled for April 1 .

  7. 假设苹果和中国移动签订的协议包括上述即将推出的新品,那么新款iPhone推出时通常会出现的价格调整将使iPhone5C对中国市场而言更为便宜且更具吸引力。

    Assuming that Apple 's agreement with China Mobile includes these upcoming products , the pricing adjustments that normally occur with new iPhones could make the iPhone 5C significantly more affordable and attractive to the Chinese market .

  8. 基础设施BOT项目普遍都有较长的特许权期,项目的外部经济环境在这一过程中必将发生各种各样的变化,而项目公司一般都没有自主的价格调整权力以适应这种变化。

    Build Operate Transfer ( BOT ) projects generally have long concession term , various changes of external economy environment will take place in this course . The project companies generally all haven 't independent price adjustment right to adapt this kind of changes .

  9. 本文主要从金融市场微观结构理论出发,把交易量作为影响价格调整过程的一个重要因素,引用混合分布假说(MDH)来解释股票市场的量价关系。

    This paper starts with the financial market micro-structure theory . It takes trading-volume as a vital factor in the process of the price adjustment , and quotes the MDH ( Mixture Distribution Hypothesis ) to explain the price-volume relation .

  10. 据此,通过对FIDIC合同中有关价格调整条款以及调价公式的分析,探讨建材价格波动较大时,业主、承包商风险规避的合理途径。

    In that case , according to the terms and conditions on adjusting of price in the contracts of FIDIC , when fluctuating of the material price , the author should analyze the reasonable means of avoiding the challenge of employers and contractors .

  11. 基于进水量变化的污水处理特许价格调整方法

    The Concession Price Adjustment of Sewage Treatment Based on Inflow Changes

  12. 我们的价格调整将配合物价,反对增加项目价格和船运成本。

    We will price match against item price and shipping cost .

  13. 医疗服务项目价格调整政策分析

    Analyzing the Adjustment Policy of Medical Service Standard Item and Price

  14. 3基本医疗保险的运营受春节和成都市卫生服务项目价格调整的影响。

    The policy is influenced by spring festival and health policy .

  15. 试论基本建设项目土建施工合同中的价格调整

    Price Adjustment of Civil Engineering Contract for a Capital Construction Project

  16. 水电建设项目合同价格调整的理论与方法研究

    Theory and Measure for Adjusting Contract Price of Hydropower Project

  17. 旅游景区门票价格调整分析

    An Analysis the Adjustment on Price of Tourism Scenic Spots

  18. 相关产品价格调整模型及实例研究

    Models for Price Adjustment of Related Products And Example Research

  19. 非线性价格调整模型及其迭代解法的收敛性

    Nonlinear price adjustment model and its convergence of iterative solution

  20. 我国医疗价格调整效应的系统分析

    A Systematic Analysis of Medical Treatment Price Regulation in China

  21. 医疗服务价格调整趋势对选购大型医疗设备的指导作用

    Medical service price trend guiding the choice of purchasing large medical equipment

  22. 工程招投标中一般投标价格调整模型的研究

    Study on general price adjustment model in engineering bidding process

  23. 一类价格调整问题的数学模型及其求解方法

    Model and Computation of a Kind of Price Adjustment Problem

  24. 对城市自来水价格调整以及价格管制政策的分析

    Analysis of Urban Tap-Water Price Adjustment and Price Control Policy

  25. 最佳调整量进行了定量分析,并建立了调价策略模型,为企业产品价格调整提供科学依据。

    Furthermore a strategic model of adjusting prices was established .

  26. 好,我会相应地把价格调整一下。

    All right , I 'll adjust the price accordingly .

  27. 医疗服务项目价格调整机制的初步研究

    Primary Research on the Mechanism of Price Adjustment in Medical Care System

  28. 文章利用投入占用产出模型结合韶山灌区情况分析了水资源价格调整对灌区农业的影响,为灌区水资源的合理利用及区域经济规划提供了理论依据

    In the paper , the influences of water price adjustment on agriculture have

  29. 结论:用药趋势与医保改革、药品招标及药品价格调整等诸多因素有关,总体上用药增长态势趋缓。我国医药市场品种结构动态分析与趋势探讨

    Dynamic Analysis of the structure and the Trend of Drug Consumption in China

  30. 浅谈调值公式法在公路工程价格调整中的应用

    On the application of adjustment formula method in price adjustment of highway engineering