
  1. 风险企业制度设计探讨

    The Discussion About the Institution Design of the Venture Enterprise

  2. 企业制度设计的环境经济效应

    The Effect of a Commercial System of Ecological Economics

  3. 它不仅涉及市场经济条件下的企业制度设计,而且与工业社会的宏观经济政策紧密相关。

    It not only concerns the enterprise institute designing of market economy , but also involves macroeconomic policy of industrialized society .

  4. 这种环境的不确定性在推动传统的竞争观念向竞合转移的同时,更在改变事关企业制度设计与权力制衡的公司治理边界。

    This promotes the traditional competitive concept to cooperative concept , and has also changed the boundary of corporation government involving the design of system and power balance .

  5. 激励作为一种利益驱动机制,是企业制度设计中的纲,只有留住核心员工,充分调动他们的积极性,发挥他们的创造性,才能抢占人才高地,保持企业持续发展的生命力和竞争力。

    Motivation , as a benefit actuation mechanism is the main task to be fulfilled in enterprise system design . Only hold the core staff and fully arouse their enthusiasm for full playing their creativity can the enterprise seize the talent highland and keep the sustainable development and competitive .

  6. 知识密集型企业薪酬制度设计的原理与策略

    The Principles and Tactics for Designing Salary Systems in Knowledge-intensive Enterprises

  7. 新会计准则对企业薪酬制度设计的影响

    Impact of New Accountant Guidance On Compensation Institution In Enterprise

  8. 国有企业薪酬制度设计

    The disgn of compensation system on the state-owned enterprise

  9. 一步到位论对油气地勘单位企业组织制度设计的探讨

    Attain the goal in one step & a discussion on designing an enterprise organizational structure for oil / gas prospecting units

  10. 从行政规定过多和税收优惠激励不足说明了我国企业年金制度设计中存在的问题。

    By illustrating the excessive administrative rules and less attraction in tax treatment , it showed the problems in the designing of our present private pension system .

  11. 上述问题的出现有两个方面的原因,一是企业年金制度设计本身不合理;二是我国职工年金内部信托机制的失灵和外部监管机制的失语。

    The emergence of the above phenomenon has two reasons , which one is the irrationality of the enterprise annuity system itself and the other is the " failure " of the internal trust mechanism and " aphasia " of external supervision mechanism .

  12. 论文将引入人性假设与激励相结合,通过对滨海新区高科技企业的制度设计和管理操作实现激励相容,从而提高滨海新区高科技企业的核心员工在运营过程中的使用效率。

    The paper will introduce humanity hypothesis combined with motivation , through the system design and management of high-tech enterprises in Binhai New Area to realize " mutual amalgamation of motivation ", and then improve the work efficiency of the core employees in the high-tech enterprises in Binhai New Area .

  13. 现代企业制度下工业设计的发展策略

    The Development Strategy of Industrial Design on the Modern Enterprise System

  14. 论企业内部财务制度设计

    A Study on the Designs of Internal Financial Institution in the Enterprises

  15. 中小企业财务管理制度设计探讨

    Probe into Financial Management of Small and Middle-sized Business

  16. 浅论转型期电力多种经营企业的薪酬制度设计

    Comments on salary system designs of electric power multi-management enterprises in the transitional period

  17. 水力发电企业岗位工资制度设计

    The Position-salary System Design of Waterpower Enterprises

  18. 吉林省邮政企业财务内控制度设计研究

    Designing and Studying of the Financial Internal Control System of the Jilin Province Post Enterprise

  19. 知识型企业的激励制度设计

    The incentive system in Knowledge enterprise

  20. 企业管理制度的设计是企业管理体系建设中的一个重要组成部分,也是目前中国企业管理的实践者、管理专家以及理论研究者非常关注的一个问题。

    The design of enterprises ' management institutions is one of the most important parts of management system establishments .

  21. 第四章,详细阐述了我国高新技术企业薪酬制度的设计程序,并设计出适合我国高新技术的薪酬体系结构。

    Chapter four , Elaborating the designing program of our new and high-tech enterprises and produce the systematical wage structure according to our national background .

  22. 结合实践,通过对企业内部控制制度设计原则的分析,提出了企业内部会计控制的方法,对实践有一定的指导作用。

    Based on the practice , analysis is made on the designing principles for enterprise 's internal control system , and provided the methods available for the practice .

  23. 第一章提出本文的论题,并进行文献综述,最后界定与企业内部财务制度设计相关概念和假设,并总括性地提出论文的研究框架。

    There are five chapters in this paper : The first chapter supplies a description of the framework in this study , and gives some relative definitions and hypothesis about the internal financial Institutions .

  24. 在全球资源约束越来越严格的条件下,企业的产权制度设计必须要考虑到企业经济体中全体劳动者的利益和企业体发展的延续性的关系。

    Under the conditions of resource constraints becoming more stringent in the world , the design of enterprise property right system must take into account the relationship between benefiting the interests of all workers and maintaining the business developing continuity in corporate economy .

  25. 我国企业年金的税收制度设计研究

    Research on the Favorable Tax Policies of Chinese Occupational Pension

  26. 论文研究水力发电企业岗位工资制度的设计。

    The thesis studies the position salary system design of waterpower enterprises .

  27. 对内,企业文化是企业制度设计的基础。

    Inside the enterprise corporate culture is the base of enterprise regulation design .

  28. 试论企业内部会计制度的设计

    Discussion on Accounting System Design of Internal Enterprises

  29. 第三部分,以宽带薪酬的设计理念为依据,对我国高新技术企业宽带酬制度的设计流程进行了系统论述。

    In the third part , according to the design prinple of broadbanding salary system , aiming at the problem existing in our salary systems of high-tech enterprises , we establish the broadbanding salary systems for the high-tech enterprises in our country .

  30. 第一节分析我国由于管理制度而引起的信息化障碍的主要表现是:信息失效、信息失灵、信息延时、信息分割,指出推进企业管理信息化,制度设计要先行。

    Section 1 discusses the obstacles of informationization caused by management rules : invalid information , false information and delayed information , and points out that the design of management rules should be done in advance if you want to carry out a project of MIS .