
  • 网络enterprise;Establishment;business unit
  1. 在任何公司和企业单位中财务管理是关键。

    Financial management is key in any company or enterprise .

  2. 中国民办非企业单位的特质与价值分析

    The Analysis on Characteristic and Role of Private Non - enterprise Organizations in China

  3. 。第三,我们要认真追究有关各方的责任。“目前超过9000个由中央管理的中国企业单位在世界上几乎各个国家都有所投资。CRI新闻,谢程(音译)报道。

    o faithfully perform our duties and establish a good reputation . Third , we 'd seriously hold relevant parties accountable . " There are currently more than 9000 centrally-administered Chinese business entities invested in virtually every country around the world . For CRI , I 'm Xie Cheng .

  4. 企业单位会要求实习生拿出学校证明他们实习经验的证明。

    Businesses might require interns to receive college credit for their experience .

  5. 我国民办非企业单位非营利性问题研究

    On the Non-profit of Private Non-enterprise Units of China

  6. 对民办非企业单位进行年度检查不得收取费用。

    No fee shall be collected for the annual inspection of people-run non-enterprise units .

  7. 它主要包括各类社会团体、民办非企业单位和基金会。

    It includes various types of social organizations , private non-enterprise units and foundations .

  8. 民办非企业单位的若干法律问题

    Several Legal Issues on the Non-governmental Nonprofit Units

  9. 做好民办非企业单位登记档案管理工作

    To Marage the Registration Archives in Non-Enterprise Units Run by the Local People Well

  10. 国有企业单位实质上是国家的一种社会控制、整合方式。

    The state-owned corporation is one of ways of our country 's governing her citizen .

  11. 企业单位主要领导成员的气质类型与事业单位主要领导成员的气质类型之间存在显著性差异。

    There exists obvious temperament-style differences between the main leaders of enterprises and those of institutions .

  12. 情报职业人才已经逐渐开始扮演社会发展、企业单位运作中的重要角色。

    Information talent , has gradually started to play an important role in the social development .

  13. 现代委托人的委托是企业单位体制上独立于其雇佣的实体。

    The modern PMF is a corporate unit that is institutionally independent from its employing entity .

  14. 负责民办非企业单位年度检查的初审;

    It shall be responsible for the preliminary examination of annual inspection of people-run non-enterprise units ;

  15. 就算招聘会上的企业单位提不起你的兴趣,你也要去参加。

    Even if the list of employers scheduled to attend doesn 't wow you , go anyway .

  16. 但是,许多企业单位在实际使用办公自动化系统的过程中却遇到了不少问题。

    But , in the process of practical applying of OAS , a few enterprises faced many problems .

  17. 所以,无论是地区政府还是企业单位都十分重视现代物流业发展规划。

    Therefore , both regional government and enterprise have attached great importance to the modern logistics development plan .

  18. 构建事业法人,明确民办非企业单位法律主体地位

    Construction of Institutional Legal Person and the Definition of the Subject Status of Private Non-enterprise Entities in China

  19. 目前企业单位数量的增长是企业诞生积累的结果。

    The present population of business concerns grew up as a result of the cumulative excess of business births .

  20. 由于原有单位组织的内部分化,现有的机关、事业和企业单位在接纳就业中性别不平等有不同的表现形式。

    Because of interior polarization of unit , existing state agencies , institutions and enterprises act differently in gender inequality .

  21. 文化程度差异对未就业者企业单位性质选择倾向的影响要比性别来得大;

    But the differences of knowledge degree has more influence than sex on the trend of choices of business nature ;

  22. 个人储蓄养老与基本养老保险、与企业单位补充保险挂钩;附加性联合短语初探

    The system is combined with the basic old - age insurance and enterprise additional insurance ; On Additional Combinative Phrases

  23. 除了实行公务员考试制度的机关单位以外,女性在进入事业和企业单位时有较大的困难。

    Except those state agencies which implement official test system , females face more difficulties in interview of institutions and enterprises .

  24. 需求的层次性是很广泛的&从小型的住房到高层住房倒企业单位的生产车间。

    The range of needs is extensive – from small owner-occupied dwellings to multi-s to rey houses and industrial enterprises workshops .

  25. 采取双套制管理和对电子文件的前端控制,是企业单位迎接新挑战的策略;

    Take both sets of management system and front control of electronic document , is tactics of enterprise to meet new challenge ;

  26. 专业技术人员是指在事业、国有企业单位中,专职从事专业技术工作及专业技术管理工作的人员。

    Professional personnel are those engaged in the s t work and s t managerial work in the institutions or state-owned enterprises .

  27. 注:上海限额以上工业企业单位数为不含村以下,市独立和非独立核算的全部工业企业单位。

    Note : Number of industrial enterprises over designated size of Shanghai excludes village below , municipal independent and dependent accounting enterprises .

  28. 转型时期,我国的非营利组织主要包括三种类型:社会团体、基金会和民办非企业单位。

    In the transition period , NPO in our country includes three major types : mass organizations , foundations and civil non-enterprise units .

  29. 鼓励社会力量在教育、科技、文化、卫生、体育、社会福利等领域兴办民办非企业单位。

    Encourage social forces in education , science and technology , culture , health , sports , social welfare , etc by people-run non-enterprise units .

  30. 在国家政策的引导下,诸多企业单位和研究机构正在进行全方位的科学研究和实践探索。

    By the guidance of various national policies , lots of enterprises and institutions participate in a full range of scientific research and practical exploration .