
  1. 创新国有企业发展动力机制

    Bring forth New Ideas into the Dynamic Mechanism of the State-owned Enterprises

  2. 建立企业持续发展机制是解决这个问题的关键所在。

    Establishing the business enterprise keep on developing the mechanism is a key to resolve this problem .

  3. 本文所分析的内容,为深入研究企业发展内在机制提供了一个新的视角。

    The content of analyzing in this text , offer a new visual angle for further investigate of the inherent development mechanism of the enterprises .

  4. 针对目前钢铁工业投资的不断增加,但投资效果不佳,且存在投资筹措困难等问题,提出了必须转换企业的发展机制和获得良好的外部倾斜对策的支持共4点建议。

    Aiming to the present increase of investment in steel industry but with low effect and with difficulty in raising funds , four suggestions related to change the mechanism of enterprises development and to get good external stressed policy have been proposed .

  5. 我国企业参与清洁发展机制(CDM)情况及标准需求调查研究中埃两国气候变化管理政策比较&以清洁发展机制(CDM)为例

    The Investigation on the Progress of Cleaning Development Mechanism and Demands of Relevant Standards for Enterprises in China Comparative Analysis on Climate Change Policies of Egypt and China : A Case Study of CDM

  6. 构建我国民营企业发展的新机制

    Constructing the New Mechanism for the Developmet of Private Enterprise in Our Country

  7. 我国建筑企业发展的动力机制分析

    The tentative analysis of the power mechanism of the construction enterprises development of China

  8. 运用《孙子兵法》构建企业文化科学发展机制

    Employing Military Science of Sun Tzu to Construct Enterprise Cultural and Scientific Development Mechanism

  9. 公司治理结构的变革方向必须要为企业高速发展提供机制保证,变革的目的就是有利于企业快速反应,有利于企业吸收资金,有利于激发经营积极性,有利于企业长远定位。

    The reform direction of company administration must supply machanism guarantee for the rapid development of enterprises .

  10. 建立农村职业教育主动参与农业企业发展的政策机制。

    Lastly , we should establish policy mechanism that rural vocational education participates in the development of agricultural enterprises actively .

  11. 有效经营理论认为,合理足够的利润与顾客满意是高速公路企业发展的动力机制与约束机制的综合作用结果。

    The FEMT believe that two main goals of freeway management are suitable and enough profit & satisfaction of customer . They are the integrated effect of motive mechanism and restraint mechanism of freeway enterprise .

  12. 中小民营企业跨越发展的学习机制

    A study of small and middle scale enterprises learning mechanism

  13. 论民营企业可持续发展的融资机制

    On the Financing Mechanism for Non-government Firms ' Sustainable Development

  14. 煤炭企业可持续发展的动力机制分析

    The Dynamic-mechanism Analysis of Sustainable Development of Coal-enterprises

  15. 政策引导民营企业健康发展;退出机制促进民营企业良性循环。

    To perfect the harmony mechanism for the healthy development of the private enterprise and to set up the withdraw mechanism for promoting benign circle of private capital .

  16. 只有将这四个因素纳入一个统一的分析框架,才能全面把握支持高科技企业发展的资金运行机制这一主题。

    Only when we have put all the four parts into a united analytic frame , can we comprehensively grasp theme of operating mechanism in high-tech enterprise 's development .

  17. 然而,大部分的这些研究都是着眼于中小民营企业的战略发展、机制改革、产权制度创新等方面,而对影响企业长远发展的另一个瓶颈问题&人力资源管理制度问题却探讨较少。

    Among all of those bottle-neck problems which hold up the development of the private MSEs , human resources management issue is the one which has not been broadly and deeply studied by researchers .

  18. 文章通过分析中小企业集群发展的动力机制,得出其服务中介体系的作用原理,进而从中介组织的角度研究中小企业集群的服务中介体系应具有的作用及其运作。

    Through the analyses of the dynamic mechanism of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises cluster , this paper has obtained the function principle of the service intermediate system . This paper further studies its function and operation from the angle of the service intermediate system group .

  19. 论文剖析了企业生态伦理作用于企业发展的经济机制。

    The dissertation dissertates the economic mechanism of ecological ethics functioning on enterprise development .

  20. 本论文首先是在回顾了企业集群相关理论的基础上,对企业集群发展的一般机制进行了总结,其主要由两大部分组成,即内部动力机制和外部环境条件。

    The general mechanism consists of two parts , the internal power mechanism and the exterior environment mechanism .

  21. 在对风险投资与科技型中小企业发展关系分析的基础上,探讨了政府扶持和风险投资促进科技型中小企业发展的机制与对策。

    Based on the analysis of the relationship between venture capital and Tech oriented SME , the paper discusses the mechanism and countermeasures to encourage the development of Tech oriented SME with the support and aid of the government and venture capital .

  22. 最后,针对关键成功因素,结合科技型中小企业发展中的实际问题,并借鉴企业实践中先进的管理经验,建立适合我国科技型中小企业的可持续发展管理机制。

    Finally , in the light of key success factors , combined with the management experience and practical problems of technology-based SMEs , the paper has established corresponding sustainable development management which is appropriate to the technology-based SMEs of China .