
  • 网络Enterprise Property Right Theory
  1. 马克思主义的企业产权理论

    Marxist Theories of Enterprise Property Rights

  2. 进一步分析发现,合约理论的“悖论”又根源于企业产权理论中的“两权分离”说。

    Montesquieu 's separation of powers doctrine ( separation of the legislative , executive and judicial powers ) originates from Walker 's separation of powers theory .

  3. 但是教育产权毕竟有别于企业的产权理论,有其自身的特点。

    However , the property right of education which has its own characteristics is different from that of enterprises .

  4. 本文首先通过对企业产权契约理论的批判性回顾和逻辑性推导,认为企业是一系列不完全产权契约的联合体。

    Firstly , the enterprise is considered as a combo of a series of the incomplete contracts of the property rights according to the critical retrospect and logical deduce .

  5. 本文通过对企业的产权理论的分析,从理论层面探讨了产权制度与企业绩效的关系,并结合科技体制改革的现时情况,提出了科研院所产权多元化的改革思路。

    This paper proceeds with analysis for prevalent theory , educes the relation about property rights and corporation performance from theoretical lay , and combines with the present situation of reform of science and technology system , bring forward multiple property rights reform way for R & D institute .

  6. 现代企业制度的产权理论分析&兼论国有企业改革

    An Analysis of Modern Enterprise Systems ' Ownership Theory

  7. 乡镇企业改制的产权理论分析

    Analysis on Property Rights Institution Reform of Rural Enterprise

  8. 农村股份合作企业产权制度的理论分析

    A Theoretical Study of the Ownership System in Cooperative Enterprises in the Country

  9. 现代产权制度下的企业人力资本产权理论研究

    Study of the Theory of Enterprise Human Capital Property Right on the Basis of Modern Property Rights System

  10. 企业主体性产权理论的构建&相关和自主统一的属性所有权

    On Composition of Subjectivity Property Rights Theory of Enterprises & Attributive Property of the Unite between Correlation and Freedom

  11. 尤其提出的建立现代企业产权制度等理论,为铁路施工企业现代企业制度规范运行开辟了有效途径。

    Especially , the theory of establishing modern enterprise property rights system has been put forward , which contributes to the railway construction enterprise establishing modern enterprise system .

  12. 本文正是以此为目的,首先,构建了私营企业产权制度变迁理论的分析框架,解释了企业产权制度及变迁、正式制度的一般均衡理论、非正式制度的博弈论等相关经典理论。

    First , build a framework of the theory of property right system change , explain classical theory such as property right system and change , general equilibrium theory about the formal institutions , game theory about the informal institutions and so on .

  13. 我国国有企业产权改革攻坚的理论与对策

    Theory and counterplan of reform assault upon the property right of the government enterprises

  14. 论国有企业产权制度创新的理论与实践

    Oa Theory and Practice of the Innovating Property Rights System of the state-owned Enterprise

  15. 最后,世界产权贸易市场在中国的业务进展,推动了民营企业购并国有产权的理论研究及实践。

    In the end , trades of the World Trade Assets Market in China do good to the theory and practice of private enterprises in buying state-owned asset .

  16. 本章主要讨论了和企业集团财务控制直接相关的三种理论:企业资源论、产权理论和竞争优势理论。

    This chapter discusses three theories that directly to the financial control of enterprise groups : enterprise resource theory , financial management theory and the theory of competitive advantage .

  17. 首先运用标准的微观经济学理论,以及新制度经济学中的企业契约理论和产权理论对相关有代表性的财务目标理论进行重新阐释,从而得出有关财务目标的不同表述具有内在一致性的结论;

    By applying the theories of standard micro-economics and new institutional economics to interpreting the representative theories of financial goals , a conclusion is reached that there is an inner agreement among the various theories .

  18. 第二部分是供应链企业间产权关系的理论基础,主要介绍产权的起源及含义、供应链的基本概念及结构模式;

    The second part is the theoretical basis of property rights relationship among supply chain enterprises , in which we introduce the origin and signification of property rights , conception and structural module of supply chain .

  19. 相关的理论主要包括:新古典经济学的企业理论、现代企业理论、现代产权理论、企业家理论和公司治理结构的基本理论等。

    These theories include classical economic theory , modem times enterprise theory , property right theory , enterpriser theory and corporation father structure theory , and so on .