
  1. 现代产权理论与我国农村土地产权制度改革

    Modern property Theory and China 's Rural Land Owner System Reform

  2. 高校科技产业问题的现代产权理论分析

    The Analyses of modern property rights of universites ' high-tech industry problems

  3. 从现代产权理论看国有企业产权制度改革

    Contemporary Property-Rights Theory and China 's SOE Property-Rights System Reform

  4. 关于现代产权理论的思考

    Reflection on Theory of Morden Property Ownership

  5. 马克思的产权理论与西方现代产权理论的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Marx 's Property Right Theory and the Western Contemporary Property Right Theory

  6. 现代产权理论是与资源配置效率联系在一起的。

    Modern property right theory is closely targeted on the analysis of the resources allocation efficiency .

  7. 理解了习俗产权,现代产权理论必然获得无限生机与活力。

    The modern theory of property right will surely get infinite vigor and vitality if customary property right is understood .

  8. 20世纪30年代,以美国经济学家科思为代表的经济学家,逐步建立起现代产权理论。

    In 1930s , modern property rights theory was gradually established by such theorists as American economist Ronald H. Coase .

  9. 根据现代产权理论可知,产生这一问题的根源在于产权。

    Adopting the modem theory of property rights , the authors point out that the property rights of RCCs is truncated .

  10. 现代产权理论认为,企业的所有权是企业的剩余控制权和剩余索取权的统一。

    The modern property right theory have the opinion that the ownership of an enterprise is the unity of residual manipulation and residual claim .

  11. 根据现代产权理论和资源价值理论,本研究构建了集体土地资源不同价值形态的产权流转与市场价格之间崭新的关系框架。

    According to modern property rights theory and resource value theory , this thesis builds one new relationship among different property rights , value and price .

  12. 其微观基础是以现代产权理论为依据的、以排他性产权为主体的混合所有制结构,并通过企业重组和公司治理使其得以完善。

    Its micro-basis is a mixed ownership structure based on modern property rights theory and with exclusive property rights as the main body to be improved through enterprise restructuring and corporate governance .

  13. 然后本文阐述了国有企业经营者监管的理论基础,包括公司治理理论、委托代理理论、现代产权理论、企业内部控制理论和利益相关者理论。

    This paper also describes the state-owned enterprises ' top managers regulation theoretical basis , including corporation management theory , principal agent theory , the modern property rights theory , internal control theory and stakeholder theory .

  14. 实际上,无论在封建社会还是社会主义社会,从理性农民假说和现代产权理论的观点看,这种说法都是不科学的。

    In actual fact , either in the feudal society or in the socialist society , either from the hypothesis of rational peasants or from the view of modern property right theory , the argument is not scientific .

  15. 本文以罗尔斯的代际正义论为伦理基础,提出自然资本代际产权理论,以期对现代产权理论加以修正并对可持续发展进行产权制度设计。

    Under the theoretic base of Rawls ' intergenerational justice theory , the author gives the intergenerational property of natural capital theory so as to devise modern property theory and to design the property institution for sustainable development .

  16. 文章进而以现代产权理论为支持,阐述了乡镇企业产权制度改革的必要性以及产权制度改革过程中应注意的问题,强调要着重处理好所有权、剩余索取权和控制权三者的关系。

    Furthermore , they analyse the necessity of reforming the property right system and some problems we should pay attention to during the reform of the property rights of township enterprises based on the modern property right theory .

  17. 本文创新性成果主要有三点:一、拓宽了现代产权理论的研究范畴,促进现代产权理论在结构上的完整性和系统性;

    This thesis 's creative result mainly has three points : first , broaden the research category of modern human capital property theory , promote the integrity and the system of the modern human capital theory on the structure ;

  18. 现代产权理论认为,商业银行所提供的金融产品属私人产品范畴,但由于其经营过程中存在外部性,因此最适宜的产权结构是受到限制的集体产权。

    The modern property right theory thinks , the financial product that the commercial bank offers belongs to the private products , but because it has the externality in the course of management , the most suitable property right structure is the collective property right limited .

  19. 运用现代产权理论和比较制度分析方法,就转轨时期中俄农地产权制度变迁、农地产权制度绩效、农地流转制度等进行比较分析。

    Based on the modern property right theory and the comparable systems analyzing theory , the paper analyzes the changes of farmland property right system , performance of the system and system for transferring farmland in China and Russia , against the same background of social transition .

  20. 阐述了法人治理的三大理论:现代产权理论、法人治理理论以及合作金融理论,为本文的研究奠定了理论基础。其次,分析了冷水江农村信用联社法人治理的现状。

    This paper described the three corporate governance theories : a modern property rights theory , corporate governance theory , and cooperation in finance theory , as this study has laid a theoretical foundation . Secondly , this paper analyzed the status of Lengshuijiang rural credit cooperatives .

  21. 本文运用现代产权理论,从商业银行的存在意义、提供产品、经营特点等角度分析了商业银行适宜的产权结构。

    Based on modern property theory , this paper first analyzes the appropriate property structure of commercial banks from the aspects of functions , products and operation , and points out that all the problems in the commercial banks in China are stemmed from the property structure deficits .

  22. 马克思产权理论和现代西方产权理论比较

    Comparison of Property Right Theories Between the West and Marxism

  23. 本文运用现代西方产权理论、委托代理理论等基本原理,对地方经营性国有资产监管相关理论进行了阐述。

    Use of modern Western property rights theory , the principal-agent theory , such as the basic principles of state-owned assets commission agent structure were studied .

  24. 本文以现代产权经济理论为基础,以排污权交易为主要对象,论述了环境经济市场机理的形成基础、作用特点及交易边界等方面的问题。

    This paper introduces the market mechanism to environmental economics and studies the basis of formation , characteristics of action and the boundary of transaction of the market mechanism of economics .

  25. 本文立足现代产权基本理论,以产权影响理论的一般框架为指导,结合制度变迁理论、市场机制理论、马克思主义地租理论,对农地流转产权制度进行经济学分析,以作为本研究的理论支撑。

    This paper based on modern property theory , combined with institutional change theory , the market mechanism theory , rent theory of Marxist , transfer of agricultural land property rights system for economic analysis , as a theoretical support for this study .

  26. 现代企业制度的产权理论分析&兼论国有企业改革

    An Analysis of Modern Enterprise Systems ' Ownership Theory

  27. 尤其提出的建立现代企业产权制度等理论,为铁路施工企业现代企业制度规范运行开辟了有效途径。

    Especially , the theory of establishing modern enterprise property rights system has been put forward , which contributes to the railway construction enterprise establishing modern enterprise system .

  28. 现代经济学中的产权理论也指出,相对于劳动者,企业家处于强势地位,剩余索取权的配置是向他们倾斜的。

    Property rights theory in modern economics also pointed out that the allocation of the residual claim is lean to the entrepreneurs , and it is in a strong position against to the workers .

  29. 对寿险投资经营、资本经营具有指导意义的资产负债管理理论、现代投资理论、现代产权理论的基本内容及其在寿险资产经营中的应用进行了阐述。

    I introduce the elementary contents and apply asset liability management , modern portfolio theory , modern property right theory to asset management .

  30. 信用的有关理论主要包括信息经济学、博弈论、现代契约理论、现代产权理论等。

    The concerned theory of credit chiefly includes the information economics and play chess is discussed and modern contract theory and modern essentialism theory .