
  1. 钢铁企业生态效率分析

    Analysis of Eco-Efficiency of Steel Industry

  2. 企业生态效率指标研究

    Indicator research of enterprise ecological efficiency

  3. 实证结果显示我国工业企业生态效率建设急需加强,政府企业一样,其行为也会影响到工业企业生态效率的表现。

    The empirical research results show that industrial enterprises in China need to strengthen the construction of eco-efficiency immediately , the performances of enterprises would affect the eco-efficiency improvement of industrial enterprises as same as government .

  4. 从工业生态学的角度定义了产品的概念,给出了分析钢铁企业生态效率的三个指标资源效率、能源效率和环境效率。

    Defining the " product " from the angle of industrial ecology , the three indices of eco-efficiency are given , i. e. , resources efficiency , energy efficiency and environment efficiency , to analyze the eco-efficiency of steel industry .

  5. 针对上述不足本文从企业和政府两个层面对我国工业企业提升生态效率提出了相关的建议和对策。

    In response to these deficiencies , we give some advices to improve eco-efficiency of industrial enterprises in China from the points of enterprises and government .

  6. 以产业生态学意义上的产品概念为基础,通过工业代谢分析建立了某钛白粉生产企业的物料衡算表,分析了该企业的生态效率现状。

    Based on the concept of product from the industrial ecological point of view , the input-output balance sheet of a titanium white plant is worked out via industrial metabolism to analyze the eco-efficiency of the plant .