
  1. 企业除了传统的财务会计之外,现在也陆续建立起环境会计制度,厘清产品的真实成本,以生态效益指标、企业的社会责任为评量企业市场价值的依据之一。

    In addition to the traditional financial accounting , enterprises also establish an environmental accounting system to realize the true cost of products . Moreover , eco-efficiency indicators and enterprise social responsibilities become the basis for the evaluation of the enterprise market value .

  2. 生态效益指标有均化洪水、涵养水源、生物栖息地、气候调节、净化水质、水土保持等;经济效益指标有供水和湿地产品;社会效益指标有休闲旅游和科研文化。

    Ecological benefit indexes have flood homogenization , water conservation , biological habitat , climate regulation , purifying water quality , soil and water conservation , etc. ; Economic indicators have water and wetland products ; Social benefit indexes have leisure tourism and research culture .

  3. 南阳市生态修复效益指标体系构建与评价

    On assessment and construction of ecological rehabilitation system of Nanyang city

  4. 防护林生态效益定量指标体系研究

    The Quantitative Indexes of the Ecological Effects of Protective Forest System

  5. 库区经济社会生态效益评价指标体系设计探讨

    Studies on the Evaluation Indicator System of Economic-ecological-social Effects in Chinese Reservoir Areas

  6. 这套指标体系包括经济效益评价指标、社会效益评价指标、生态效益评价指标、代际关系评价指标及区域的自我调控能力评价指标。

    This system of appraisal indicators includes the economic performance evaluation indicators , the social performance evaluation indicators , the ecosystem performance evaluation indicators , relation of two ages evaluation indicators and districts to the ability of adjust to control evaluation indicators .

  7. 指标权重的计算结果表明:二级指标中权重最大的是生态环境效益指标(0.4731),权重次大的是经济效益指标(0.2856),权重最小的是社会效益指标(0.2513)。

    The index weight results show that : the largest weight of the second indicators is of the ecological environment indicators ( 0.4731 ), the bigger weight is of the economic indicator ( 0.2856 ), the smallest weight is of the social indicator ( 0.2513 ) .

  8. 本文以东北地区典型乡土树种紫椴为研究对象,采用户外定位观测与室内分析相结合的方法,通过最优生态效益评价指标的筛选和生态服务功能价值的量化综合分析了紫椴的生态功能。

    This paper chose the typical and local tree species Tilia amurensis and adopted the method of outdoor orientation observation combining with indoor analysis . We analysed synthetically ecological function of Tilia amurensis through the filtrating the optimized ecological benefit evaluation index and ecological value by calculation .

  9. 在此基础上,归纳了考虑蓄滞洪区的淹没损失、防洪效益、供水效益和生态效益等指标,以蓄洪的综合效益最大为原则,采用模糊识别理论进行方案优选,确定最优蓄水位的方法。

    In the method , on the principle of the maximum comprehensive benefits of water storage , the flood damage , the benefits such as flood preventing , water supply and ecology were considered , the fuzzy recognized theory was employed to determine the optimum water level .

  10. 把握土地整理环境影响的系统性;科学实施土地整理各项措施;科学建立土地整理生态效益评价指标体系:加大宣传力度,推动公众参与;制定完善各项法律法规,促进土地整理规范化。

    Grasp the systematic of environmental impact to the land consolidation ; implement land consolidation measures scientifically ; establish scientific land consolidation ecological benefit evaluation index system ; strengthen propaganda , promote public participation ; make and perfect the laws and regulations , and promote the standardization of land consolidation .

  11. 森林生态旅游效益评价指标体系研究

    Assessment on the Indicators for Forest-based Eco-Tourism Benefit

  12. 草原沙化治理工程生态效益评价的指标体系构建和分析

    Construction and Analysis of Evaluation Index System of Ecological Effect of Grassland Desertification Control Project

  13. 本着定量、可操作性的指标选取原则,按经济效益、社会效益、生态效益建立评价指标体系。

    According to quantitative and workable principles the indexes system including economic benefit indexes , social benefit indexes and ecological benefit indexes was developed .

  14. 其次,选取经济、社会和生态效益三方面指标构建评价指标体系,采用线性加权的方法对兰州市3县5区土地利用效益进行评价,并模拟出土地利用效益系统的协调性。

    Next , select the economic , social and eco-efficiency indicators to build the evaluation index system , and evaluate of land-use efficiency of the system of co-ordination .

  15. 中国生态林业工程效益评价指标体系

    The benefit evaluation index of ecological forest engineering of China

  16. 城市公园生态建设综合效益评价指标体系探析

    Evaluation Index System for Ecological Construction of Urban Park

  17. 成都市绿色生态住宅小区绿化系统生态效益评价指标体系研究

    The Study on Evaluation System of Ecological Benefit for Garden Landscape System

  18. 在与生态效益的回归分析中显示,林地与生态效益指标&土壤侵蚀量呈极显著的负相关性。

    From regression analysis , it was greatly negative correlation between the forestland and soil erosion .

  19. 根据生态经济学原理,采用层次分析法(AHP),建立了黄河上游退耕还林还草综合生态效益评价指标体系和数学模型。

    According to the theory of eco-economics , applying analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) put forward the evaluation index system and evaluation model of compositive ecological benefit of returning farmland to forest in the upper reaches of the Yellow River .