
  • 网络Production Fund
  1. 从本质上讲,这意味着如果这场众筹活动以失败告终,领投的Timberland公司前CEO杰夫•斯沃茨以及其他几位身份不明的投资者将提供必要的生产资金。

    Essentially this means that lead investor and former timberland CEO Jeff Swartz , along with a handful of other unidentified investors , will provide the necessary funding should the indiegogo campaign fail .

  2. 宁夏农村生产资金现状及筹措对策

    Present conditions of rural production funds countermeasures for funds raising in Ningxia

  3. 国有林场营林生产资金运行研究

    Operation of silviculture funds in State-owned Forest Farm

  4. 铁路建设和生产资金的严重短缺制约着铁路的发展。

    The severe shortage ot funds for both railway construction and production has posed constraints on railway further development .

  5. 缺乏抵押、担保是农民筹措农业生产资金遇到的首要难题。

    The lack of collateral and guarantees is the prime problem that farmer met when they want to raise capital for agriculture to produce .

  6. 家里的现金已经如水汽般蒸发掉了,随著由于全球对产品需求降低导致全中国范围内生产资金流失而消失。

    The family 's cash earnings have evaporated , snatched away by a manufacturing crash cascading across China caused by falling global demand for its goods .

  7. 西雅图的西北电影论坛电影展品,生产资金,帮助与分布,并提供在太平洋西北地区的教育和设备的独立的社区。

    Seattle 's Northwest Film Forum exhibits films , funds production , helps with distribution , and offers education and equipment to the independent community in the Pacific Northwest .

  8. 针对企业生产资金短缺和灵活使用外汇方面,论文提出两个比较新颖观点,开设离岸公司账户和申请担保贷款。

    The shortage of funds for production and flexible use of foreign exchange , the thesis presents two relatively new ideas , opening accounts of off-shore companies and secured loans .

  9. 生态林业发展需要建立一个有效克服市场失灵,解决生态林业生产资金补偿的融资机制。

    It is necessary for ecology forestry to build a financing system , which will be used to effectively settle down the " Market failure " and compensate the production capital .

  10. 农村合作基金会缘起于农村社区对生产资金的需要及现行农村金融系统不能予以充分满足的合力。

    The rural cooperative fund Associations came from the capital demand for agricultural producing in rural society , as well as the deficiency of financial service of our current rural financial system .

  11. 这种变迁给唐代江南经济的迅速发展提供了市场需求、生产资金,使经济发展的重心移到了江南,获得经济刺激动力的南方在唐后期形成了江南经济专业化、商品化的生产格局。

    The opening in the south areas supplies the great market and funds , so the structure of specialized production and commodity economics occurs in the late period of the tang dynasty .

  12. 当农村需要外界的钱来供给他们生产资金时,除非有一个较好的信贷系统可供农民借贷,否则不在地主和高利贷是自然会产生的。

    When the village needs money from outside to finance their production , unless there is a better system to extend credit to the peasants , absentee-landlordism and usury are the natural products .

  13. 针对企业资金流失现象进行了一些探讨,重点列举分析了项目建设资金,生产资金和产品销售资金的流失情况。

    Has a discussion to the phenomena and background of losses of funds of state-owned enterprises , put emphasis on losses of funds of project implementation , funds of production , funds of sales .

  14. 同时,以土地经营权进行抵押,加快土地有目的流转,解决土地大量撂荒和龙头企业、农户生产资金不足的问题。

    Meanwhile , mortgage of land management rights to accelerate the transfer of land and aimed to address a large number of abandoned land and leading enterprises , farmers produce the problem of insufficient funding .

  15. 中国农民的开支有四类:日常需要的支出,定期礼仪费用,生产资金,以及利息、地租、捐税等。

    In expenditure , as the Chinese peasants are concerned , there are four categories : necessary daily account , periodical ceremonial expenses , capital for production , and interest , rent , and tax .

  16. 大丰市三峡外迁移民采取旧房安置的方式对满足移民基本住房需要,节约生产资金,以及解决土地问题具有重要意义。

    The government of Dafeng city chooses old housing as the arrangement model for external Three-gorge migrants . It contributes to meet the basic need of housing , save production funds , and solve the land problem for migrants .

  17. 本文通过分析宁夏农村生产资金供给、使用现状及存在问题,着重探讨筹措资金的政策措施,为黄河经济的发展献策。

    Through the analysis of the supply of rural production funds . its utilization and some existing problems concerning it , the paper expounded the policy and measures tak-en to raise funds for the development of the Yellow River Economy .

  18. 如果税收收入占GDP比例较低,生产领域资金充足,经济增长速度可能会加快。

    If the revenue from tax takes a low proportion of GDP , leave ample funds in production , the growth of economy may be more quickly .

  19. 最终通过CAPP作为纽带将PDM和原有的ERP系统集成到一起,确保整个企业的设计、生产、资金等数据流更为准确、安全和流畅。

    As the final link will be through CAPP original PDM and ERP system integration together to ensure that the entire enterprise of design , production , capital and other data flow more accurate , safe and smooth .

  20. 浅谈如何完善生产企业资金预算管理

    On Perfection of Capital Budget Management in Productive Enterprise

  21. 行政支出快速膨胀,消耗了大量生产性资金;

    Administrative expenditure swells and results in the consumption of too much productive fund .

  22. 如何打破公司的融资现状,筹集到足够的生产发展资金,已经成为公司迫切需要解决的问题。

    How to break the present predicament and obtain sufficient financing have become an imminent problem for H Company .

  23. 大力倡导由农村信用合作社推广小额信贷模式,解决生产急需资金;

    Initiates by the rural credit cooperative to promote the jot credit pattern vigorously , the solution production urgently needed fund ;

  24. 香港电视节目生产的资金来源,主要是企业投资或个人投资以及各种合资。

    The funding of Hong Kong TV program production mainly comes from business investment , personal investment and various joint ventures .

  25. 由于起重运输机械生产涉及资金大,周期长,一旦出现投资失误,将会造成无法弥补的损失。

    The lifting of the transport mechanism of capital in production , period , if you invest , will cause irreparable damage .

  26. 但是长期以来,我国生产建设资金主要依靠银行贷款,已给国有企业和银行增加双重压力。

    However , for a long time , production and construction were mainly financed by bank loans and this has resulted in heavy burden both on SOEs and banks .

  27. 十五以来,全路财会工作在提高运输经营效益、保证铁路建设生产发展资金、深化财务管理体制改革、规范资金管理和加强财会信息化建设等方面取得了良好的成绩。

    Since the Tenth Five-Year , railway accounting work has made great achievements on aspects of increasing transport benefit , ensuring construction fund , deepening reform of accounting management system , etc.

  28. 工业肩负着市场供应,出口创汇的重任,同时,也为生产积累资金两万五千六百四十一亿元。

    The industry now shoulders the task of supplying the Chinese market , earning foreign currency through exports and accumulating capital for the production of goods worth a total of2564.1 billion Yuan .

  29. 然后,对发达国家和地区建设工程安全生产专项资金管理模式进行分析,借鉴其中的成熟做法,指出对于我国的启示,包括健全的管理机制、有效的监管机制和成熟的保险机制。

    Then , analyze the special funds management mode in safety production of the developed countries and regions , including a sound management mechanism , the effective supervision mechanism and the mature insurance mechanism .

  30. 不仅是从挪威和俄罗斯到中东等油气生产国家资金充沛,同时贸易顺差的亚洲国家(尤其是中国)也正积累着巨额的外汇储备。

    Not only are oil and gas-producing countries from Norway and Russia to the Middle East flush with cash but Asian countries with trade surpluses - notably China - are building up huge reserves .