
  • 网络Social funds;social capital
  1. 论社会资金运动的宏观调控体系

    On the Macro - Control System of the Movement of Social Funds

  2. 注重吸纳社会资金,保持高储蓄和高投资率。

    Social funds are adopted so as to remain the high deposition and high rate of investment .

  3. BOT是目前世界上较为流行的吸引社会资金加强基础设施建设的一种投资经营模式。

    BOT is a world-wide prevailing mode to attract funds from the private sectors for infrastructure .

  4. 自2008年以来,私人信贷存量(即社会资金)与国内生产总值(GDP)之比,已从120%增至近180%。

    Since 2008 , the stock of private credit ( or social finance ) has grown from 120 per cent to nearly 180 per cent of GDP .

  5. 也就是说,影响国债发行规模的因素更多的是财政本身的收支状况和宏观经济形势,其余的因素,如GDP、社会资金的余缺、财政的投资规模,它们的影响相对较小。

    It is said that the factors affecting the debt-issuing are from the fiscal revenue , expenditure conditions and macroeconomic situation , but the others factors , such as GDP , the amount of social fund , and the scale of fiscal investment have less effect .

  6. 但地方财政资金短缺,于是地方政府把目光投向了BT这一项目融资模式,通过引入社会资金进行水利项目建设,水利BT项目由此产生。作为水利水电建设企业,面临前所未有的机遇。

    As a result , local governments set their sights on BT mode , type of financing model . Water conservancy project constructed through introducing social capital results in the establishment of BT. Water conservancy and hydropower construction enterprises are facing with unprecedented opportunities .

  7. 资金投入主要依靠吸收社会资金;

    Social capital is one of the major sources of financial input .

  8. 社会资金充裕,劳动力资源丰富。

    There is more than ample capital in society and plentiful labor resources .

  9. 对于无居民海岛的开发,将鼓励社会资金和外资进入。

    The SOA also encourages domestic and foreign investors to develop uninhabited islands .

  10. 学校如何扩大投资主体,吸引社会资金?

    How does the school increase the investment participants and attract the social fund ?

  11. 社会资金流动和发展资本市场

    Flow of Funds and Development of Capital Market

  12. 国家财政收支状况良好,金融体系稳健,社会资金充裕;

    We have a healthy fiscal balance , a sound financial system and adequate funds .

  13. 无论是对已建工程的维护管理,还是新建工程均需要庞大的社会资金投入。

    Maintenance to already running project and construction of new projects all need enormous investment .

  14. 吸纳社会资金,参与旅游开发。

    Absorb social fund to develop tourism .

  15. 欠发达地区高职院校吸纳社会资金加快图书馆自动化、网络化建设初探

    Absorb idle funds to build automatization of professional college 's library in short of developed area

  16. 加快投融资体制改革,广泛吸引社会资金,规范合资铁路管理;

    Accelerate investment and financing reform , absorb social input , regulate management of joint-venture railway ;

  17. 金融市场的发展,提高了社会资金配置和使用效率。

    The development of the financial market has increased the distribution and utilization efficiency of social capital .

  18. 为什么微观企业资金匮乏而宏观社会资金相对充盈?

    Why capital seems deficient in firms from the microscopic perspective while relatively sufficient in the macroscopic society ?

  19. 另外,公用事业对追求稳定回报的社会资金具有强烈的吸引力。

    Moreover , the public utilities have the intense attraction to the social fund which pursue stable repayment .

  20. 但城市轨道交通做为公共交通的一种,其投资回报率并不高,使得城市轨道交通项目中社会资金参与度低。

    As a kind of public transport , there is low participation of social capital in urban rail transit .

  21. 而另一方面,中国居高不下的储蓄率却一直保持着极为可观的社会资金供给能力。

    On the other hand , the loftily savings ratio in china went on keeping preferably serviceability of social fund .

  22. 中国人民银行是中央银行,它是社会资金管理的的总枢纽。

    B , The People 's Bank of China , the central bank , is the pivot of social-money management .

  23. 独立学院是采用民营机制,实现了优质的高等教育资源和社会资金整合的一种有效形式。

    Independent college , which adopts private mechanism , is an effective integration form of quality education resources and social fund .

  24. 社会资金转移能够有效地刺激消费,同时保护穷人避免危机的最坏影响。

    Social transfers have been effective in both stimulating spending and protecting the poor from the worst effects of the crisis .

  25. 第四、把持健全体育组织,引入社会资金发展群众体育。

    Fourth , control and improve the sports organizations , the introduction of social capital to the development of mass sports .

  26. 作为社会资金供应与需求传递的中介,商业银行能够依靠自身的资产与负债结构创造出流动性。

    As social capital supply and demand intermediary , commercial banks can create liquidity by the structure of assets and liabilities .

  27. 金融市场体系日趋完善,社会资金配置和使用效率稳步提高。

    The financial market system is being completed , and the distribution and utilization efficiency of social capital have increased steadily .

  28. 着力优化投资结构,引导社会资金投向发展的薄弱环节。

    We will work hard to improve the distribution of investment and guide non-government investment into areas that are developing poorly .

  29. 中国资金运用效率的高低很大程度上取决于占社会资金78%以上的银行业的资金效率。

    The capital efficiency depends critically on the banking industry which accounts for 78 % of total capital in the country .

  30. 较强的利率调控敏感性能够促进社会资金的优化配置。

    The stronger sensibility to the adjustment and control of the interest can promote the optimum allocation of the social funds .