
  • 网络enterprise fund
  1. 应用服务提供商ASP模式,是当前解决中小型企业资金和管理人员缺乏等造成信息化进展缓慢的有效途径。

    Application serves the effective approach providing the business ASP pattern , being informatization resolve middle small enterprise fund and handling crew insufficiency etc. currently bringing about make slow progress .

  2. 第四章针对CD企业资金管理中存在的问题,结合资金集中管理理论,就如何建立科学、有效的资金管理体系提出系统化的解决方案。

    The fourth chapter the question which exists in view of the CD enterprise fund management in , the union fund centralized management theory , how establishes scientifically , the effective fund management system proposes the systematized solution .

  3. ERP软件因其蕴涵着先进的管理思想,能将企业资金、物流和信息资源重新整合,实施ERP系统成了众多制造企业信息化选择目标。

    ERP has become informatization goal for many manufacturing enterprises because it contains advanced management concepts and can consolidate capital , logistics and information resources for the enterprise effectively .

  4. ERP模式下财务信息与相关业务信息的集成实现了企业资金流、业务流、信息流的统一。

    The information integration of financial system and relative business system has realized the unification of fund flow , the business flow and the information flow of the enterprise on the basis of ERP .

  5. 强化铁路运输企业资金管理的研究

    A Research to Strengthen the Management on Railway Transportation Enterprises ' Funds

  6. 高技术虚拟企业资金供应链管理模式研究

    Study on the Management Pattern of Capital Supply Chain for High-tech Virtual Enterprise

  7. 企业资金违规流入股市

    Irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock market

  8. 浅谈施工企业资金紧缺的原因及对策

    Causes of funds shortage in construction enterprises and countermeasures

  9. 现行增值税制对企业资金周转的负面影响

    The Negative Impact of Current Added Value Tax on Turnover of Business Fund

  10. 小企业资金融通问题与对策

    Fund - raising Problems of Small Enterprises and Countermeasures

  11. 此后,直接融资成为解决农业龙头企业资金问题的重要途径。

    And then , direct financing becomes an important way to solving the problem .

  12. 企业资金流管理系统;

    The enterprise cash flow management system ;

  13. 保险企业资金管理有着极其丰富的内涵,这决定了影响保险企业资金管理因素的多样化。

    The capital operation of insurance enterprises is enriched by various kinds of economic factors .

  14. 企业资金短缺,是束缚企业发展的主要问题。

    The fund short is now the main problem to stop developing of the enterprise .

  15. 企业资金的筹集与管理

    The Financing and Management of Business Funds

  16. 企业资金周转问题浅议

    Analysis on Enterprises ' Capital Turnover

  17. 浅议施工企业资金管理

    Fund Control of Construction Enterprise

  18. 为什么微观企业资金匮乏而宏观社会资金相对充盈?

    Why capital seems deficient in firms from the microscopic perspective while relatively sufficient in the macroscopic society ?

  19. 创新基金的设立可以解决科技型中小企业资金短缺的问题。

    The establishment of innovation fund may settle the problem of fund shortage in the medium-and small-size enterprises .

  20. 影响企业资金安全的主要因素有财权的独立性、信息的不对称性等。

    The main factors that affect the safety of fund include independence of financial rights , information symmetry , etc.

  21. 在前述对会计信息及不确定性信息概念的基础上,提出了会计信息不确定性的内涵,认为会计信息的不确定性是指:作为显信息的会计信息偏离企业资金运动价值方面的潜信息的特性。

    Deterministic intension of the accounting information uncertainty is the goal in this chapter . Relevant concepts are discussed .

  22. 其实质是将应收账款蕴含的财产价值提前变现,加快企业资金回笼。

    Its essence is the use of cash value of accounts receivable early and accelerating capital return of enterprises .

  23. 股份公司是同现代市场经济相适应的企业资金组织形式和社会化经营机制。

    The share company is an enterprise capital organization form and its socialized management organization suited to the modern market economy .

  24. 这种算法的提出为加速企业资金周转、加强财务管理提供了一种更有效的方法。

    An efficient approach of accelerating capital turnover in enterprises and enforcing financial management can be obtained by adopting the new algorithm .

  25. 知识产权质押融资是解决知识产权企业资金紧张的一个重要途径,这个途径对于中小企业来说尤为重要。

    Intellectual property in enterprises pledge financing is an important way to financial constraints , this approach is particularly important for SME .

  26. 资金集中管理能有效降低企业资金成本,提升企业价值,控制资金风险。

    Centralized management of funds can reduce the corporate cost of capital to enhance corporate value , so as to control financial risk .

  27. 而全球经济的高通胀带来了货币紧缩的预期,货币紧缩将导致企业资金短缺。

    And the global economy brought high inflation expectations of tighter monetary conditions , monetary tightening will lead to a shortage of funds business .

  28. 随着商业信用的迅速发展,相关单位间的债务链已成为企业资金周转的一大阻力;

    With the rapid development of business credit , the liability link of related enterprise has became the obstruction of turner of business fund .

  29. 结果表明,运用营运资本需求法能够更准确地判断企业资金的流动性和偿债能力。

    The results show that using working capital requirement to analyze enterprises'asset liquidity and debt capacity is more correct than that using traditional one .

  30. 另一方面国有企业资金严重不足与闲置浪费并存,国有企业资本运营效益低下,经济效益滑坡。

    On the other hand , the fund of state_owned enterprises lacks severely and waste coexist , the state_owned enterprises of capital management low efficiency .