
  1. 儒家的忠君思想,演化为日本人爱国、爱企业的风气。

    The ethos of Japanese patriotism and enterprise-loving evolves from the thought of being loyal to the ruler in Confucian thought .

  2. 有人甚至认为,中国政府空前的反腐运动——以及英国制药公司葛兰素史克(GlaxoSmithKline)因在华业务腐败丑闻而遭受打击的令人警醒的案例——并未能刹住企业贪腐风气。

    Some even believe the Chinese government 's unprecedented anti-corruption campaign - and the sobering example of GlaxoSmithKline , the UK pharmaceutical company brought low by a corruption scandal at its China operations - have failed to put an end to corporate graft .